Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Forever Connected

Forever Connected
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Damn, I worked for a long time on this sucker. But here it is, all done. I did this canvas painting featuring Battler (right) and Beatrice(left) drawn in a similar style of the KH3 illustration of Sora and Kairi sharing paopu fruits.

It is said in Kingdom Hearts Lore that if you share a paopu fruit with someone, you're forever connected to that person. I thought this fit with Battler and Beatrice given they're intertwined in each other's lives in the story of Umineko. Not gonna give away spoilers because you should read Umineko if you haven't. It's seriously one of the best stories I've experienced. I'm long overdue to do something featuring Beatrice and Battler so here it is.

Time spent (est) two days, and probably over 6+ hours
Materials: Canvas (medium size), paints, sharpies for outlines, Photoshop for enhancing colors, phone camera to take picture
Characters: Golden Witch Beatrice and Battler Ushiromiya
Inspired/Referenced by this image

EdiT: I just realized this is my 240th fanart submission here on theOtaku.com. Thought that was pretty neat. This was a good piece to fill that spot.

Umineko no Naku Koro ni Fan Art
battler, battler ushiromiya, beatrice, canvas, clouds, couple, cute, dusk, fantasty, golden witch, kingdom hearts, ocean, painting, paopu fruit, pretty, romance, sunrise, sunset, umineko no naku koro ni, ushiromiya battler, water, water reflection
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