*nods* I know, you told me you've been working out some things for quite some time now xDD I'm a patient person though, Sayoko-chan, so just work whenever you're ready ^^ I just wanted to say how much I missed this, that's all. I really love reading the pages again and again and seeing all of them interact. It makes me feel like there's hope in seeing theOtaku's old KH OCs again. ^^
lol yeah I haven't updated it in a while XD gomen ne~ ;u; I'm trying to sort things out a little more since I'm trying to make adjustments with the plot without redoing anymore pages (I've done enough of that rofl XD) I'm looking forward to posting more soon C:
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
Oh Sayoko-chan, I was reading this just for reminiscent purposes and it really did make my day ^^ Just seeing all of the characters together and having fun in the manga, it really does make me happy! I do hope you make more pages of this soon~ I miss reading it. *nods* I still can't get over how amazing the pages are and how much talent you've got here<3 Can't wait to see more my friend~ love you!
Hey, I came to reread a few pages I liked in your manga and found out that you've remade a few pages and such.
They're coming in a lot better actually. Keep up the great work, Sayoko-chan! ^_^
Pfft, the part with the fangirls made me giggle :D
'Specially the part w/ the Roxas Rox Club And of course Roxas ROCKS @$$
Oh dear, I have a feeling the fangirls will kill me :'D
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
It's about time! *stops jumping around and takes a breath* xDD I went to sleep last night and I was like "OMG L&D PAGES TOMORROW MORNING!" xD
And oh wow, so much Riiya xD excuse me as I finish up this giftie I've been sketching~
Kyahhhh I'm sooo excited to read more! And yes, she's totally in character(the first few times she sees Cloud she kind of freaks out), which flows right with the storyline I've got=it's perfect!
I really can't wait to read more! ^^ And thanks soooo sooo much Sayoko-chan! *super glomp huggles*
Last edited by aragorn1014 at 9:52:36 PM EDT on June 13, 2009.
Oh noes it's okies~ The comment box is actually loading a little faster now~ XDD
Yeah, I thought about Ms. Tuesday and Ms. Nakayoshi acting the same too XD And they're both single, rofl XD
And I enjoyed reading ur comment very much~! >u< lol, I laughed when u talked about sora's hair XD yeah, his hair is like antenas of his emotions rofl XDD I will continue to do my best >u< *hugs* <3
Kyaaa~! 30 new pages! You were sure working hard! X3 That's great! =] [I've only gotten past 3 of the new pages actually XDD Or was it 4??] The RiiyaXCloud-ness is amazing~ :D I love how Cloud is all -.= and Riiya's all o/////o lol. Riiya's sooo~o adorable! X3 You're amazing, Rachel!^o^ *I might comment again since I have about 26 more pages to go through lol*
Teehee. Miss Nakayoshi reminds me of Ms. Tuesday from your other manga Bloody Rose Night X3 And on page 109, I love how Sora's hair just falls XD Becuase the poor thing is lost~ ;~; Kyootness :>
OHMAGOSH. That one pic of Sora made me rofl :> The one on page 115 where he's like "NOT AGAIN!! ;A;" XDD Nice =] You're really good at this mangaka thing^w^ Like REALLY good!^w^
*Random trash can = <3 :>*
Ack..! I didn't see the part about the commenting in your World or PMing you -A-;; Gomen, Rachel-chan! I'll leave this here since it's already there and make sure that I comment this amazing manga in a PM or in your world next time^w^;
*Dating Sim Manga :3*
Last edited by fire.freak at 7:24:50 PM EDT on June 13, 2009.
lolz these pages were so funny! ha Roxas rapes little girls lamo any who, the pages look great! AND YAY KAIRI CAME BACK AGAIN!!!! She looked soooo cute all dressed up hehe
oh I was wondering how BRN is coming along? I miss reading that too.
You draw nicely! I envy you greatly! You draw nice and write nice and you have an interesting story that keeps pulling me back to read more!
Good Job! Continue your work! And a lot of other possitive comments..........!!!!
I wish I was Sayoko right about now because I love Riku.
