Vellatra (Fan Art Portfolio) OCtober 28th: With a Tragic Past

OCtober 28th: With a Tragic Past
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Today's OCtober challenge is "an OC with a tragic past", so it's probably the day when everybody posts their favorite OC, right? This is Vellatra, my all-time favorite OC and my namesake on a hundred bajillion websites. (Her name is completely made-up so nobody's taken it yet on any platform! Very handy.)

Vellatra is the result of the forbidden union between Drackio, a fi from the Merfaen tiz Ornaru, and Llevarta , the human who was raised in Silen Fah. Llevarta went missing and was apparently killed when Vellatra was a baby, so Drackio left their secret house in the woods and went back to the Merfaen, taking her with him. He remarried in a short time and Vellatra's stepmother told everyone she was her biological mother, to help Drackio keep his secret.

When she grew up, Vellatra married Lucard and had three children. Lucard was the captain of the fien division in the army, so their son Nabikio went into training to take his father's place when the time came. On his first training day in the field, Lucard was killed and Nabikio was taken prisoner. Heartbroken over Lucard's death and terrified for her son, Vellatra started going on secret sabotage missions against the Jelturen, always leaving a message behind for the enemy: "Return my child." The Jelturen did eventually surrender every prisoner they had, but Nabikio was not among them. Vellatra never did figure out where her son was, so she suspects the worst. While her efforts didn't do anything to get Nabikio back, the Merfaturen did get a significant advantage in the war, and when they eventually found out who was behind these frightening attacks, they made Vellatra the commander-in-chief of the army - a job she didn't want, but reluctantly agreed to. Now she's doing everything she can to end the war - and the suffering - as quickly as possible... and since the country's judges won't let it end with a peace treaty, that's bad news.

Other Books/Comics Fan Art
Backstory, Challenge, Fi, Fia, Fien, Flaming Father, Merfaen, Merfaen tiz Ornaru, OC, OCtober, Original, Silen Fah, Vellatra, Vellatra tiz Drackio
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kita mikichi
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