Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Firey Pirate (Redraw) 2011~2014~2019

Firey Pirate (Redraw) 2011~2014~2019
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First Redraw of this: x1(March 2014)

OriginaL (May 2011)



Since I wanted to draw and create something. I figured I'd revisit an old drawing of mine. I made the first version in 2011 with my friends in the background, also I was obsessed with Shugo Chara, Kingdom Hearts, and Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's at the time of creating that drawing. It's actually aged quite well. I still have the original drawing. I can't say the same for the 2014 version. I wish I had it as well, that one was very intense and a nice one as well.

When drawing the first draft, I had a thing for pirates. I had this idea that as a pirate I would be able to appropriate and use anyone's weapon temporarily. So I thought it be cool if I could use one of Axel's chakrams and summon a fiery dragon. Anyways that and I was going through a hard time when I drew it. So it's one of those drawings that are like a weird time capsule. It's also challenging to even attempt to redraw it. Every version has been something different.

The 2019 version is vastly different from the first two versions. First off all, I'm a man now where as the first two I was depicted as a girl. That's obviously not true now is it? Also, I have improved quite a bit since 2011 and 2014. I will talk about this one when I upload it separately.

Anyways, thought it would be fun to recreate a piece from a long time ago. I've come a long ways and I've come a lot to learn still. We never stop learning as artists or human beings.

Enjoy the art.

Personal Fan Art
anime, ANIMEself, axel, bows, chakram, dragon, fanart, fire, flames, friends, keyblade, kingdom hearts, luke, me, naruto, pirate, redraw, roxas
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