GO RIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i see what your sister ment XD
sayoko kinda fades away in to the back ground a bit...
try making some naroration of her more during the story to make her personailyt and presance pop out more ^.^
hahhah !
what the blitz are you doing
i love that you redrew this! cause i couldint read some of it before cause theo changed i couldint read it at all >.<
OKAY I finally finished it *up to this point
My computer's slow to load but i finally finished it this afternoon ^^"
I think its really cool how you use everyone's oc's C:
And you incorporate them into the story so well :D
Lolz, aw thank u! XD btw u read the construction notice right? ^^; I'm just too lazy to delete the old pages XD
and thats so sweet of u! but u dont have to add sayoko if its too much trouble! XD
yay more updates!
awwww what a cute faith and sora moment! :D I love it!
awwww sora is protect faith!
lolz sora is so funny 'bad faith bad faith' xD
awwwwwww and then they hugged in the rain! tottal movie moment there. :D
I love the lighting effect you did with the moon.
Very cute updates rachel-chan
lol, yay more updated pages!
Pretty interesting story there. Nice flashback. =)
Hahaha, go fig. If Riku told Sayoko that he had a knife back then, she'd freak just like that. XD
*looked back on the new updated pages* Those aren't lame Riyoko moments! I find them extremely cute~ :3 Between little ones too~
Awws~!! x3
I LOVE how you drew Riku all Emo/Possessed! It looks awesome! =] And totally life threatening lol. His eyes and expressions made him look completely out of it *puts two thumbs up* Awesome job, Sayo-chan~!^3^
Kya~! OMG, Riku doesn't now it, but he's HUGGING Sayoko-chan! (I'm talking about after he's just punched the lights out of the freakizoid dude w/the gun) And LOL, he said 2 bad words! XD P.S. GO GANGSTAS'!!! "My gum lost flavor from the shock! 0_0" lol. XD (p.s.s. After Riku says "Don't u lay 1 little finger on her, u ........!!!" The next pannel shows 1 of the girls giggling. Was it Faith-chan or some1 else???
I just went over every page that you updated and I love how you added some things!! I see all the improvement! It's amazing! I seriously love it :3 Hahaha, news reporter lady x3 And the gangstas...OMG the gangstas XDD "Yo! Wazzup fellow gangsta?" "He is one bad dude" I was LOL-ing like crazy XD Ah~ for the nature of gangsters x3 Funny funny^ ^
And Rika is so awesome in this x3 She knows how to make plans lol. Kinda reminds me of me x3
Oh, and the updated chapter pages are gorgeous! =] Done in watercolor and all. Annnd *talks to much. Gomen^ ^;* I like the idea that you put in here about spiral fruit. That was a good idea. Star fruit, spiral fruit, heart fruit. Lalalalala~ Keep up the awesome work Sayoko-chan^ ^
Aye! I almost forgot! Is it ok if Kiyoko is added into this manga somewhere? I know you have a lot of Oc's that you've added in here so I'm taking a chance at asking ya^o^ It must be hard drawing so many Oc's^ ^; PM me your answer please and thank you^0^
Lolz, ish oki, I don't expect ppl to notice any updates anyway, since I'm editing the pages instead of uploading, it takes too much time to delete each and every single one of the pages and I don't want to confuse new readers. XD thankies for reading~ X3
ur icon still captivates me, it's so cute~ :3 heehee *hugs*
Whoa, I missed a few updates! O.o Hope I can catch up with some things! Okay, I’m going to try going page by page as I read.
Ah! I just noticed the two at the bottom of the 1st page of chap. 6 must be Miku and Kaito from Vocaloid, right?! XD Very nice touch!
