Thankyou dear!! :) I think its mainly the schedule change for me... I get so ingrained in my usual schedule that any changes (even more free time) send me into a busy-ness streak XD Seems like there's so much for me to do! I shall definitely be online more sometime soon tho! Then we can all RP and chat :D
Thankyou so much!!! Yeah it was lots of fun but quite a challenge at times XD I'm so proud and happy that you've been enjoying my drawings and doodles over the past month, that means a ton to me, Sindar! Thankyou again!!
WAH just popping online before bed, barely been able to get on here of late... But always wishing you to best, dear!!
^///^ Thankyou so much for all your support throughout this 30 day challenge, Chi!!! I'm so glad that you were interested and enjoyed looking at my drawings and doodles :D Thankyou! <3<3<3
Kyaaaaaaaa I will!! For you~ You inspire me to keep getting better!! Love you!
25: LOL yeah it was funny how I did an elderly lady for the day before my Age theme XD So I had to change up my ideas there!
26: Oh you're right! I sometimes have trouble with chibis too... yup I guess its all in the proportions :P I'm glad u like how Kaji turned out tho!
27: Lol that made me smile ^U^ I'm so proud to have finished this too! I'm cheering for you and can't wait to see your posts :D
28: ^////^ Thankyou!!
(just adding in my reply to your other comment here too so that I can fit everything in here!)
Day 29: Well thats ok^^ I love you just the same <3 Thankyou!
Day 30: I'm so glad you like it!! I didn't know what to do for the last day but I wanted to get it done XD It wasn't as challenging to draw a chibi, but it did take some effort to add the mini pictures... I'm so glad u enjoy it!!!!
And thankyou so much for hosting this event, it was a blast and has taught me a lot!! THANKYOU!! <3
Last edited by MangaKid at 11:30:32 PM EDT on July 1, 2013.
Thankyou, Judai!! Its great to hear from you! I've missed you, I haven't been online much myself of late. Hope you are doing well!
Hooray!! You're comment has made me so happy!! I'm really glad you love the Studio Ghibli movies too, I wish we could watch them together! They are the best anime in my opinion :)
Thanks a million, girl! Yes, if you draw more, I'll love looking at your art too! <3 Talk soon!
Day 29: I'm not sure what to say to this one, since we don't share the same religion. I do respect that you have the right to your beliefs.
Day 30: I think this is one of my favorites in this collection. Great work on the perspective! I like that you added all your past drawings in the last one. It all fits together nicely.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/30/13 | Reply
Yay! Way to go on finishing all of these – I can tell this was a big project! It was so much fun seeing all your drawings this month. Awesome job on all of them!! Love how you included them all in the last picture ^^
All I have left to say since I've spammed this enough over the last 30 days is that it was so wonderful! All of your hard work really paid off. Day 30 almost, it was just, I love it. It was so clever how you added the other pictures into it! It was amazing. I'm really impressed!
Also, congrats on finishing it! I's perfect in every way! Just like you! Keep being awesome Mangy dear! Though I know you will~ <3
25: I got confused from seeing an elderly person and thought THIS was the "age" day. Glad your comment set me straight. Yes, drinking a bottle of some suspicious liquid IS crazy.
26: Yeah, kids have different proportions than adults, so that's why they can be tricky to draw. I think you did a good job with Kaji, though.
27: So what if you're posting the three-day countdown on the second to last day? You're still the second most on-time poster in this event.
28: The hat! THE HAT! You look so cute.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Love the latest pages~<33 especially the young Kaji. Too cute for words~<33 I love Kaji. I wants to hug him. *hugs Kaji*
I love the chibi and full versions of yourself. They are epic~<3 I love your drawing of Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. Loved that movie. Studio Ghibli is epic! I loved the Secret World of Arriettie (or the Borrower Ariettie). beautiful art in all those movies. I loves them to pieces. Anyway I digress.
Epic art is beyond epic (I need to draw more) and I loves this whole collection of amazingly epic art<3 miss you Jess.
Yes!!! Oh no problem! I'm glad u didn't really notice too much when you first viewed it^^" Lol Yay!!!
You're very welcome! It was about time I got to draw one of your OCs anyhow!
Ahaha we're both hyper and happy! :D Oh, it's ok that the perspective seemed a little funny, but thank you for taking the time to fix it. Yeah, I mean, his toy's cute but you drew it so cutely it's like I'm on a cuteness overload! *gasp* thank you!!
YES *fist pump* Thankyou, Silver!! Yay!! It was hard since I usually would like to spend more time on creepy art to create an atmosphere instead of just sketching some characters... but I'm really glad this passes!! ^U^
LOOOOL!!! I'm totally thrilled that you like how I drew Jay, Elricz!!! I actually just fixed up his head a teeny bit since I felt like the perspective was off... I had drawn it in a weird angle and when I straightened the notebook, I was like... ugh his head it stretched. But I'm super glad you like this!!!!! Oh I definitely couldn't leave out his octopus toy, it was so cute!!! LOL You're getting me all hyper too xD I'm really happy!!
Day 22: HOLY FAZOODLES JAY LOOKS FRACKING AMAZINGLES!!!!!!!!! And you even added his octopus toy!!! ADFLDJLAJDKSGDKAHSHJKL!!! I'm practically dying of awe and skipping crazily in circles at the same time! Gyaaaa~! *faints from amazingness*
I'm so glad you're so happy! I love happy Jenny~ <3 <3 *huggle* It makes me happy too! And the picture was so cute! Well done~ Family for the win!
Yup yup~ You passed the creepy test for me anyway~ I loved it~
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Chi! Thankyou for the lovely awesome comment again, you made me smile as I read it!!
ashfjklah Hooray!! I'm super glad u like 24! I used a ref picture so it helped a lot^^ But I've been wanting to draw them together as a family :D LOL Thanks! >/////< WAH I'm practically bouncing with happiness, thankyou!!
GAH thankyou so much, Chivee!! So I passed the creepiness test? :D
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! (That's not even kind of English, sorry) BUT OH MY GOOD GOODNESS!! 24 is sooo cute!! I can't even! I love it so much! Thank you thank you thank you!! You're simply the best! Its so cute! I never want to hear you say you can't draw girls again Gabriella looks so good and Girl Child is so cute! So so precious! And Luke! Luke~ I love you Luke~ <3 This is amazing!
23 made my jaw drop, it's really good and really worrisome... I love it~ As a horror fan, I can see this being an wonderfully creepy plot~ <3
You've done such a great job on all of them though! You should be so proud! :D
LOL sorry for all the edits on the previous comment. I just keep typing like there's no tomorrow xD
OH Hooray!!! *cheers* Thannkyou Bonnie!
Lol I'm so glad u like him and the octopus :D
IKR? I can't believe it, I'm probably going to feel like I'll have so much more time on my hands once this is done O_o Its been so fun!
OH thankyou for the extra comments too, Bonnie!! LOL i'm glad u think its creepy, sorry about that tho^^" I hope not too! UGH Thats such a disgusting and weird dream!! xD
LOL a god parent? YES you should bring your OCs to the OC Universe and RP with everyone sometime, its quite fun, especially when you have lots of free time :D
Thankyou so much, dear!!!!!! :D
Last edited by MangaKid at 4:46:58 PM EDT on June 24, 2013.
COMMENT #200! WOOOO! Day 22 looks sooooo cool :) Da little octopus is so adorable!! >O< It's both exciting and sad you're almost done the 30 day challenge! ;A; will restrain self from tearing up
EDIT: 23 is creepy ;A; If I have dreams about that (already had dreams about centipede/worm things attack me and consuming me from the inside out) it'll be all your fault! LOL XD
EDIT #2: *O* Dat's so cute. I wanna be a god parent >D Well actually one of my OC's should be x3
Last edited by ItachiSasuke at 4:43:21 PM EDT on June 24, 2013.
You aren't acting stupid about it. Trust me. Cuz if you were, then I'd have acted stupidly about most of my artwork. *shot*
Haha, Shar Peis are so adorable~ *runs away singing, "floppy floppy flopadoodle"*
Oh I should be here a bit, but I have lots of drawings to catch up on Dx and some dog-walks to do that I usually wouldn't have.. But yes, see you later!
Okay~ I'll send it to you~ You can read it anytime~ <3 Thank you lovely~
Have a great night and Sunday will you not be here? and I will talk to you soon~ Sweet dreams~ Good night~ <3
Ooo that'd be good! Yeah, I wanna see how you write~ I'm sure you are great, I know it from the way you speak and RP <3
Yup, take your time! I'm going to head to bed now actually since I'm so drained, but I'll be good after sleeping^^ Love u and hope u have a great night and Sunday <3
It'll take some time, the story starts up slow, but I can show you a little description of a horror game I love that I wrote up earlier to show you my style~ Thanks for this Jen~ You always make me want to be a better everything I can be~
Oh of course!! You can PM me whenever you'd like to share <3 I think it'll be neat seeing characters I know from RPs in a story of your own :) And I'll definitely not make fun of you!!!
Oh um! I totally could show you, but um, n-not here... um um... I'm actually very shy about showing others my writings... so um... please don't make fun of me or anything um... um, um... so um... yeah... want me to send you a PM or something?
Uh.... um... not mine, just take my word for it... I like gorror honey, it has nothing to do with the writing, I'm trying to save YOU from reading it... Yeah, but thank you for wanting to~ <3 It means a lot to me~
Haha~ No you wouldn't~ I understand~ RPs are actually where I create the characters I use in my stories~ Like Gabby, Alice and Jamie make it into the one I'm currently writing~ :3
Oh don't feel bad, Ramen! I feel bad for not replying to you till now, sorry about that! I'm very happy that you enjoyed my drawings when you took a look through this comic :D
Its been really fun! I've fallen behind on the last two drawings tho, I'll have to catch up tomorrow!
Thankyou, hope the same for you and Panda!
Lol yes he was so cool! I'd love to see him more~ Gah I know what you mean! I've been able to draw but it seems life has been busier then ever! If everything is going well with you though, thats good! I'll look forward to seeing art from you sometime, soon I hope~
Day 19: LOL!! While drawing it, I also wanted to find a Shar Pei somewhere and pet it!! xD So i know wat u mean!
Lol Thankyou for being so kind though!! I don't mean to act stupid about it, I'm just never happy when my drawings don't work out like how I wanted ^^"
Day 18: Great tips about folds in fabric. I'll have to keep that in mind. I also think it was fitting to add a Shar Pei, complete with skin folds, to your picture.
Day 19: I like how Luke turned out. The breed of dog is very fitting.
