Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Sky the Ninetales hanging out.

Sky the Ninetales hanging out.
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What would Sky the Vulpix look like if he evolved into a Ninetales? Pretty much like this in this drawing. His mane is kind of messy sort of like my hair is in real life. He also wears a hoodie and drinks coffee too and hangs out on the internet a lot. This is basically me as a Ninetales hanging out in my bedroom or an abstract version of it anyways.

This drawing is my first entry for the Favorite Pokemon drawing challenge. One of my all time favorite Pokemon is Ninetales. I like Ninetales because they're a majestic and engimatic nine tailed fire fox. Plus the lore behind Ninetales is really cool. In one Pokedex entry, a vengeful Ninetales can curse somebody for 1,000 years for touching one of its tails without permission.

Another bit of lore is that nine wizards or mystics are sealed within the nine tails of this Pokemon. Ninetales and Vulpix learn a quite a few ghost abilities like confuse ray, will o' wisp, and Extra sensory. I always thought that Ninetales and Vulpix could be psychic or ghost as a secondary typing. It be cool anyways.

Enough of my blabbing. Enjoy the drawing.

Pokemon Fan Art
bedroom, favorite pokemon, ninetales, pokemon, pokesona, shiny, shiny ninetales, sky
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misachan83 Keba Si Rota
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