Whoo! Riku gets Sayoko a little dolphin! How cute! ^^
LOL, oh noes! It’s those two dumb couples again. Poor Faith and Sora. >>
Lol, Roxas and Rika are surely having a fun time. They’re getting some free stuff! ^^
Wah! Kitty interrupting by eating trash. Elena’s a little frantic there! XD
LOL, Rika calls up Sakurie and Riiya about the fortune-telling business! xD …And Roxas is left completely clueless. XD
Aww…poor Riku. Can’t believe his parents died when he was only 7. GASP! A Heartless was taking over him that time?! OMG! O_O Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Whoo, I think that just about covers up most of the updates I’ve missed so far. XD
Anyway, the new updates are coming along great, Sayoko-chan! Keep it up! ^^
Aaaw, thank you! TwT it makes me really happy that my manga makes you happy! I'll do my best to update as much as possible! :D *hugglezz*
Yep, yep, I'm trying to think of a good way to introduce Akari-chan! X3 I'll let you know when I do. :D And sure! Go ahead and use the uniforms! ^^ (I made that in L&D each grade has a different uniform, incase u wanted to know. XD) I'm designing alot of different ones by doodling on my school planner. XD lolz.
Waah, you seriously want to add Sayoko in there? ;A; that would be really great! Only if it's not too much trouble! ^^ Good luck on ur manga, I know it's gonna be full of awesomeness like you! X3 *hugs* X3
Ah, all these new pages make my life happy.
You were going to add Akari right?
I was also wondering if I could use your school uniforms in my KH manga?
And I was wondering if I could put Sayoko in there too.
OMG there are alot of comments to scroll through to get here :P
Ok Sayoko thank you for updating!!! It like seriously made my day! :D:D:D:D:D
I was looking at your pages from before and then at the ones you redid, and I can tell you have improved.... like aaaaalot! It’s so amazing like before and after, so coooool^^ (lol ok I have no idea why I just obsessed about that, but really you did improve!)
Hey maybe you can add Summer in there too. But only if you want to, I don't want to invade on what you are doing here.
(lol I just sat here for like 5 mins watching Kazusa-chan's avatar!)
Last edited by khismylife at 7:14:54 PM EDT on September 4, 2008.
Sure, no prob! I'll add chou-chan in there! X3
I'll try adding her after Sayoko and the rest go to Kaleido stage and have a slumber party at rika's mansion or something. XD I'll think about it ^^ I'll let u know when i feature her. :D
I don't blame you about not liking yaoi/yuri, RSR-chan! I haven't been bugged by a yaoi/yuri fan yet(though I did kinda get a rude coment from a fangirl on Da but who cares!?) -_-
Don't get me wrong....I don't mind the people who like yaoi! I only hate the mean yaoi fans who are flaming the people who don't just because of what they think.... ^_^
I agree with you, yaoi and yuri is kinda annoying to see. Yaoi is getting seriously out of hand. I'm no fan of it at all. I get rather disappointed when I see any yaoi/yuri pairs. >>
But then again, that's me. If my friends like it, I wouldn't exactly care. It's not like I'm the one that pulls the strings of their lives. O_<
Okay, about the series, I keep rereading it now and then and I can't get over Faith going, "HAY GAIS, LOOK AT DA FWOOT I GOT!! XD" I just loved her expression! Can't wait to see more of your updates. ^^
Last edited by smartanimegirl at 5:47:53 PM EDT on August 22, 2008.
A, that's okay, alot of my friends do.. That doesn't mean I hate u though!^^ That's a silly reason to break a friendship XP anyway, I'm kinda trying to just let it go and relax.. *stays calm*
Okies, sorry^^; I just didn't know how to respond to that comment about Riku, n I was like real depressed so I wasn't really thinking right I guess. D: and about the discouraging comment thing, I've had sadening soul eating comments all day that made me feel upset/angry/hurt (not only on theO) So I was like, going bonkers and just had to let it all out.XP That's what I meant. (I can't type right when I'm upset XD) It's not ur fault. I'm just not a yaoi fan so I kinda get all insecure/weird when I hear about it n stuff >_> gomen
I'm sorry if I was being annoying/irritating. D:
it was a joke. im sorry! xD;;;
and what, like gay people can't be in love now? /:
and really
you arent the only one with problems.
dont use that as an excuse,
and it wasn't a discouraging statement...?
i said nothing bad about you manga
riku isn't you character, i can say whatever i want about him.