Day 20: Ghibli LOOKS hard to draw. I think the dogs came out the best. I like the one in the front with its short, little legs.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Luke is even cute as a puppy! I love all the little doggies all over 18 and 19~ They're so good and so cute~ And you seem to be drawing Mr. Lucian Jade more often now~ <3 I'm glad to see it~ This is very good and I love it~
Day 19: FLOPPY DOGGY IS ADORABLE! <3 I just wanna play with its floppy skin *weirdness alert goes off*
I finally got a chance to reply to your comment from three days ago, so here goes:
I guess if you like it a bit more than you used to, that's all the thankyou I need. After all, I can't force you to like something. Which means I should stop trying OTL
I'm loving all of your drawings so far, Jen! And they're all so creative~ I'm definitely looking forward to your next ones~ ;D
Haha, I totally forgot about my laptop OC! I did want him in a story that I had an idea of, but I'm waiting til I finish Question Cafe (if I ever do LOL!) Gosh, I've been so busy this summer, I haven't been able to draw anything decent lately~ D:
Lol your comment made me all happy and made me laugh too! Thanks Sammi!
WAH actually, around Day 5, it did get hard xD But now its going smoothly again... I'm sure there'll be another tough moment but its actually been fun! Its only a challenge when I don't have ideas or I get too busy >3<
I'm so glad you're enjoying my work though!! There's six other people doing this challenge too <3
GAH I can't believe it! O_o Idk what to say to you >u< ashdfjsalhfjsdkalf I wanna say thankyou but idk how!! xD
I really appreciate that you like this, even tho I still don't >3< but you've made me like it a bit more then I used to x)
Thankyou, Judai! I'm so glad you like it <3 Thanks for taking a look! Its totally fine, dear!
Weeeeee~ You make me so happy!
Yeah we can totally do an art trade, but just after I catch up and finish another art trade. It'll have to be in the summer, is that ok? <3 This 30 day challenge ends by July so then I'll have some time to catch up with things^^
I just realized I haven't replied to your older comment too so I'm grouping them together here^^ Also thankyou so much for keeping up with my posts here and taking the time to comment on each day!!!! I appreciate it a lot <3
Day 13: I actually drew Pegasus in pink pencil but changed it purply after <3 Thankyou!
Day 14: Lol I was surprised that I never drew it before, but it is kinda awkward to draw^^'
Day 15: Hooray!! >:D My mission has been accomplished :D Seriously tho, this challenge has been fun but challenging!! xD
Day 16: GAH I only scribbled it out >3< I had a ref pic to give me an idea too, or else I'd fail xP I also studied motorcycles a while ago.
Day 17: Oooo I can't wait to see it!!
Thankyou again for the lovely comments, I shall spam u once you get your art up too. I'm looking forward to it!
Beautiful artwork. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with the latest pages. I love all the new pages. Especially the kissing art. So beautiful~<3333 they're so cute together. I love all the new pages. Also the pegasus is beautiful~<333 I love horses. You draw epic animals. Just beautiful. Just beautiful. Could we do another art trade soon? Maybe?
Day 8 Ah ^ ^ Nice referance sheet on your human version of Judah! I think thats cool.
day 9 lol, I would have never gussed that that was suppose to be Lucian xD ..of course it's not, it's his opposite x3 but still! lol
day 10 djkaghdkjhsljkghdsklja Oh mi goodness >////////< So cute!!! You simply must do some more drawings like this when you have nothing else to draw! Love it <3
day 11 Ah 8) Nice! I like drawings like this. Brother Branham cheers me up too <3
day 12 Wow XD The awesome drawings just keep coming!!! Yep, it's the truth, we've been there, wish I was there now. Jen this is not a bad drawing like you let on = = this is better then what I could do.
day 13 Purple o3o Pegasus! Haha, cool! I would want a off treasure planet.
day 14 Ah ^//^ how romantic and sweet........I always feel the need to laugh at romantic and sweet things, but nevertheless, it is sweet x) The drawing looks neat, did you just sketch it with pencils?
Ah, day 12, I'm glad your doing that 30 day challenge thing, it's cool too see so many different drawings all at once! >U< lol
And sowie o3o I do enjoy drawing still life more than manga, but mainly because I'm just not good at drawing manga Oo
Pfft... it really isn't sloppy, it looks so cool and digital-old-timey-painting-y! Calling it sloppy is an injustice to the drawing itself, as well as your abilities. If you insist on referring to it as 'sloppy,' at least call it 'sloppy awesomeness!' I don't think you could make a sloppy drawing if you tried, really I don't.
WAH I'm so so so happy you love this!!!! It was fun to draw them, they're so cute together <3 Weeeeeeee~ I cannot wait to see your drawing of them!!! <3 Hooray! I didn't want to add any dark pen lines since I was afraid to mess up >U< So I kept it in pink pencil! shdjfklahf thankyou so much, Chi!!! Don't die tho! xD teehee
How many times can I like something? We need a LOVE THIS button or something because I LOVE THIS!! The little kissing scene is SO CUTE!! I love love love it~ <3 <3 It makes me want to hurry up and finish my picture of these two~ I love the color! I love the pose! I love love love this!! AMAZING!! *died on the floor from over-loving this*
asdhfjkalhfjadlfa My jaw dropped at your comment, Elric-chan!! O_O How, why?! Thankyou for saying so, but Day 12 was definitely sloppy.I was so disappointed Dx You made me feel happier about it, but really... you'd do better then that now! I just scribbled and still think I rushed and did a bad job.. But thankyou!!!
Welcome 8)
Ah, indeed. I would like to make a 30 day drawing challenge or something like that, but it wouldn't be drawing anime/manga much, it'd be more like, draw your favorite this or draw a scene from around where you live or some place you wish you could that kinda stuff x)
No. That's why you have friends is because you actually talk to the people who give you comments. You're so warm in friendly they can't help but follow you
Now that we're done making your head big keep up the good work!
Lol <3 I owe his creation to you cuz u encouraged me and helped me make him ^u^
Luke: *blinks, looking back to her* OoH!
Thankyou a million, my friend!!! <3
I love him and I plan to steal him lots~ He's so much fun to draw and look at~ He's like the ideal man~ <3
Gabriella: He is you Luke. *smiles at him* Silly boy~
Well if you want to make a girl, I can help~ Also if you need help making a character you know you can test run them with me~ Like I do with you~ <3
Lol Glad u think so, Silver!! I'm so glad you like him! *so happy*
Thanks so much, my friend!!! I appreciate it beyond words <3
Hahaha! >///U///< Oh man, thats thanks to all the great Otaku friends I have here like you <3 its also me replying and talking too much to everyone who comments xD
LOL Yay!!! I'm so glad u like Luke so much, that makes me more excited to work on his character and draw him more <3 Yes!! I'll draw him more when I can, you can borrow him anytime too~
LOL Gabby!!! Oh if only she could have known him when he was really like that!
Luke: *standing, confused* You love him? I thought you loved me... *looking at her with puppy dog eyes*
Haha yeah I should play a girl sometime tho, I do too many guys xD I'll do that tho, and bring in a puppy OC sometime soon, maybe in the summer!
Whoa. Lucian is hawt
Not that I pick people based on their outward appearances or anything XD I liked both sides of him, but this is definitely very attractive :3 His hair is just perfect.
I love looking at your constant submissions Manga-chan. Keep up the great work. We can't wait to see what you come up with next!
And I think you should get the reward for most comments on your art 0.0 That's a lot of comments and we're only on day 11 XD
Last edited by silvershriek at 7:41:28 PM EDT on June 11, 2013.
Wee thankyou! And thanks for pointing out the mistakes there... I totally winged the guitar >3<"" I didn't have my laptop to look up ref images and I don't have a guitar either, even tho I want one Dx But I'm gonna get one! and gonna draw them properly sometime too ;) I'll keep ur points in mind!
^_^ Doggies are the best! Aww thats cute <3
Thanks Keba!
Day 9: Rock stars are awesome!!! I noticed that there are a few things off with the guitar. The head is missing those six tuning peg things, for one. Also, I can't tell how many strings are there (there should be six). But instruments are tricky, so I gotta give you credit for your effort.
Day 11: Aw, man. I want to pet a dog now. And I just saw the family dog today.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Oh that's so cute! I LOVE LUKE MORE NOW!! <3 I look forward to more Luke~ <3 I love everything about Luke! Seriously everything!! His rock-star self is sooooooo HOT!! <3 This is amazing!!! I love love love the red in it! Luke looks amazing!! Can we have more of this Luke too? PLEASE!!!??
Gabriella: *seizing on the floor* So... hot... I... love... him... so... much...
You should bring one to OCU! I have three... or four girls so what's wrong with having three boys? You like to play boys~ No big there~ <3
Last edited by ChiPolVee at 5:51:51 PM EDT on June 11, 2013.
Thanks Sushi!! OH no! the mini doodle in the right corner was done on my 3DS. The main one was done in my sketchbook with marker and pen. Sorry^^"
I'm really glad u like it tho, thanks for the fun theme!
LOL You're right XD I ended up drawing Luke like a rockstar, and thats actually what he used to be like before he went to war!! If u see it, I hope u like <3 You're awesome!!!
Teehee so cool ^_^
AH Ok I'll try~ I'd love to bring a dog OC into OCU, but I already have two boys xD haha
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
Ah! So cute :D And wait... you did the ohmu on your 3DS?? O_o That's really good and detailed, Jen! :D It looks almost like the ohmu could've come straight out of the manga.
Oh oh oh! Opposite Luke? Just draw Gabby~ Or Kaji, there you're done~ <3 <3 Anyway, I shall spam page nine also~ <3
Wah your totally right, spiders and Ohmu~ That's it~ <3
Okay, I'll be gone for many hours today too so I'll be on later~ LOVE YOU TOO!!
Also please do something with a puppy OC~ Its a super cute idea and I love Judah's personality a lot~ He sounds super cute~ <3
Last edited by ChiPolVee at 12:24:16 PM EDT on June 10, 2013.
WEEEEEEEE Yay for spam from you, I love it! <3 LOL Im drawing Luke for page 9 and its complicated XD He has to be the opposite of what he usually acts like/appears.
Oh I'm so glad!!! Yeah its so awesome, I knew you'd love that movie! Me too!! I'm super glad u like my drawing of them!!
Omigoodness, ur just so nice and making me have a wonderful day already!! <3 Lol the only bugs you like are spiders and Ohmu xD
I got ur PM too and shall reply but maybe later cuz I'm having to leave in 5 minutes! I'll be on this evening tho~ Love u dear!
