CrazyOldReb (Fan Art Portfolio) Greetings, My Love

Greetings, My Love
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In the year 1181, Prince Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd and Princess Edelgard von Hresvelg lost to a stranger in a game of Spicky Ball. In consequence, they surrendered their respective heirships to him, Dimitri by bringing him into the royal family as his older brother, and Edelgard by betrothing him. This picture depicts Crown Prince Waluigi entering the emperor's palace to greet his beloved, with various others looking on.

From left to right: Wario, Rufus, Dimitri, Waluigi, Edelgard, Ionius IX, and Claude.
Claude is the leader of the Golden Deer, the group from the only country Waluigi hasn't taken over. (Yet.)
Ionius is Edelgard's dad, and the emperor. He's cool with this whole thing, maybe partly because he's about as responsible as Couch Sonic.
Rufus is Dimitri's (and Waluigi's, apparently) uncle, and the current regent. He's a bit perturbed about the situation. And based on who's right beside him, about to become more so.
Thank you for hosting Secret Santa! And Merry belated Christmas, you awesome sister, you! Have a blessed new year! <3

Crossover Video Games Fan Art
AU, Claude, Claude von Riegan, Crossover, Dimitri, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Edelgard, Edelgard von Hresvelg, FE16, FE3H, Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem Claude, Fire Emblem Dimitri, Fire Emblem Edelgard, Fire Emblem Ionius, Fire Emblem Rufus, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Fire Emblem Waluigi, Ionius, Ionius Hresvelg, Ionius IX, Mario, My heart wahs for you, Prince Waluigi, Princess Edelgard, Rufus, Rufus Thierry Blaiddyd, Secret Santa, Secret Santa 2022, Super Mario, Waluigi, Waluigi Wasantino Blaiddyd, Wario, Wario Bros.
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