*sigh* This is a such a terrible week for me D: I don't know what the hell's goin' on lately... F**k yaoi and lies and all other upsetting things in this world that make people feel awful D:
one more discouraging statement, and I swear, my soul will gush out of my heart and I'll go nuts. D: I've had enough of madness already yesterday at home.
But thank u for nicely complimenting my manga.^^
Don't worry 'bout what i just said, I'm like in a freakin' shity mood right now. I rarely even curse. D:
*sigh* I have like a bad omen around me right now.
The Riyoko moments in here are really cute! ^^ And Kazena seems like a nice mix for KazunexElena. And Faira sounds fun to say for FaithxSora. ^^
This is coming great so far. Keep it up! Can't wait for more of your updates! ^^
Oooh, I never knew you had this in here. I'm already interested in reading this. O.O
Ah...looks like I was a bit late on this. I wish I could have asked to add my character Roxine in this, but I posted her up like a few weeks ago even when I designed about a year ago. ^^"
Oh well.
The manga looks amazing. Can't wait to read more. ^^
Hooray for new pages!! X33 And you're going to upload the redone pages, right? 8D Can't wait to read them!! X3 lol. Everyone's so cute and huggable looking!! I wanna hug every single one!! *A*
OMG!!I loved it!!! ur soooooo awsome RSRkigdomstars I love ur handwriting too itz so neat and pretty love ur chartaterz too my fav iz sayoko and of course Riku!! love-ya
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
Sayoko-chan you've got her down perfect don't worry about a thing! =P If something goes wrong I'll let you know but so far you've done PERFECT! ^^ That's EXACTLY the class she would have chosen anyway =P *huggles* Wonderful work so far~ ^^
This manga is so awesome. I really enjoyed it. All the artwork is so pretty. I can't wait to read your next one. Wow that manga was so amazingGreat job on it and the covers are pretty. So is the artwork for the chapter pages. All and all great manga. You did a nice job with it.Great job and keep up the good work.
Ahh, I love her automatic response despite the fact that she was daydreaming. My mom does that, so we ask her dumb questions and she'll say, "Yeah.. Yeah... Sure..."
Oooh! Nice new cover thingy for your manga! It's really cute looking. The story I totally love it so far. Eh...you people confuse me with your knowledge and all that other stuff about computer software programs and all that other stuff. lmao You make me look like a total noob the way you can use paint. I can barely manage a stick figure.
Gwah! Frog disections! @.@
We had to disect frogs this year, and the guys in my group kept stabbing it with the disecting pins... and i was like "YOU'RE GONNA KILL IT!!!" ... And then i remembered it was already dead.... >_>
Poor poor froggies...
I love the new cover! It looks really awesome! *sighs in amazement* I could never do anything as good as you, RSR, but who cares about envying other peoples' art?
*Squees!* More pages!^w^ I'm so hooked onto your manga, it's almost scary >> > But at least that means I care!^ ^ I promise, once I get my friggin scanner working again[or once I get a new scanner >>] I'm gonna do fan art for your manga! :O[It wont be my first fan art b/c I already have something for my first fan art >> But it will be somewhere near there!] Anywhos, onward with ze reading of ze manga!
Sayoko is so adorable when she blushes around Riku! x3 Elena too! Faith is just like me^o^
ya, I'm not sure if the laptop i am using now has WMM, it's windows 2000 (and has alot of stuff), so even if it did have it, it would freeze and die... :P so i better wait till i get windows xp lolz XD
comment to all: thank u for the nice comments about the cover ^^
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
:D oh wow! The new cover looks cool! ^-^
Animations?!?! :D Tha'd be so cool!! If I ever get to be a better artist i'm gonna try to make myself an anime over Request of the Heart. XD tha'd be so cool!
Yah....even though I draw all the time the only manga I own are Kingdom Hearts (the first four volumes) and Negima! (whihch I deeply regret buying b/c its basicially soft porn!)
yeah, im aware of that, thanks for making sure^^ thats why i have to submit it and delete the old one XD it really is annoying XP oh wellz. its fixed now, so yay~ XD
Can't wait to see the pages after they're fixed! But, becareful with the editing...