I'm seriously going to spam you for every page! minus nine because you don't like nine? I love page 10!! I love that movie!! I just love you! I love how well you made little baby Ohmu look~ It's so cute!! Even the bigger not chibi version is adorable! But I just think Ohmu is adorable~ Thank you for making this, I can't stop looking at this entire thing! I LOVE IT ALL! Beautiful work as always, you talented artist you~ <3
WEEEE~ That makes me so happy!!! Thanks for commenting again, Keba!
Hooray!! I was a bit bummed with it, trying not to rush but also trying to cram everything on the small page XD I'm so glad u like it tho, it makes me really glad ^//U//^
I can't wait to see the others' reference sheets, yours too!
This is exactly what I was looking for with character references. Again, I hope the rest of us (myself included) can get that one done. I can't wait to introduce part 2.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Thankyou so much for the lovely awesome comment, Judai!!! i missed you <3 I'm so glad you've seen these art submissions! I've barely been submitting anywhere else but here recently xP
Yup, Lucian! I'm glad u like him, oh thats awesome!! Its a great song!
Yeah its pretty hard to keep up, even for me xD I'm trying not to fall behind but its so busy with all the drawings! Its lots of fun tho, and we're one third of the way through the month!
I'm so glad you're working on more wallpapers, I love when you post them!
I wish I could actually hug you too, then I could help cheer you up for real. <3
Wah thankyou! and yup it was fun! I can't wait for your 2nd prompt! I'm getting confused at who and when the prompts are posted now xD Today I drew my drawing for tomorrow but still have to work on my drawing for today, so I'm all tied up xD
OH nice!!
LOL I'm so glad!!! I wanted to change it in case it was getting old, but I'm glad its still being enjoyed ^^
Last edited by MangaKid at 7:12:22 PM EDT on June 9, 2013.
Also you have a handsome puppy too!! Why is Judah not a character somewhere?? Why??? Why sexy man #2 no exist in world?? Why?
Gabriella: You just killed the English language.
Me: SHUT UP YOU!! Stop sassing me!!
Luke certainly does have a fangirl! I'm IN LOVE with him!! Please draw more of him! Please please please!! <3 <3 I'll draw more of him too! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! I LOVE YOU TOO!! AAAAAHHHH I LOVE EVERYONE!!
Gabriella: *glaring at me and holding ChibiLuke away from me* He's mine! Don't touch!!
WAH thankyou Chivee!! I'm so glad u like him and IKR me too!
LOL you are so nice, thankyou for the great comment Chi!! Weeeee~ Luke has a fangirl! :D
Luke: *is confused*
You've got no reason to be embarrassed!
Thank you! Glad someone else sees the fun in redrawing old things as well!
Aww thank you!!
Thank you soo much!! Made it myself from the Chibi Curtis fanart I did a while back.
Your Thor/Loki icon makes me laugh every time I see it :)
Day 4~ Nice redraw of your first posted drawing on here x)
Day 5~ Lol, Kaji x3 It's a good drawing tho, lol, that's what I'd think he'd look like him as a girl...poor kaji X3
Day 6~ Ah O_O Very cool, I like this drawing, very neat idea :)
Day 7~ Awesome! xD Piranhas in a glass! Haha
Welcome :)
Haha, yeah! And it looks fun 8)
Ah, Yeah I should get on in the mornings xP but yeah x) I'm sure if you do we'll catch each other at some point.
Ah Yeah, I still havent looked at all the photos, but when I was looking at some of them I thought the same.
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/13 | Reply
I have really enjoyed your entries so far. It’s fun to learn a little bit about you as well. ^_^
My favorite so far would have to be your first entry. Your dog Judah looks so cute! There’s nothing sweeter and purer than the bond between an owner and their pet.
Love the latest art pages. Kaji looks epic as a girl. Love the details. Your art is so beautiful~<3 love the latest pages too. They all look so epic. Love Lucian(did I spell that right?) and I love Bryan Adams song "Sound The Bugle." I has it on my mp3 player. It is such a beautiful song~<3333 all your art is too beautiful for words. I would participate but due to my lack of inspiration and depression and lack of internet I can't upload everything in time. I'm working on more wallpapers though and will upload them when I can. I miss ya Jess. Hope to talk to u soon. Loves u~<333 *huggles* (wish I could actuall hug you)
OH MY GOODNESS! LUKE LOOKS AMAZING AND I LOVE THAT SONG!!! You're amazing and this is amazing and I love you so much and I love Luke! You're amazing Luke! Can I keep you?! I can't stop looking at this! I love it! You're such an amazing artist!! I love this so much!! I LOVE YOU LUKE!! I'm his fangirl for sure!! I LOVE THIS AND HIM AND YOU!!
Gabriella: *picks up Luke to hold him away from me* Mine.
WAH thankyou so much, Keba!! Agh it was hard for me at first cuz I did so much fan art with too many unique styles, but I think doing lots of fan art helped me in the end. And I talked lots to IyamiNaHamusutaa who gave me tips on making a style! I was so worried about consistency, but I've learnt its with practice that it'll come :D
But I disagree, I think u do have a style! Its really hard for the artist to see their style in their work, but I see yours and I like it :D
LOL I'm glad u think so!! Kaji would blush to hear that xD
OH I got some coloured mechanical pencils and I use them for my draft layer! So after I put down all the guidelines, I can go right to pen/marker, but since the colour gives an effect, I don't have to erase like I would with normal pencil! its all based on my laziness xD
Quorra!!I'm sososos happy you like these drawings, especially those two! LOLZ I should draw a better picture of Steampunk Sherlock sometime :D I find this 30 days challenge to be so inspiring, so many ideas are coming up, even tho I'm currently falling behind xD <3 And its always inspiring to me to hear from you and know u like my work ^///U///^ Thankyou so much!!!
Oh I got ur lovely PM reply last night, and just getting online now so I'll reply asap <3
Day 4: You've really developed your own style over a short period of time. Lots of progress. I've been developing my current style over 10 or 11 years and I still don't think I've found my "voice". At least I know what proportions are.
Day 5: Kaji makes such a pretty girl. No offense to male Kaji. How do you do that thing with the coloring? You know, the hints of yellow.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Ohmygoodness, Day 1?! That is so precious and sweet!! I love it! AND day 3?!!!! WHAT! In awe and amazed. But seriously I love everything you've drawn here so far but those two are my favs. STEAMPUNK SHERLOCK... you're a genius and he looks freaking amazing! WAHHH I'm so excited for the days to come!
Thanks so much for the comments, Han!!! I'm so glad u like these drawings, I have to do 25 more of them xD Its fun though!
I didn't know you were online, I've not been getting on ooVoo late at night as much, so maybe I'll log in anytime more often in
hopes of catching you!
... Looking at the SW camp photos right now and SO wanting to be there with you right now, its not even funny QuQ *sad*
Wah thankyou for your two comments, Kita!
I'm so glad u think so about my Ryoma work, and also girl Kaji! xD
Lol I think you're the only one keeping up so well with the challenge and with posting on time! xD
Thanks, Sindar-chan!! AH I'm glad!! I wasn't even sure cuz I redrew it similarly xD I'm so happy, thankyou!
Yay! Its really fun, I'm falling a bit behind tho^^" There's still the whole month to go!
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Love all your drawings so far!! There's such an improvement between your Ryoma drawings - you've made great progress over the last couple years! Your steampunk Sherlock design was awesome, too ^.^ Can't wait to see the rest of these!
I know, this has been the hardest one to do for me so far too! I was so stumped, I chose steampunk cuz its attractive and will also cover up any lack of creativity I may have had when I started ^^"
I'm so glad you like this tho!! ^U^ Your comment made it worth the effort <3
GAh I'm so embarrassed but thrilled too right now!!! ^////^ I'm glad you see improvement too!!
I'm working on my Day 4 drawing now, I started it yesterday but have to ink it ^_^ I really love your prompt, its so fun redrawing things like that!
Wah you're sooo sweet! <3 *so happeh*
I LOVE YOUR ICON!!! *U* cute!!
Thankyou so much, Toya!!! I really enjoyed drawing your theme, it was a genius idea! Wah thankyou!!! I'm sososo embarrassed of that drawing and my old work ^^"
Yay!! I almost forgot about him, I'm glad I remembered cuz he was the first thing I ever drew as an OC!
I love Cakey, but I would of loved to see your first human OC too! Cakey is so cute and unique though <3
Weee I'm so glad!!! That made me really smile, I love making spiders look cute! I used to also photograph them as well and hoped to make them more likable to people don't ask why cuz sometimes I don't like them myself.
LOL I've already facepalmed myself over that one xD I wanted to give everyone the option of looking, but I definitely don't wanna look at it myself xD I don't like it much at all!
You're not the only one having trouble with designing an outfit. I haven't even finished mine. I picked the character, but I don't have an outfit for her. At least, nothing interesting like your steampunk outfit for Sherlock (which looks very fitting, I must say).
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
OH MY GLOB... I clicked the link and saw your 1st OC... you have improved SOOOOO much since then. I can't wait to see what day 4 will look like. But yes, you do look a little like your Judah OC (which is a good thing, cuz if you and your doggy buddy look alike, that means you're connected at the soul).
I just saw your first OC and he looks cool! XD I also took a look at the very first drawing you did of him and you really improved! it's amazing! XD
I also adore the little spider Oc too! I kind of wish I would've drawn my first human Oc too, but Cakey just stuck out more though she's older. XD
Well, always the possibility of a remake, I suppose.
BTW, have you heard of peacock spiders? They're a type of TINY jumping spider, but they have little colorful flaps on their backs that extend like peacock feathers XDD
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 12:31:43 AM EDT on June 3, 2013.
Ah yesh!! I'm so glad you like them both ^U^ Thankyou!!
Oh O//////O I'm surprised! I don't like my old design, but thats where I started with him^^" Kyaaa its thanks to you for sure too, cuz you really encouraged me when I was searching for a style <3
Also I wish I could still show u my bug comic, but it'd be almost unreadable cuz of the pencil and tiny writing and messyness of it all unless u look at it in person xD
I'm so happy to finally see one of your old bug characters; Spike is really cute (as is flint <3)!!!! I still really like Flint's old design, but you've definatly improved, you have your own awesome style now XD
LOL isn't there? Jumping spiders are my favourite!! <3 So true!
Thankyou so much! I wish I could post my comic about him, but its all in pencil and very old and loooong ^^"
AH I'm so glad you like Spike, Bonnie!! He was actually hard to draw today, I haven't drawn him in ages but it should have been easy, he's so simple xD
GAH Thankyou for saying so!!! Its cuz of your support that I got this far <3 I don't even wanna look at my old art^^"
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Ah! Jumping spider! :D I don't usually like spiders, but there's just something about jumping spiders that makes them different :3 (gotta be the two big eyes, and the way they bang their little front feelers on things like they're walking up to a bar demanding service XD)
Lol right!
