kita mikichi (Fan Art Portfolio) 2022 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review
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And we've reached the end of another year.

Artistically, I can sum up 2022 as a year of practicing and refining. I worked on anatomy (particularly during OCtober) and clothing wrinkles. I also got to practice drawing animals during OCtober! ^-^ I experimented more with ProCreate, but did not really do the 100%-digital drawing that I'd hoped to work on with that. The bulk of my artwork this year was in traditional media.

January: Cloud Strife, Final Fantasy VII
February: Pikachu, Pokemon
March: I continued working on Pet Projects throughout the year. This is the first drawing of the main cast together in color. Story (c) me, original adoptable designs (c) respective creators on DA.
April: Koyuki Sasamori, Iris Zero
May: I redrew this pic of Reka in attempt to fix the anatomy and a very prominent missing detail from the 2008 drawing. Reka Norikawa, Eternal Rain: REVISITED (c) me
June: Still struggling with the Eternal Rain universe. Its world-building has been refined as I worked more on the series, leading to a full rewrite, and Natsumi needed to be renamed and redesigned to fit the target culture I was aiming for. Nasim Patil, Eternal Storm (c) me
July: Khalil Evans, dis-colour RP
August: Veld & Elfe, Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII
September: Kiyu Ahn, Your Smile is a Trap
October: Noemie, Pet Projects; story (c) me, original adoptable design (c) MissMajaG on DA
November: Naoyuki Kondo, So Distant (c) me
December: Kouta Mizuhara, Kono Oto Tomare

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