*sighs* just when you want to edit one page of a manga, that page ends up on the first page and you have to fix that...trust me, that happened to me.... -_-
And I'm not joking/lying/whatever you call it, really!
yeah, i agree XP i drew that when i was 12, so don't expect any fancy high school words XD it gets better as time goes by though, i promise :P the first couple of pages are just messy and screwed up, especially since i don't really own any manga at all, and i didn't read much manga back then, so i knew nothing bout the panel effects, speech bubble order, special effects, etc., so i basically started from scratch XD
Most of it is really good, Specially the cover, it looks great! Some of the scenes and lines are kinda lame though...like, "Yah Bro, just chill and smile!" Thast has to be the most lame line in a manga!
lol Faith joined the club...poor Sora! XD And...OMFG! Tidus and Yuna together!*falls off computer chair* (I love them being together, even though this isn't about them...) Once again... YOU ROCK SAYOKO-SAMA! *hugs and faves*
Hehehe, Uwahh! This keeps getting better and better! =D When's Riku gunna kiss Sayoko-Chu?? I keep waiting! X3 Hey! When I get Akari up, can she be in your manga? Sorry, you don't have too, you'd have SO many in your manga. But if you want to, PM and I'll tell you about her. ^^
You rock Sayoko-sama!!!!!! ( I understand if you're starting to get annoyed with my constant commenting...) but seriously, you are good! Especially with the cover and back...I could NEVER do something as good as the light effect you did on paint without using photoshop...
Hooray for more pages!! X33 I loved the new pages! And I wish I had teachers like that!! X'DD lol. Oooh!! And my Hikari's finally here!! She looks so cute!! *A* Thank you~~~!! I can't wait to read more!! XP
YAY!!! TAKARI'S FINALLY THERE!!!!! *glomps* Thank you so much for being able to include her!!!! ^-^
XD ... I never realized her hairbands were so bulky until you drew them... X____X
Awww, I missed so many updates. TT.TT So sorry Sayoko-chan! *hugs*
Your drawings are definately improving. ^^ Ganbatte kudasai ne! :D
Can't wait to see what happens next, poor Sayoko and Sakurie... *pat pat* ^.^;;
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
*nods* I know, you told me you've been working out some things for quite some time now xDD I'm a patient person though, Sayoko-chan, so just work whenever you're ready ^^ I just wanted to say how much I missed this, that's all. I really love reading the pages again and again and seeing all of them interact. It makes me feel like there's hope in seeing theOtaku's old KH OCs again. ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
lol yeah I haven't updated it in a while XD gomen ne~ ;u; I'm trying to sort things out a little more since I'm trying to make adjustments with the plot without redoing anymore pages (I've done enough of that rofl XD) I'm looking forward to posting more soon C:
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/17/10 | Reply
Oh Sayoko-chan, I was reading this just for reminiscent purposes and it really did make my day ^^ Just seeing all of the characters together and having fun in the manga, it really does make me happy! I do hope you make more pages of this soon~ I miss reading it. *nods* I still can't get over how amazing the pages are and how much talent you've got here<3 Can't wait to see more my friend~ love you!
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/26/09 | Reply
Hey, I came to reread a few pages I liked in your manga and found out that you've remade a few pages and such.
They're coming in a lot better actually. Keep up the great work, Sayoko-chan! ^_^
Otakuite | Posted 11/22/09 | Reply
I love this manga! Can't wait to read more! ^^ :3
Otakuite | Posted 11/13/09 | Reply
Wow! I love it! When's the next one?!
Dessie Deathnote
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/15/09 | Reply
oh em gee! i love it so much! ahhh i gotta be your friend you are so awesome!(not to be a suck up or anything)
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/09/09 | Reply

Love spam~! x'33!!!
Dessie Deathnote
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/01/09 | Reply
woah! the middl character the one with blonde bangs and brown hair is like me! well the bangs part!