I actually drew my first OC, then remembered I had an even older one so I'm quickly drawing him too! I hope its ok if I post both on one day post? I saw your Day 2 post, and I'm gonna comment now!!!! I really love it :D
LOL I feel the same... I'm trying to keep up, but it might get busy. I'm stuck on Day 3 right now, but if I can, I'll work on it tonight. WAH already!! xD So much to do lol, I have some ideas, I better pick one to post!
OH >//////U//////<' Lol xD Well they do say dogs look like their owners! xD
lol I think it's fine! better late then never! XD
I can't wait to see what you draw for day 2!!!! lol I already posted my day 2, I worked on it last night as I watch my anime shows on tv lol.
This is fun, but I think I'll start falling behind this week cause of work. Yes day 3 and 4 are up and I think it's going to be your turn to post tomorrow! XD I look forward to it! XD
lol well he is your doggie so he probably thought," my owner dresses cool, better copy her." lol
Last edited by toyotami kun at 6:05:54 PM EDT on June 2, 2013.
Yes! Your drawing is up! Your dog looks so happy, too. Aw...
Don't worry if you upload later than the actual day. As you can see, I didn't do that. Actually, it could take some time for me to upload anything. I don't have a scanner of my own, so I have to take stuff to my parents' to scan.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Weeeee Thankyou so much Toya!! I got it up here so late, but I'm glad u got to see it :D
ashdfjkal thankyou!! I should have my Day 2 sketch up soon too, I have to ink it quickly. How's your Day 2 sketch going? I think Day 3 and 4 prompts are up too, lol so much going on, so fun!!
Thankyou again! LOL So true xD I didn't even realize that I drew him like I'd draw myself when I designed him xD
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Yes!!! I finally get to see what you did for day one and I think it's a lovely sketch!!!!
I really like how simple it is and it really shows who you are with the description.
You did a lovely job! and yes in a way you do look a little like your OC Judah, but he copied your style!!!! jkjkkjkjk
ashdfjalf Thankyou Toya!! I can't wait to get started! I'm working on Day 1's prompt right now, and can't wait to get started on your Day 2 prompt <3 Its so much fun!
How are your drawings going?
Thats great! Are you going to start on the Day 2 prompt? I guess ur choosing the Day 3 prompt too, busy busy! I'm just working on my Day 1 drawing now x3
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/13 | Reply
Gack! Your first two pages... now I'm wanting to do something like this too! >_< Mind if I kind of be a copycat? ^_^U With my own artwork, of course...
Thanks, Keba! I'll name the pages Day 1, Day 2, ect... so it'll be good :) LOL Oops I'm a day ahead of myself! ^^" Thanks for reminding me, IforgotMayhad31days xD I'll work on my first day drawing tho, and be ready for June 1st ^_^
Thanks again Keba!!
Good idea to keep them together. Just to let you know, it doesn't start tomorrow. It starts the day after. 'Cause tomorrow is still May. Still, it's good that you're prepared.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
I wanted to do that 30 day challenge thing too but I forgot about it ^^;
I like that your collecting them in the comic section; thats more organizing
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/13/13 | Reply
Thanks a million, Izuzu!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
I'll look forward to it~ We all will~ We love you very much and wish you the best in everything~ See you soon
I hope~ :3Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
You're welcome! I'm glad you could join. Especially since I probably won't ever do this again. Well, at least not until I get a scanner of my own.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
Thankyou dear!! :) I think its mainly the schedule change for me... I get so ingrained in my usual schedule that any changes (even more free time) send me into a busy-ness streak XD Seems like there's so much for me to do! I shall definitely be online more sometime soon tho! Then we can all RP and chat :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much!!! Yeah it was lots of fun but quite a challenge at times XD I'm so proud and happy that you've been enjoying my drawings and doodles over the past month, that means a ton to me, Sindar! Thankyou again!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
We miss and love you Jen and can't wait for things to calm down for you so we can see you again! :3 Have fun with everything you're doing~
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
*big smile* Thankyou Darkarax!! That means a lot to me, I'm so glad you like it!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
WAH just popping online before bed, barely been able to get on here of late... But always wishing you to best, dear!!
^///^ Thankyou so much for all your support throughout this 30 day challenge, Chi!!! I'm so glad that you were interested and enjoyed looking at my drawings and doodles :D Thankyou! <3<3<3
Kyaaaaaaaa I will!! For you~ You inspire me to keep getting better!! Love you!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
25: LOL yeah it was funny how I did an elderly lady for the day before my Age theme XD So I had to change up my ideas there!
26: Oh you're right! I sometimes have trouble with chibis too... yup I guess its all in the proportions :P I'm glad u like how Kaji turned out tho!
27: Lol that made me smile ^U^ I'm so proud to have finished this too! I'm cheering for you and can't wait to see your posts :D
28: ^////^ Thankyou!!
(just adding in my reply to your other comment here too so that I can fit everything in here!)
Day 29: Well thats ok^^ I love you just the same <3 Thankyou!
Day 30: I'm so glad you like it!! I didn't know what to do for the last day but I wanted to get it done XD It wasn't as challenging to draw a chibi, but it did take some effort to add the mini pictures... I'm so glad u enjoy it!!!!
And thankyou so much for hosting this event, it was a blast and has taught me a lot!! THANKYOU!! <3
Last edited by MangaKid at 11:30:32 PM EDT on July 1, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thankyou, Judai!! Its great to hear from you! I've missed you, I haven't been online much myself of late. Hope you are doing well!
Hooray!! You're comment has made me so happy!! I'm really glad you love the Studio Ghibli movies too, I wish we could watch them together! They are the best anime in my opinion :)
Thanks a million, girl! Yes, if you draw more, I'll love looking at your art too! <3 Talk soon!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/01/13 | Reply
Day 29: I'm not sure what to say to this one, since we don't share the same religion. I do respect that you have the right to your beliefs.
Day 30: I think this is one of my favorites in this collection. Great work on the perspective! I like that you added all your past drawings in the last one. It all fits together nicely.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/30/13 | Reply
Yay! Way to go on finishing all of these – I can tell this was a big project! It was so much fun seeing all your drawings this month. Awesome job on all of them!! Love how you included them all in the last picture ^^
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/30/13 | Reply
Excellent touch using the miniaturized versions of all the previous drawings on the last page.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/30/13 | Reply
All I have left to say
since I've spammed this enough over the last 30 daysis that it was so wonderful! All of your hard work really paid off. Day 30 almost, it was just, I love it. It was so clever how you added the other pictures into it! It was amazing. I'm really impressed!Also, congrats on finishing it! I's perfect in every way! Just like you! Keep being awesome Mangy dear! Though I know you will~ <3
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/29/13 | Reply
25: I got confused from seeing an elderly person and thought THIS was the "age" day. Glad your comment set me straight. Yes, drinking a bottle of some suspicious liquid IS crazy.
26: Yeah, kids have different proportions than adults, so that's why they can be tricky to draw. I think you did a good job with Kaji, though.
27: So what if you're posting the three-day countdown on the second to last day? You're still the second most on-time poster in this event.
28: The hat! THE HAT! You look so cute.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/29/13 | Reply
Love the latest pages~<33 especially the young Kaji. Too cute for words~<33 I love Kaji. I wants to hug him. *hugs Kaji*
I love the chibi and full versions of yourself. They are epic~<3 I love your drawing of Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. Loved that movie. Studio Ghibli is epic! I loved the Secret World of Arriettie (or the Borrower Ariettie). beautiful art in all those movies. I loves them to pieces. Anyway I digress.
Epic art is beyond epic (I need to draw more) and I loves this whole collection of amazingly epic art<3 miss you Jess.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/26/13 | Reply
Yes!!! Oh no problem! I'm glad u didn't really notice too much when you first viewed it^^" Lol Yay!!!
You're very welcome! It was about time I got to draw one of your OCs anyhow!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/26/13 | Reply
Ahaha we're both hyper and happy! :D Oh, it's ok that the perspective seemed a little funny, but thank you for taking the time to fix it. Yeah, I mean, his toy's cute but you drew it so cutely it's like I'm on a cuteness overload! *gasp* thank you!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/26/13 | Reply
Hahah thankyou so much, Panou!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/26/13 | Reply
YES *fist pump* Thankyou, Silver!! Yay!! It was hard since I usually would like to spend more time on creepy art to create an atmosphere instead of just sketching some characters... but I'm really glad this passes!! ^U^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/26/13 | Reply
LOOOOL!!! I'm totally thrilled that you like how I drew Jay, Elricz!!! I actually just fixed up his head a teeny bit since I felt like the perspective was off... I had drawn it in a weird angle and when I straightened the notebook, I was like... ugh his head it stretched. But I'm super glad you like this!!!!! Oh I definitely couldn't leave out his octopus toy, it was so cute!!! LOL You're getting me all hyper too xD I'm really happy!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/26/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Day 21: Weee thanks! I actually did chibi since I was so far behind on the drawings and wanted to do something convenient^^'
Day 22: *big smile* I think she did!! and I'm so pleased cuz I was afraid I didn't add enough to him. He was fun to draw!!
Day 23: Yeah for sure, I didn't even know what to draw for creepy... but I'm glad its good!
Day 24: :) My character is getting married to Chipolvee's character and they're going to have two kids, Celeste (the baby in the drawing) and Arlo.
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/25/13 | Reply
Wow... that mermaid killer... definitely creepy, Jen! LOL!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/25/13 | Reply
Don't worry. You completely succeeded on creepy. My words were "Oh my how creepy!! Why did she-oh, a challenge" XD
I think that dead-eyed stare of the obviously evil monster did it for me *shudders* Good job ^^b
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
Day 22: HOLY FAZOODLES JAY LOOKS FRACKING AMAZINGLES!!!!!!!!! And you even added his octopus toy!!! ADFLDJLAJDKSGDKAHSHJKL!!! I'm practically dying of awe and skipping crazily in circles at the same time! Gyaaaa~! *faints from amazingness*
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
Aww, you're welcome, Jen!
(in a good way of course!)
XD We're so silly
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
Day 21: Chibi Captain America! Chibi superheroes are fun.
Day 22: Wow. Just wow. You even added the toy octopus. I'm sure Elricz is gonna love this.
Day 23: This one seems so out-of-character for you. But it really works.
Day 24: Awwwwww.... I'm not familiar with your story, but I don't mind the spoiler.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
THANKYOU!!!!!!! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
I'm so glad you're so happy! I love happy Jenny~ <3 <3 *huggle* It makes me happy too! And the picture was so cute! Well done~ Family for the win!
