A repost of an art I submitted to Deviant Art. Longer description and higher quality can be found here.
Been awhile since I submitted something here. I made this art in awareness for Net neutrality. The us Congress is close to possibly forcing the vote via CRA or congressional review act. I support an internet that's weird and open. While we pay to has access to the internet from our houses, we don't have restricted access to the websites we browse. If net neutrality gets fully repealed, which will happen on April 23rd....this would open the door to throttled and restricted access to the websites we normally browse.
What does this have to do with me? You ask, well a lot. You enjoy the internet right? Imagine if you had to pay a fee to access sites like theotaku or YouTube or any other site you frequent. Doesn't sound very nice does it? My point is that us artists and creators (be it professional or hobbyists) create work to bring joy to millions of people who also enjoy anime and other fandoms. If net neutrality is fine, our audiences will be reduced and we possibly couldn't shade our work, I'm deeply bothered by this for many reasons.
But net neutrality was voted to be ganked in December, is it gone?
No. Not yet. Net Neutrality protections are still active until April 23. This may not affect thise outside the USA, however other countries may follow how the internet is structured. But we still have a chance to fight back and save the internet as we know it now. The Senate has 50 votes to save net Neutrality, they need one more vote....and this could be a thing.
So Bakura and i are fighting for the internet in this piece. I don't want an internet run by corporate greed. Enjoy the art, spread awareness please. I don't post political stuff here but this one is important. So regardless, please enjoy the art. Thanks for views/favorites/comments and support. It is always appreciated,
- Judai