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
"WE Got to skip math today!!!" lol that is tottaly somthin i would say!!!! lol gr8 job sayoko!
beloved blood
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/16/09 | Reply
so very ccuuutttteeeee

Onigiri Girl 02
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/12/09 | Reply
Myaaa i love this please continue~ hehehe I remember when sora thought roxas was a perv :3
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
Nice new updates, Sayoko-chan! ^^
You do seem to have a knack for crows... XD
As do I. ^^ And ravens. ;)
(Technically some crows have been following me around lately... O_o)Hahahaha! Punk-san makes his appearance! ^^"
Ooh! I just noticed you let Punkii-chan have him! :D
That's so sweet! ^.^
Keep up the work, Sayoko-chan!
Punzianna (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
you rewrote almost anything.
and yes May is cute. >w<
thank youu.
Eternal Scout (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/01/09 | Reply
dude! I can't draw ppl the same way twice! how u do that? storyline is so kewleoh!
Otakuite | Posted 06/22/09 | Reply
I love the story line the plot is awesome
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/14/09 | Reply
Pfft, the part with the fangirls made me giggle :D
'Specially the part w/ the Roxas Rox Club And of course Roxas
Oh dear, I have a feeling the fangirls will kill me :'D
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
......wow! its so long and well done i read the whole thing, keep doin ur thing seriously
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
okayy (: so far im loving the manga <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
Aaw thank you >u<
I'm gonna add her in the kaleido stage part, which will take a couple more chapters, but I'll get there as soon as I can ^^
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
It's about time! *stops jumping around and takes a breath* xDD I went to sleep last night and I was like "OMG L&D PAGES TOMORROW MORNING!" xD
And oh wow, so much Riiya xD excuse me as I finish up this giftie I've been sketching~
Kyahhhh I'm sooo excited to read more! And yes, she's totally in character(the first few times she sees Cloud she kind of freaks out), which flows right with the storyline I've got=it's perfect!
I really can't wait to read more! ^^ And thanks soooo sooo much Sayoko-chan! *super glomp huggles*
Last edited by aragorn1014 at 9:52:36 PM EDT on June 13, 2009.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
its so cute <3 i love the way you draw sayoko <3
when does haruki come in ? :3
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
WOW. You were right, Sayoko-chan. MANY MORE PAGES!!! XD
Aren't you happy summer's here? XD
I love the cover page for Chapter 6 since everyone was doodling all over the book. ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
Oh noes it's okies~ The comment box is actually loading a little faster now~ XDD
Yeah, I thought about Ms. Tuesday and Ms. Nakayoshi acting the same too XD And they're both single, rofl XD
And I enjoyed reading ur comment very much~! >u< lol, I laughed when u talked about sora's hair XD yeah, his hair is like antenas of his emotions rofl XDD I will continue to do my best >u< *hugs* <3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
Kyaaa~! 30 new pages! You were sure working hard! X3 That's great! =] [I've only gotten past 3 of the new pages actually XDD Or was it 4??] The RiiyaXCloud-ness is amazing~ :D I love how Cloud is all -.= and Riiya's all o/////o lol. Riiya's sooo~o adorable! X3 You're amazing, Rachel!^o^ *I might comment again since I have about 26 more pages to go through lol*
Teehee. Miss Nakayoshi reminds me of Ms. Tuesday from your other manga Bloody Rose Night X3 And on page 109, I love how Sora's hair just falls XD Becuase the poor thing is lost~ ;~; Kyootness :>
OHMAGOSH. That one pic of Sora made me rofl :> The one on page 115 where he's like "NOT AGAIN!! ;A;" XDD Nice =] You're really good at this mangaka thing^w^ Like REALLY good!^w^
*Random trash can = <3 :>*
Ack..! I didn't see the part about the commenting in your World or PMing you -A-;; Gomen, Rachel-chan! I'll leave this here since it's already there and make sure that I comment this amazing manga in a PM or in your world next time^w^;
*Dating Sim Manga :3*
Last edited by fire.freak at 7:24:50 PM EDT on June 13, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
@Cha Girl:
lolz, I decided to add him in there XDD Afterall this is a crossover anime manga, the more anime the better XD
Cha Girl
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
aaah- reaally?
im excited
iluuuu toooo :D
Last edited by StrawberriiTea at 4:33:18 PM EDT on June 13, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
Haha, thank you~<3 >u<
I'm gonna have Akari appear soon~ X3
ilu so much<3
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
i love page 107
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
27 Jade 27
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
omfg, that was your
FIRST manga?!??!?!?! you r so good!!!!!!>.< make more...
i have over 5 manga'sand im terrible at drawlng...