Yup yup~ You passed the creepy test for me anyway~ I loved it~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Chi! Thankyou for the lovely awesome comment again, you made me smile as I read it!!
ashfjklah Hooray!! I'm super glad u like 24! I used a ref picture so it helped a lot^^ But I've been wanting to draw them together as a family :D LOL Thanks! >/////< WAH I'm practically bouncing with happiness, thankyou!!
GAH thankyou so much, Chivee!! So I passed the creepiness test? :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! (That's not even kind of English, sorry) BUT OH MY GOOD GOODNESS!! 24 is sooo cute!! I can't even! I love it so much! Thank you thank you thank you!! You're simply the best! Its so cute!
I never want to hear you say you can't draw girls againGabriella looks so good and Girl Child is so cute! So so precious! And Luke! Luke~ I love you Luke~ <3 This is amazing!23 made my jaw drop, it's really good and really worrisome... I love it~ As a horror fan, I can see this being an wonderfully creepy plot~ <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
Thankyou! >///u///<
Oh no problem, I loved reading the edits! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
Thanks for viewing the recent posts here, Anna! Wah thankyou, I'm so glad u like her and the mouse!!! >U<
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Elric-chan!! >U< Your support means so much to me, I can't even thankyou enough!!
Weeee~ :D
Administrator | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
You've done such a great job on all of them though! You should be so proud! :D
LOL sorry for all the edits on the previous comment. I just keep typing like there's no tomorrow xD
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
Thankyou Ramen!!
Yes I always love your work when I see it, but even if I'm busy, I always really wanna comment so I will! :D
Thats great to hear ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
OH Hooray!!! *cheers* Thannkyou Bonnie!
Lol I'm so glad u like him and the octopus :D
IKR? I can't believe it, I'm probably going to feel like I'll have so much more time on my hands once this is done O_o Its been so fun!
OH thankyou for the extra comments too, Bonnie!! LOL i'm glad u think its creepy, sorry about that tho^^" I hope not too! UGH Thats such a disgusting and weird dream!! xD
a god parent?YES you should bring your OCs to the OC Universe and RP with everyone sometime, its quite fun, especially when you have lots of free time :DThankyou so much, dear!!!!!! :D
Last edited by MangaKid at 4:46:58 PM EDT on June 24, 2013.
Administrator | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
COMMENT #200! WOOOO! Day 22 looks sooooo cool :) Da little octopus is so adorable!! >O< It's both exciting and sad you're almost done the 30 day challenge! ;A;
will restrain self from tearing upEDIT: 23 is creepy ;A; If I have dreams about that (already had dreams about centipede/worm things attack me and consuming me from the inside out) it'll be all your fault! LOL XD
EDIT #2: *O* Dat's so cute. I wanna be a god parent >D Well actually one of my OC's should be x3
Last edited by ItachiSasuke at 4:43:21 PM EDT on June 24, 2013.
Find a reason to smile
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/13 | Reply
It's all good, I know you're busy so no need to feel bad too.... it's part of life... ;D
Yep, so reply back when you can and it's okay if you don't because I know you are always supportive of me too by favoriting my stuff >_< THANK YOU!
I'm having a relaxing summer and I'm doing alot of dejunking the house before I head off to school in the fall, yep, fun summer so far
Have a good one
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/13 | Reply
I've missed a few days... I really like your laptop character <3 so cute and stylish! The little mouse pet is adorable!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/23/13 | Reply
You aren't acting stupid about it. Trust me. Cuz if you were, then I'd have acted stupidly about most of my artwork. *shot*
Haha, Shar Peis are so adorable~ *runs away singing, "floppy floppy flopadoodle"*
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Okay~ Well don't worry lovely~ I'll see you when I see you~ Have a wonderful and restful night filled with lovely dreams~ <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Oh I should be here a bit, but I have lots of drawings to catch up on Dx and some dog-walks to do that I usually wouldn't have.. But yes, see you later!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Okay~ I'll send it to you~ You can read it anytime~ <3 Thank you lovely~
Have a great night and Sunday
will you not be here?and I will talk to you soon~ Sweet dreams~ Good night~ <3MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Ooo that'd be good! Yeah, I wanna see how you write~ I'm sure you are great, I know it from the way you speak and RP <3
Yup, take your time! I'm going to head to bed now actually since I'm so drained, but I'll be good after sleeping^^ Love u and hope u have a great night and Sunday <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
It'll take some time, the story starts up slow, but I can show you a little description of a horror game I love that I wrote up earlier to show you my style~ Thanks for this Jen~ You always make me want to be a better everything I can be~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Oh of course!! You can PM me whenever you'd like to share <3 I think it'll be neat seeing characters I know from RPs in a story of your own :) And I'll definitely not make fun of you!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Oh um! I totally could show you, but um, n-not here... um um... I'm actually very shy about showing others my writings... so um... please don't make fun of me or anything um... um, um... so um... yeah... want me to send you a PM or something?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
I don't mind~ Like I said, I'd like to see! if you want to show me~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Uh, um, you LIKE scary thing? W-well I can send you an example if you would like... um, do you like scary things?? What about gory or graphic?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Lol so its scary stuff?? *u* oooo~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Uh.... um... not mine, just take my word for it... I like gorror honey, it has nothing to do with the writing, I'm trying to save YOU from reading it... Yeah, but thank you for wanting to~ <3 It means a lot to me~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Oh don't say that!! I bet its great~ I love reading my friends' writing :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
I don't think you would want to read my writing style...But thank you~ I'm trying hard~ Not that good yet~ But trying~ <3MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Oh thats so cool tho!!! I bet its so fun to write, and much more awesome to read then you think~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
No you wouldn't~I understand~ RPs are actually where I create the characters I use in my stories~ Like Gabby, Alice and Jamie make it into the one I'm currently writing~ :3MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
OH thats awesome!! I'd love to read them someday~ I used to like to write too but haven't done much recently except for RPs and emails XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Actual stories~ :3 I love to write~
Almost more than I love to draw...MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Oo nice!! Are you just writing in RPs or actual stories?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
I hear that~ I'm more on a writing crave right now... so... I'll be writing for awhile~ <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Thats ok! I hope you can see some more soon, they are the best ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
GAH Bad art block!!! I'm sort of in one too Dx I have too much to draw but not sure what to do! xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Oh don't feel bad, Ramen! I feel bad for not replying to you till now, sorry about that! I'm very happy that you enjoyed my drawings when you took a look through this comic :D
Its been really fun! I've fallen behind on the last two drawings tho, I'll have to catch up tomorrow!
Thankyou, hope the same for you and Panda!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
I haven't seen enough Ghibli films. Only "Spirited Away" and "Princess Mononoke". So I'm not familiar with the characters from "Howl".
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much, Panou!!!
Lol yes he was so cool! I'd love to see him more~ Gah I know what you mean! I've been able to draw but it seems life has been busier then ever! If everything is going well with you though, thats good! I'll look forward to seeing art from you sometime, soon I hope~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
If I totally wasn't having an artist block right now, I would be drawing Lukey too~ <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Day 19: LOL!! While drawing it, I also wanted to find a Shar Pei somewhere and pet it!! xD So i know wat u mean!
Lol Thankyou for being so kind though!! I don't mean to act stupid about it, I'm just never happy when my drawings don't work out like how I wanted ^^"
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Yay!! Thankyou, Chi! Lol yes I am, its fun to draw Luke~ I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Day 18: Thankyou so much, Keba!! I'm glad the tips were helpful and will be used in the future ^//U//^
Day 19: Thankyou!!
Day 20: Yeah, it is! Thankyou! Thats Heen from Howl's Moving Castle!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/13 | Reply
Day 18: Great tips about folds in fabric. I'll have to keep that in mind. I also think it was fitting to add a Shar Pei, complete with skin folds, to your picture.
Day 19: I like how Luke turned out. The breed of dog is very fitting.
Day 20: Ghibli LOOKS hard to draw. I think the dogs came out the best. I like the one in the front with its short, little legs.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/20/13 | Reply
Luke is even cute as a puppy! I love all the little doggies all over 18 and 19~ They're so good and so cute~ And you seem to be drawing Mr. Lucian Jade more often now~ <3 I'm glad to see it~ This is very good and I love it~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/20/13 | Reply
Day 19: FLOPPY DOGGY IS ADORABLE! <3 I just wanna play with its floppy skin *weirdness alert goes off*
I finally got a chance to reply to your comment from three days ago, so here goes:
I guess if you like it a bit more than you used to, that's all the thankyou I need. After all, I can't force you to like something.
Which means I should stop trying OTLsuperstarpanou
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/13 | Reply
I'm loving all of your drawings so far, Jen! And they're all so creative~ I'm definitely looking forward to your next ones~ ;D
Haha, I totally forgot about my laptop OC! I did want him in a story that I had an idea of, but I'm waiting til I finish Question Cafe (if I ever do LOL!) Gosh, I've been so busy this summer, I haven't been able to draw anything decent lately~ D:
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Whoa! Man, I feel so bad that I haven't checked out your 30 days art stuff yet.... But today I finally have the chance :)
Day 17 is looking great. That's cool how Sushi made you guys to draw inanimate object into human form. That's a cute name for your laptop!
Keep it up, I know you can do it :D
Hope your summer is going well and awesome
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
I know you doing FUS RO DAH on a cake then completed artwork fall from the sky.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
OuO What! xD thats hilarious, but very random for sure!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
You doing the unrelenting force shout A.K.A the "FUS RO DAH!!!" shout and a random cake.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Lol ok shoot... but I can't guarantee anything ;P
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
I have only one idea that can make it better...ok then 2 things.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
LOL idk, I don't want your head to explode but I'm flattered that it combines to make glee <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Why does all of this seem calculated to make my head explode from glee?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
@kamichama karin s:
Lol your comment made me all happy and made me laugh too! Thanks Sammi!
WAH actually, around Day 5, it did get hard xD But now its going smoothly again... I'm sure there'll be another tough moment but its actually been fun! Its only a challenge when I don't have ideas or I get too busy >3<
I'm so glad you're enjoying my work though!! There's six other people doing this challenge too <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
GAH I can't believe it! O_o Idk what to say to you >u< ashdfjsalhfjsdkalf I wanna say thankyou but idk how!! xD
I really appreciate that you like this,
even tho I still don't >3<but you've made me like it a bit more then I used to x)MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
LOL Thanks Kita!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Thankyou, you are too!!!!! <3 OH yes I'd love that so much!! <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
of course I do! you are an amazing artist! ♥ I wish we could just get together and draw ♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thankyou, Judai! I'm so glad you like it <3 Thanks for taking a look! Its totally fine, dear!
Weeeeee~ You make me so happy!
