kita mikichi (Fan Art Portfolio) Playing Favorites

Playing Favorites
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Bad artist is playing favorites again!! XD Welp, this is for nikkeh's "Draw That OC" challenge, and obviously I couldn't stick to just one. So here's a whole bunch being random -- well, Kita being random and the rest trying to figure out what she's going on about. ^.^'

The characters (and why they're a fave of mine) from right to left:

  • Kita (Eternal Rain universe): I may have stolen her name for my online alias, but she has the near-opposite temperament of mine -- a rambunctious, super-impulsive ball of spontaneity and energy. She's the most fun to draw and write.
  • Hikari (Search for the Sky): Oh, the drama with this one. He's generally harmless and laid-back; but push his buttons, and he's a box of surprises. A favorite to write because of all of his psychological weirdnesses.
  • Reka (Eternal Rain universe): This guy's developed the most over my ten-plus -- almost 20?!? -- years of working on this project. Way too much fun to put on interview memes because of his intense dislike of being interrogated and his bashfulness with romance questions. Drawing his reactions is fun too. XD On the more serious side, he's a favorite because I wish I had his bravery -- though not his recklessness.
  • Naoyuki (So Distant): 3 words -- He's a cinnamon-roll!! (Is that technically 4 words? Oh, well.) And also interesting to write in terms of character psychology. I put him through heck in his novel, so I like drawing him happy.
  • Khalil (roleplay character for dis-colour and Prismatic Haven on DA): Music-loving cinnamon-roll. Also, a tidbit I don't think I've shared before: his struggles with panic attacks were based off of a family member. It was my way of trying to empathize what that would be like (but it really made it painful when the dis-colour RP devolved into an intense semi-horror sci-fi with a ridiculously-high body count). He became another very well-developed, human character, and even though both his RPs are defunct now, I can't bring myself to let go of him.

And lastly, the context and dialogue for this pic:

In Adventures in OCdom, Naoyuki is always tagging along with Reka, and now Reka's had a crossover (not posted) where he's taking care of Khalil, so Kita's jealous that he gets "all the adorable little brothers of the world". XD (Kita, Reka is the "adorable little brother" you've adopted, okay?)

Kita: Since you get to adopt two adorable siblings, I get Toki and this one! *grabs Hikari*
Reka: In what universe does that logic fly?
Khalil (thinking): When did I become his "adorable sibling"?

Sorry for the text wall! XD Hope you like!!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
dis-colour, eternal rain universe, Hikari, khalil, kita, naoyuki, OCs, reka, search for the sky, so distant
7 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
Dianote nikkeh09 K Von Schneider S M Pendragon Rainbow Dragon
Member Dedication
Draw that O.C.
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