kita mikichi (Fan Art Portfolio) Nuzlocke Meme

Nuzlocke Meme
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"How is this a Nuzlocke meme?" you ask? The answer is, I saw ChiPolVee do this meme and thought it looked cool, so even though there are no gijinka OCs here, there you have it -- my OCs matched to the quotes.

"My kindness is not weakness"
-- Kita, Eternal Rain
She's a nice person, but that doesn't mean she can't kick butt when the situation demands it.

"My confidence is not arrogance"
-- Takeshi, Eternal Rain
He's out to save the world, and he knows he can do it -- with lots of help. He relies on advice and support from his teacher and friends.

"My tough shell is easily broken"
-- Reka, Eternal Rain
He's strong on the outside but psychologically fragile.

"My light heart is also sincere"
-- Toki, Eternal Rain
She may not be the brightest or the strongest, but she reaches people with her sincere words and efforts.

"My life is not a game"
-- Haru, Dreamer
He's treated as a tool by the people who gave him his healing abilities, and he's had enough.

"My innocence is not ignorance"
-- Naoyuki, So Distant
He may just be a kid, but life has not been kind to him. He's sensitive to other people's feelings, as well.

"My bravery is never foolish"
-- Shaoqiang, Eternal Rain
He's strong and level-headed, knowing when to fight and when to fall back.

"My compassion spreads hope"
-- Mara, Eternal Rain
Her strength is her positivity. She motivates and brings cheer to the people around her.

"My weakness is my strength"
-- Khalil, dis-colour*
He struggles with psychological scars and panic attacks. But his drive to overcome his weakness in order to protect his friends makes him stronger.

"My calm hides a storm"
-- Hikari, Search for the Sky
He generally grins and bears it when he's mistreated; but catch him in one of his "mood swings", and he can be explosively aggressive.

Feel free to steal the meme! Original list of quotes here
*dis-colour roleplay (c) respective owners

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
dis-colour, dreamer, eternal rain, nuzlocke meme, OCs, search for the sky, so distant
8 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
Dianote Groovy Boar Ellenor Mererid OoAnBuOo neilly Kazamas-Keyblade
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