Yeah we can totally do an art trade, but just after I catch up and finish another art trade. It'll have to be in the summer, is that ok? <3 This 30 day challenge ends by July so then I'll have some time to catch up with things^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Thanks so much, Rose!!!! Kyaaaa~<3 I'm always glad that you enjoy my stuff^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
I love your laptop character! I think she is very pretty >.< and I try to keep up when you are updating this at least! ♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I just realized I haven't replied to your older comment too so I'm grouping them together here^^ Also thankyou so much for keeping up with my posts here and taking the time to comment on each day!!!! I appreciate it a lot <3
Day 13: I actually drew Pegasus in pink pencil but changed it purply after <3 Thankyou!
Day 14: Lol I was surprised that I never drew it before, but it is kinda awkward to draw^^'
Day 15: Hooray!! >:D My mission has been accomplished :D Seriously tho, this challenge has been fun but challenging!! xD
Day 16: GAH I only scribbled it out >3< I had a ref pic to give me an idea too, or else I'd fail xP I also studied motorcycles a while ago.
Day 17: Oooo I can't wait to see it!!
Thankyou again for the lovely comments, I shall spam u once you get your art up too. I'm looking forward to it!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Beautiful artwork. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with the latest pages. I love all the new pages. Especially the kissing art. So beautiful~<3333 they're so cute together. I love all the new pages. Also the pegasus is beautiful~<333 I love horses. You draw epic animals. Just beautiful. Just beautiful. Could we do another art trade soon? Maybe?
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Day 15: I had an absolute gigglefit.
Day 17: I actually had a similar idea for what I was going to make into a person. Only, it's a different electronic device.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/13 | Reply
Day 15 -- XD I love how even your pencil shrank and the eraser is gone!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/15/13 | Reply
Day 8 Ah ^ ^ Nice referance sheet on your human version of Judah! I think thats cool.
day 9 lol, I would have never gussed that that was suppose to be Lucian xD ..of course it's not, it's his opposite x3 but still! lol
day 10 djkaghdkjhsljkghdsklja Oh mi goodness >////////< So cute!!! You simply must do some more drawings like this when you have nothing else to draw! Love it <3
day 11 Ah 8) Nice! I like drawings like this. Brother Branham cheers me up too <3
day 12 Wow XD The awesome drawings just keep coming!!! Yep, it's the truth, we've been there, wish I was there now. Jen this is not a bad drawing like you let on = = this is better then what I could do.
day 13 Purple o3o Pegasus! Haha, cool! I would want a off treasure planet.
day 14 Ah ^//^ how romantic and sweet........I always feel the need to laugh at romantic and sweet things, but nevertheless, it is sweet x) The drawing looks neat, did you just sketch it with pencils?
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/15/13 | Reply
Ah, day 12, I'm glad your doing that 30 day challenge thing, it's cool too see so many different drawings all at once! >U< lol
And sowie o3o I do enjoy drawing still life more than manga, but mainly because I'm just not good at drawing manga Oo
kamichama karin s
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
wow, I am impressed! (not saying I wasn't impressed by you before)
It's amazing you have the patience to do this. -_- with me, I would start it, but about 5 days into it, I would end up quitting.
and all of your entries are such nice quality! tt OAO
I cna't wait to see more. I will be following this.
very closely
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Pfft... it really isn't sloppy, it looks so cool and digital-old-timey-painting-y! Calling it sloppy is an injustice to the drawing itself, as well as your abilities. If you insist on referring to it as 'sloppy,' at least call it 'sloppy awesomeness!' I don't think you could make a sloppy drawing if you tried, really I don't.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Day 13: I think you chose the right colors for the Pegasus. When I think of fantasy horses, my mind goes to purple.
Day 14: I have drawn a couple kissing exactly once. I never actually finished the drawing. So, I guess you beat me.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Yay! Thank you!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
LOL >//U//< Ok I will~ I'll draw more LukexGabby for you too!!! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Please draw more lovey things~ You're good at it and it looks SUPER CUTE!! I can't stop looking at it... it's distracting me...
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
WAH I'm so so so happy you love this!!!! It was fun to draw them, they're so cute together <3 Weeeeeeee~ I cannot wait to see your drawing of them!!! <3 Hooray! I didn't want to add any dark pen lines since I was afraid to mess up >U< So I kept it in pink pencil! shdjfklahf thankyou so much, Chi!!! Don't die tho! xD teehee
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
How many times can I like something? We need a LOVE THIS button or something because I LOVE THIS!! The little kissing scene is SO CUTE!! I love love love it~ <3 <3 It makes me want to hurry up and finish my picture of these two~ I love the color! I love the pose! I love love love this!! AMAZING!! *died on the floor from over-loving this*
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
asdhfjkalhfjadlfa My jaw dropped at your comment, Elric-chan!! O_O How, why?! Thankyou for saying so, but Day 12 was definitely sloppy.I was so disappointed Dx You made me feel happier about it, but really... you'd do better then that now! I just scribbled and still think I rushed and did a bad job.. But thankyou!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/13 | Reply
Yeah!! I did something like that for Day 12 and was so bad tho Dx I think you're so great with scenes and such <3 I can't even get focused on them >3<
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/13/13 | Reply
Welcome 8)
Ah, indeed. I would like to make a 30 day drawing challenge or something like that, but it wouldn't be drawing anime/manga much, it'd be more like, draw your favorite this or draw a scene from around where you live or some place you wish you could that kinda stuff x)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
[About Day 12] You call that sloppy? Your 'sloppy' is 'what I hope to draw like in, oh, say, a billion years'!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
OH OH you're so nice, Silver!! Thankyou always for your kind words ^U^
LOL That made me laugh outloud XD... You always do a good job in making me feel proud =^_^=
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
You are the sweetest for sure!!! <3
Luke: I love you too, Gabriella. *smiling back*
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
No. That's why you have friends is because you actually talk to the people who give you comments. You're so warm in friendly they can't help but follow you
Now that we're done making your head big keep up the good work!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
I'll love to help you create anyone of anything~ I love helping people~
Gabriella: ... You're so cute~ *smiles at him* I love you Lucian Jade~
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Lol <3 I owe his creation to you cuz u encouraged me and helped me make him ^u^
Luke: *blinks, looking back to her* OoH!
Thankyou a million, my friend!!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
I love him and I plan to steal him lots~ He's so much fun to draw and look at~ He's like the ideal man~ <3
Gabriella: He is you Luke. *smiles at him* Silly boy~
Well if you want to make a girl, I can help~ Also if you need help making a character you know you can test run them with me~ Like I do with you~ <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
Lol Glad u think so, Silver!! I'm so glad you like him! *so happy*
Thanks so much, my friend!!! I appreciate it beyond words <3
Hahaha! >///U///< Oh man, thats thanks to all the great Otaku friends I have here like you <3
its also me replying and talking too much to everyone who comments xDMangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
LOL Yay!!! I'm so glad u like Luke so much, that makes me more excited to work on his character and draw him more <3 Yes!! I'll draw him more when I can, you can borrow him anytime too~
LOL Gabby!!! Oh if only she could have known him when he was really like that!
Luke: *standing, confused* You love him? I thought you loved me... *looking at her with puppy dog eyes*
Haha yeah I should play a girl sometime tho, I do too many guys xD I'll do that tho, and bring in a puppy OC sometime soon, maybe in the summer!
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/13 | Reply
I didn't even recognize Luke! XD Great job!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
Ah, okay! You're welcome ^_^ I've really got to get cracking on my drawings XD Thankfully neatness doesn't necessarily count!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
Whoa. Lucian is hawt
Not that I pick people based on their outward appearances or anything XD I liked both sides of him, but this is definitely very attractive :3 His hair is just perfect.
I love looking at your constant submissions Manga-chan. Keep up the great work. We can't wait to see what you come up with next!
And I think you should get the reward for most comments on your art 0.0 That's a lot of comments and we're only on day 11 XD
Last edited by silvershriek at 7:41:28 PM EDT on June 11, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Wee thankyou! And thanks for pointing out the mistakes there... I totally winged the guitar >3<"" I didn't have my laptop to look up ref images and I don't have a guitar either, even tho I want one Dx But I'm gonna get one! and gonna draw them properly sometime too ;) I'll keep ur points in mind!
^_^ Doggies are the best! Aww thats cute <3
Thanks Keba!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
Day 9: Rock stars are awesome!!! I noticed that there are a few things off with the guitar. The head is missing those six tuning peg things, for one. Also, I can't tell how many strings are there (there should be six). But instruments are tricky, so I gotta give you credit for your effort.
Day 11: Aw, man. I want to pet a dog now. And I just saw the family dog today.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
Oh that's so cute! I LOVE LUKE MORE NOW!! <3 I look forward to more Luke~ <3 I love everything about Luke! Seriously everything!! His rock-star self is sooooooo HOT!! <3 This is amazing!!! I love love love the red in it! Luke looks amazing!! Can we have more of this Luke too? PLEASE!!!??
Gabriella: *seizing on the floor* So... hot... I... love... him... so... much...
You should bring one to OCU! I have three... or four girls so what's wrong with having three boys? You like to play boys~ No big there~ <3
Last edited by ChiPolVee at 5:51:51 PM EDT on June 11, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
Thanks Anna!! *highfives for Ohmu fans* Oh I'm gona have to look into the Nausicaa soundtrack now... I've always liked the Totoro soundtrack!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
Thanks Sushi!! OH no! the mini doodle in the right corner was done on my 3DS. The main one was done in my sketchbook with marker and pen. Sorry^^"
I'm really glad u like it tho, thanks for the fun theme!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
LOL You're right XD I ended up drawing Luke like a rockstar, and thats actually what he used to be like before he went to war!! If u see it, I hope u like <3 You're awesome!!!
Teehee so cool ^_^
AH Ok I'll try~ I'd love to bring a dog OC into OCU, but I already have two boys xD haha
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Yes you do!! :D I like it lots, even tho its a pretty old film.
Thankyou, Keba!! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much Rose!! Yeah, I've been so busy with this daily challenge but finally have caught up <3 :)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/13 | Reply
I finally got to see what you have been doing lately! >.< so awesome mangakid! ♥
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
I need to see "Nausicaa". So bad. The doodle is SO cute. Heck, I think the detailed drawing is cute, too.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
Aaaaaaah! Fantastic! Such a lovely Ohmu <3 I love Nausicaa. The soundtrack is fun to listen to while cycling ^^
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
Ah! So cute :D And wait... you did the ohmu on your 3DS?? O_o That's really good and detailed, Jen! :D It looks almost like the ohmu could've come straight out of the manga.
