Vellatra (Fan Art Portfolio) OCtober 12th: A Shy OC

OCtober 12th: A Shy OC
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Once upon a time, there was a simple country man and his wife who lived in the forest. They were very happy there, but there was one thing they did not have, and that was a child. Then, one day when the wife was coming outside to feed the birds, she found a baby girl lying on the doorstep, crying and shivering. She brought the baby inside to her husband.

“Look what I have found,” she said. “She must be a gift from the fairies.” They named the child Llevarta, and raised her as their own.

As she grew, Llevarta began to manifest special abilities. Her family just assumed this was part of being a fairy-child, but I think you, the reader, probably know better. She herself never realizes it, but she was the very first arrival to Silen Fah from a different world. While she isn't a major character, some of her descendants are, and they've all inherited various powers from her. Five of them will be appearing later in the month so I won't elaborate just yet.

Llevarta had the misfortune to fall in love with a man from the Merfaen tiz Ornaru. They kept their romance a secret for as long as they could, but eventually her parents found out and they promptly eloped. Unable to live with either of their peoples, they found a remote area of the woods and built their home there. Together, they lived happily ever after... until something happened. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

While she isn't afraid to talk to people by any means, Llevarta is fairly soft-spoken and introverted, so I thought she qualified for OCtober 12th's challenge, "A Shy OC". Off the top of my head I can't think of a truly "shy" character... hm.

Other Books/Comics Fan Art
Challenge, Fah, Fairies, Fairy, Llevarta, Merfaen, mysterious, OC, OCtober, Original, Ornaru, Silen, Silen Fah, tiz
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