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
Woah, so much detail on that Ohmu!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
Oh oh oh! Opposite Luke? Just draw Gabby~ Or Kaji, there you're done~ <3 <3 Anyway, I shall spam page nine also~ <3
Wah your totally right, spiders and Ohmu~ That's it~ <3
Okay, I'll be gone for many hours today too so I'll be on later~ LOVE YOU TOO!!
Also please do something with a puppy OC~ Its a super cute idea and I love Judah's personality a lot~ He sounds super cute~ <3
Last edited by ChiPolVee at 12:24:16 PM EDT on June 10, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
Hahaha thankyou! XD Idk, I made like 10 dog OCs at the beginning of this year but haven't done anything else with them yet...
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
LOL That would be so adorable!!! I wanna draw them so badly right now too, I'm gonna have to find time to do so!
ChibiLuke: Yay! I'm Gabby's.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
WEEEEEEEE Yay for spam from you, I love it! <3 LOL Im drawing Luke for page 9 and its complicated XD He has to be the opposite of what he usually acts like/appears.
Oh I'm so glad!!! Yeah its so awesome, I knew you'd love that movie! Me too!! I'm super glad u like my drawing of them!!
Omigoodness, ur just so nice and making me have a wonderful day already!! <3
Lol the only bugs you like are spiders and OhmuxDI got ur PM too and shall reply but maybe later cuz I'm having to leave in 5 minutes! I'll be on this evening tho~ Love u dear!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/10/13 | Reply
I'm seriously going to spam you for every page!
minus nine because you don't like nine?I love page 10!! I love that movie!! I just love you! I love how well you made little baby Ohmu look~ It's so cute!! Even the bigger not chibi version is adorable!But I just think Ohmu is adorable~Thank you for making this, I can't stop looking at this entire thing! I LOVE IT ALL! Beautiful work as always, you talented artist you~ <3MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
WEEEE~ That makes me so happy!!! Thanks for commenting again, Keba!
Hooray!! I was a bit bummed with it, trying not to rush but also trying to cram everything on the small page XD I'm so glad u like it tho, it makes me really glad ^//U//^
I can't wait to see the others' reference sheets, yours too!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
100th comment! W00T!!!!!1!
This is exactly what I was looking for with character references. Again, I hope the rest of us (myself included) can get that one done. I can't wait to introduce part 2.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
LOL thanks, Keba!!
I can't wait to see what you have in mind!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thankyou so much for the lovely awesome comment, Judai!!! i missed you <3 I'm so glad you've seen these art submissions! I've barely been submitting anywhere else but here recently xP
Yup, Lucian! I'm glad u like him, oh thats awesome!! Its a great song!
Yeah its pretty hard to keep up, even for me xD I'm trying not to fall behind but its so busy with all the drawings! Its lots of fun tho, and we're one third of the way through the month!
I'm so glad you're working on more wallpapers, I love when you post them!
I wish I could actually hug you too, then I could help cheer you up for real. <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
@Enigmatic Turk:
Thanks so much!!!
Oh I'm so glad you like that one! Yeah, I wanted to show how good of a friend my doggy is to me ^u^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
Thankyou for all your comments on my drawings here, Han!! I'm so glad you're liking them! Its fun to draw, but it makes me busy too xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
Wah thankyou! and yup it was fun! I can't wait for your 2nd prompt! I'm getting confused at who and when the prompts are posted now xD Today I drew my drawing for tomorrow but still have to work on my drawing for today, so I'm all tied up xD
OH nice!!
LOL I'm so glad!!! I wanted to change it in case it was getting old, but I'm glad its still being enjoyed ^^
Last edited by MangaKid at 7:12:22 PM EDT on June 9, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
Also you have a handsome puppy too!! Why is Judah not a character somewhere?? Why??? Why sexy man #2 no exist in world?? Why?
Gabriella: You just killed the English language.
Me: SHUT UP YOU!! Stop sassing me!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
I really wanna draw ChibiLuke in Gabby's arms now~ <3 Oh they're cute too cute!!
Gabriella: Mine. Luke, you're mine. I don't share well...
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
I will!!! For you and Gabby!! :D
Oh yes, please do! <3 WAH SO MUCH LOVING!! :D
So cute!
ChibiLuke: *hugs Gabriella, patting her*
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
Luke certainly does have a fangirl! I'm IN LOVE with him!! Please draw more of him! Please please please!! <3 <3 I'll draw more of him too! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! I LOVE YOU TOO!! AAAAAHHHH I LOVE EVERYONE!!
Gabriella: *glaring at me and holding ChibiLuke away from me* He's mine! Don't touch!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
WAH thankyou Chivee!! I'm so glad u like him and IKR me too!
LOL you are so nice, thankyou for the great comment Chi!! Weeeee~ Luke has a fangirl! :D
Luke: *is confused*
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/13 | Reply
You've got no reason to be embarrassed!
Thank you! Glad someone else sees the fun in redrawing old things as well!
Aww thank you!!
Thank you soo much!! Made it myself from the Chibi Curtis fanart I did a while back.
Your Thor/Loki icon makes me laugh every time I see it :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/08/13 | Reply
Day 4~ Nice redraw of your first posted drawing on here x)
Day 5~ Lol, Kaji x3 It's a good drawing tho, lol, that's what I'd think he'd look like him as a girl...poor kaji X3
Day 6~ Ah O_O Very cool, I like this drawing, very neat idea :)
Day 7~ Awesome! xD Piranhas in a glass! Haha
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/08/13 | Reply
Welcome :)
Yeah, I still havent looked at all the photos, but when I was looking at some of them I thought the same.
Haha, yeah! And it looks fun 8)
Ah, Yeah I should get on in the mornings xP but yeah x) I'm sure if you do we'll catch each other at some point.
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/13 | Reply
I have really enjoyed your entries so far. It’s fun to learn a little bit about you as well. ^_^
My favorite so far would have to be your first entry. Your dog Judah looks so cute! There’s nothing sweeter and purer than the bond between an owner and their pet.
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/13 | Reply
Piranhas in a glass of water = GENIUS!!
When I get to day 7, I have a crazy idea as well.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/08/13 | Reply
Love the latest art pages. Kaji looks epic as a girl. Love the details. Your art is so beautiful~<3 love the latest pages too. They all look so epic. Love Lucian(did I spell that right?) and I love Bryan Adams song "Sound The Bugle." I has it on my mp3 player. It is such a beautiful song~<3333 all your art is too beautiful for words. I would participate but due to my lack of inspiration and depression and lack of internet I can't upload everything in time. I'm working on more wallpapers though and will upload them when I can. I miss ya Jess. Hope to talk to u soon. Loves u~<333 *huggles* (wish I could actuall hug you)
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
I'll have to try the colored pencil thing sometime.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
OH MY GOODNESS! LUKE LOOKS AMAZING AND I LOVE THAT SONG!!! You're amazing and this is amazing and I love you so much and I love Luke! You're amazing Luke! Can I keep you?! I can't stop looking at this! I love it! You're such an amazing artist!! I love this so much!! I LOVE YOU LUKE!! I'm his fangirl for sure!! I LOVE THIS AND HIM AND YOU!!
Gabriella: *picks up Luke to hold him away from me* Mine.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
Just posted him^^ OH you should!! That would be awesome!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
I can't wait to see Luke! I might make a genderbent Gabby or Alice because of this~ <3
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
You're welcome!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
Thanks a million, Kita <3 Glad u like it! Thanks for the great prompt!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
YAY you saw this!!! I'm glad u like her! xD Kaji would not like it at all~ xD Thankyou Chivee!! I just put up my Luke drawing on Day 6 too >u<
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
WAH thankyou so much, Keba!! Agh it was hard for me at first cuz I did so much fan art with too many unique styles, but I think doing lots of fan art helped me in the end. And I talked lots to IyamiNaHamusutaa who gave me tips on making a style! I was so worried about consistency, but I've learnt its with practice that it'll come :D
But I disagree, I think u do have a style! Its really hard for the artist to see their style in their work, but I see yours and I like it :D
LOL I'm glad u think so!! Kaji would blush to hear that xD
OH I got some coloured mechanical pencils and I use them for my draft layer! So after I put down all the guidelines, I can go right to pen/marker, but since the colour gives an effect, I don't have to erase like I would with normal pencil!
its all based on my laziness xDMangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
Quorra!!I'm sososos happy you like these drawings, especially those two! LOLZ I should draw a better picture of Steampunk Sherlock sometime :D I find this 30 days challenge to be so inspiring, so many ideas are coming up, even tho I'm currently falling behind xD <3 And its always inspiring to me to hear from you and know u like my work ^///U///^ Thankyou so much!!!
Oh I got ur lovely PM reply last night, and just getting online now so I'll reply asap <3
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
Oh, I see! Sorry! ^^' (We stalled halfway through. T.T)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
Oh I meant your DA 30 day challenge pics! I didn't think u had posted them here..
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/13 | Reply
Woah, great idea for Luke's music pic! It came out really nice!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
AAAAHHHH!!!! Fem!Kaji for the win!! I love love love her/him~ <3 <3
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Day 4: You've really developed your own style over a short period of time. Lots of progress. I've been developing my current style over 10 or 11 years and I still don't think I've found my "voice". At least I know what proportions are.
Day 5: Kaji makes such a pretty girl. No offense to male Kaji. How do you do that thing with the coloring? You know, the hints of yellow.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Ohmygoodness, Day 1?! That is so precious and sweet!! I love it! AND day 3?!!!! WHAT! In awe and amazed. But seriously I love everything you've drawn here so far but those two are my favs. STEAMPUNK SHERLOCK... you're a genius and he looks freaking amazing! WAHHH I'm so excited for the days to come!
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
:D My newest stuff is here, though.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
Lol Oh right! I'll need to go onto DA and see all your drawings there too <3
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
You're welcome!! ^^
I know what it's like to have to play catch-up from the 30-day on DA. XDMangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Thanks so much for the comments, Han!!! I'm so glad u like these drawings, I have to do 25 more of them xD Its fun though!
I didn't know you were online, I've not been getting on ooVoo late at night as much, so maybe I'll log in anytime more often in
hopes of catching you!
... Looking at the SW camp photos right now and SO wanting to be there with you right now, its not even funny QuQ *sad*
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
Wah thankyou for your two comments, Kita!
I'm so glad u think so about my Ryoma work, and also girl Kaji! xD
Lol I think you're the only one keeping up so well with the challenge and with posting on time! xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Thanks, Sindar-chan!! AH I'm glad!! I wasn't even sure cuz I redrew it similarly xD I'm so happy, thankyou!
Yay! Its really fun, I'm falling a bit behind tho^^" There's still the whole month to go!
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Love all your drawings so far!! There's such an improvement between your Ryoma drawings - you've made great progress over the last couple years!
Your steampunk Sherlock design was awesome, too ^.^ Can't wait to see the rest of these!
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Girl Kaji came out good, too!! Fun, fun!!!
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/13 | Reply
Oh, wow, Ryoma looks so much better! :D
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
Sherlock 8) cool beans. And steam punk rules
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
Flint and Spike x) Nice! Haha
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
Aww, such a cute drawing xD I love it! ..talking about you and Judah.
Last edited by PurpleMochi at 10:01:53 PM EDT on June 4, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
@Zuzu Uchiha:
Weeeee~ Thankyou so much Zuzu <3 Thanks for checking it out ^_^
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
cool art I like em all especially the Sherlock holmes one. He looks pretty fancy
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
LOL AH! >///u///<
His nose, it huge.That was my old style ^^" I'm pleased that u find it ok tho! ^///^*highfive* Yesh!!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
I actually really like the concept art of your original OC ^^ I like his nose, he looks tough! And whoop for more steampunk <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I know, this has been the hardest one to do for me so far too! I was so stumped, I chose steampunk cuz its attractive and will also cover up any lack of creativity I may have had when I started ^^"
I'm so glad you like this tho!! ^U^ Your comment made it worth the effort <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
Thanks, Dragon!! I'm really happy you like it :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
GAh I'm so embarrassed but thrilled too right now!!! ^////^ I'm glad you see improvement too!!
I'm working on my Day 4 drawing now, I started it yesterday but have to ink it ^_^ I really love your prompt, its so fun redrawing things like that!
Wah you're sooo sweet! <3 *so happeh*
I LOVE YOUR ICON!!! *U* cute!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thankyou so much, Toya!!! I really enjoyed drawing your theme, it was a genius idea! Wah thankyou!!! I'm sososo embarrassed of that drawing and my old work ^^"
Yay!! I almost forgot about him, I'm glad I remembered cuz he was the first thing I ever drew as an OC!
I love Cakey, but I would of loved to see your first human OC too! Cakey is so cute and unique though <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Thankyou, Keba!!!
Weee I'm so glad!!! That made me really smile, I love making spiders look cute! I used to also photograph them as well and hoped to make them more likable to people
don't ask why cuz sometimes I don't like them myself.LOL I've already facepalmed myself over that one xD I wanted to give everyone the option of looking, but I definitely don't wanna look at it myself xD I don't like it much at all!CelestialSushi
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/13 | Reply
Steampunk. Sherlock steampunk. So much win :DDDD
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/13 | Reply
You're not the only one having trouble with designing an outfit. I haven't even finished mine. I picked the character, but I don't have an outfit for her. At least, nothing interesting like your steampunk outfit for Sherlock (which looks very fitting, I must say).
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/03/13 | Reply
Love the steampunk design. It fits very well with Sherlock Holmes actually. xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/13 | Reply
OH MY GLOB... I clicked the link and saw your 1st OC... you have improved SOOOOO much since then. I can't wait to see what day 4 will look like. But yes, you do look a little like your Judah OC (which is a good thing, cuz if you and your doggy buddy look alike, that means you're connected at the soul).
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/13 | Reply
I just saw your first OC and he looks cool! XD I also took a look at the very first drawing you did of him and you really improved! it's amazing! XD
I also adore the little spider Oc too! I kind of wish I would've drawn my first human Oc too, but Cakey just stuck out more though she's older. XD
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/13 | Reply
I can tell that you improved a lot over the two or so years you've posted here.
I never thought I'd say something like this, but... THAT SPIDER IS ADORABLE!!!1!
Also, why did you add a link of Flint's old design if you didn't want us to see it?Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/13 | Reply
Lol I could do that x)
Yeah I've heard of them and seen them in pictures before!! But I'm gonna google them again <3 They are so super cute!!!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Well, always the possibility of a remake, I suppose.
BTW, have you heard of peacock spiders? They're a type of TINY jumping spider, but they have little colorful flaps on their backs that extend like peacock feathers XDD
Last edited by CelestialSushi at 12:31:43 AM EDT on June 3, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Ah yesh!! I'm so glad you like them both ^U^ Thankyou!!
Oh O//////O I'm surprised! I don't like my old design, but thats where I started with him^^" Kyaaa its thanks to you for sure too, cuz you really encouraged me when I was searching for a style <3
Also I wish I could still show u my bug comic, but it'd be almost unreadable cuz of the pencil and tiny writing and messyness of it all unless u look at it in person xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
I'm so happy to finally see one of your old bug characters; Spike is really cute (as is flint <3)!!!! I still really like Flint's old design, but you've definatly improved, you have your own awesome style now XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
LOL isn't there? Jumping spiders are my favourite!! <3 So true!
Thankyou so much! I wish I could post my comic about him, but its all in pencil and very old and loooong ^^"
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
AH I'm so glad you like Spike, Bonnie!! He was actually hard to draw today, I haven't drawn him in ages but it should have been easy, he's so simple xD
GAH Thankyou for saying so!!! Its cuz of your support that I got this far <3
I don't even wanna look at my old art^^"CelestialSushi
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Ah! Jumping spider! :D I don't usually like spiders, but there's just something about jumping spiders that makes them different :3 (gotta be the two big eyes, and the way they bang their little front feelers on things like they're walking up to a bar demanding service XD)
Administrator | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
SPIKE IS SO ADORABLE! And when I looked back on the original Flint, I see how much you've grown! :D
And now I'm getting teary...xDFind a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lol right!
I actually drew my first OC, then remembered I had an even older one so I'm quickly drawing him too! I hope its ok if I post both on one day post? I saw your Day 2 post, and I'm gonna comment now!!!! I really love it :D
LOL I feel the same... I'm trying to keep up, but it might get busy. I'm stuck on Day 3 right now, but if I can, I'll work on it tonight. WAH already!! xD So much to do lol, I have some ideas, I better pick one to post!
OH >//////U//////<' Lol xD Well they do say dogs look like their owners! xD
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
lol I think it's fine! better late then never! XD
I can't wait to see what you draw for day 2!!!! lol I already posted my day 2, I worked on it last night as I watch my anime shows on tv lol.
This is fun, but I think I'll start falling behind this week cause of work. Yes day 3 and 4 are up and I think it's going to be your turn to post tomorrow! XD I look forward to it! XD
lol well he is your doggie so he probably thought," my owner dresses cool, better copy her." lol
Last edited by toyotami kun at 6:05:54 PM EDT on June 2, 2013.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Thankyou, Keba!! This is really fun so far!! I'm working on finishing up Day 2 right now.
Ah great! Thanks for letting me know! That works, I'll be looking forward to seeing your drawings when you are able to scan them <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Thankyou so much Bonnie!!!
and thankyou for the awesome text to, just got it <3
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Yes! Your drawing is up!
Your dog looks so happy, too. Aw...
Don't worry if you upload later than the actual day. As you can see, I didn't do that. Actually, it could take some time for me to upload anything. I don't have a scanner of my own, so I have to take stuff to my parents' to scan.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Administrator | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Adorable picture of you and Judah! ^O^
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Weeeee Thankyou so much Toya!! I got it up here so late, but I'm glad u got to see it :D
ashdfjkal thankyou!! I should have my Day 2 sketch up soon too, I have to ink it quickly. How's your Day 2 sketch going? I think Day 3 and 4 prompts are up too, lol so much going on, so fun!!
Thankyou again! LOL So true xD I didn't even realize that I drew him like I'd draw myself when I designed him xD
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/13 | Reply
Yes!!! I finally get to see what you did for day one and I think it's a lovely sketch!!!!
I really like how simple it is and it really shows who you are with the description.
You did a lovely job! and yes in a way you do look a little like your OC Judah, but he copied your style!!!! jkjkkjkjk
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Thats ok!! I'm heading over to see yours^^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
lol I just saw you didn't. XD but I will look forward to it tonight, but I might not comment right away! @ ^ @'
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I didn't post yet!! I'm going to try to do so tonight.. Oh I'll have to check urs now!!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
did you post?!!! I have to go check now!!! XD I just posted mine! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I have to also put Day 1 up, just finished it earlier as well! I'm so excited to see your art, this is so fun!!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
that's awesome! I finished my drawing earlier today, but haven't scanned yet.
I can't wait to see what post! XD and I look forward to seeing day 2~!!!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
Yeah, I pretty much have to XD Hmm... I think I've got an idea.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
@Zuzu Uchiha:
Thanks so much Zuzu!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
Thanks, Dragon!!! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
ashdfjalf Thankyou Toya!! I can't wait to get started! I'm working on Day 1's prompt right now, and can't wait to get started on your Day 2 prompt <3 Its so much fun!
How are your drawings going?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thanks, Judai!! I'll be adding the daily drawings probably one per day ^^ Working on Day 1's prompt right now <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
Thats great! Are you going to start on the Day 2 prompt? I guess ur choosing the Day 3 prompt too, busy busy! I'm just working on my Day 1 drawing now x3
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
Well, I started sketching it at least a day or two ago... ganbatte, Jen! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
You're fast!! I have to work on today's art right now xD
I can't wait to see it <3
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
Sweet, thanks :D I've already got the first piece done... I just need to make the cover and table of contents XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/13 | Reply
OH please go right ahead!! Toya also did the same thing, its a good way to keep organized :D Its totally fine <3 I'm excited to see your artwork!!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/13 | Reply
Gack! Your first two pages... now I'm wanting to do something like this too! >_< Mind if I kind of be a copycat? ^_^U With my own artwork, of course...
Zuzu Uchiha
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/13 | Reply
awesome i will be waiting then and supporting you guys who are in that 30 days of art

Senior Otaku | Posted 05/31/13 | Reply
I love the your chibi form on the front! :D Cannot wait to see what you'll draw too. :)
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
omg I really can't wait to see what you'll be doing for each theme!!! XD I'm so excited!!!!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
Wow that's great you're doing this. Love the first pages. Your chibi self is so cute! Can't wait for more pages~<3
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Thanks, Keba! I'll name the pages Day 1, Day 2, ect... so it'll be good :) LOL Oops I'm a day ahead of myself! ^^" Thanks for reminding me, IforgotMayhad31days xD I'll work on my first day drawing tho, and be ready for June 1st ^_^
Thanks again Keba!!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
Good idea to keep them together. Just to let you know, it doesn't start tomorrow. It starts the day after. 'Cause tomorrow is still May. Still, it's good that you're prepared.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
I wanted to do that 30 day challenge thing too but I forgot about it ^^;
I like that your collecting them in the comic section; thats more organizing
Administrator | Posted 05/30/13 | Reply
Whoa! This looks like fun! This is a neat idea Jenna, so then we can check in when you've updated something ^O^ Can't wait to see what you post :)
Find a reason to smile