Punzianna (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
6th grade in America is still in elementary school. : D
At least I was.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
yey update!
-excited for more-
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
lolz these pages were so funny!
ha Roxas rapes little girls lamoany who, the pages look great! AND YAY KAIRI CAME BACK AGAIN!!!! She looked soooo cute all dressed up heheoh I was wondering how BRN is coming along? I miss reading that too.
Keep up the awesome work sayoko-chan! ^_~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
Haha, ur not crazy~ just overly creative<3 C: (and it's true XD) I shall add in Rokurei sweetness soon 8D *hugs*
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
and its more liek lol rika raping innocent little boys.ohgod you are so amazing
give your talent and patience women ; A;
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
You've had something to do over Spring Break alright! ^^
Coming along nicely!
Now we need see MOAR!!! XD
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
omigosssh :D
updates~! >w<
these are soooo amazing sayoko-chan :3
I really love how you shaded everything, especially kairi's hair <3
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
*sigh* ah i'm crazy
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/27/09 | Reply
You draw nicely! I envy you greatly! You draw nice and write nice and you have an interesting story that keeps pulling me back to read more!
Good Job! Continue your work! And a lot of other possitive comments
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/14/09 | Reply
I wish I was Sayoko right about now because I love Riku.
GO RIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Inspirational (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
I had many laughs with this manga XD ^_^
Sora is freakin' hilarious XDD. There were lines in the manga that just were plain funny XD
*faves* *watches manga for next update*
I love the idea of making the front and back of your manga like a book :3
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
lol but you have the funyest randome moments like when sayoko was trying to sleep lol!
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
i see what your sister ment XD
sayoko kinda fades away in to the back ground a bit...
try making some naroration of her more during the story to make her personailyt and presance pop out more ^.^
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/28/08 | Reply
hahhah !
what the blitz are you doing
i love that you redrew this! cause i couldint read some of it before cause theo changed i couldint read it at all >.<
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
Wow! 18 pages in one day?! Sayoko-chan, that's amazing! 8D
I could never do as many pages for any of my comics in one day. ^^
Anyway, I love the new pages. It's coming along great so far.
Especially the fortune telling pages. The magic effects were awesome. ^^
Aw...deleted your old pages, huh?
Well, it was fun to look back at until then. ^^
Anyway, doing great so far. Can't wait for more. =)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
:DDD thankies XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
You deleted all the old pages? *applauds* Congradulations. :D
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
OKAY I finally finished it *up to this point
My computer's slow to load but i finally finished it this afternoon ^^"
I think its really cool how you use everyone's oc's C:
And you incorporate them into the story so well :D
update soon, please~! C:
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/11/08 | Reply
Lolz, aw thank u! XD btw u read the construction notice right? ^^; I'm just too lazy to delete the old pages XD
and thats so sweet of u! but u dont have to add sayoko if its too much trouble! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/29/08 | Reply
This is so cute! :3 I so hugging and faving this!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/08 | Reply
yay more updates!
awwww what a cute faith and sora moment! :D I love it!
awwww sora is protect faith!
lolz sora is so funny 'bad faith bad faith' xD
awwwwwww and then they hugged in the rain! tottal movie moment there. :D
I love the lighting effect you did with the moon.
Very cute updates rachel-chan
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/08 | Reply
lol, yay more updated pages!
Pretty interesting story there. Nice flashback. =)
Hahaha, go fig. If Riku told Sayoko that he had a knife back then, she'd freak just like that. XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/20/08 | Reply
*looked back on the new updated pages* Those aren't lame Riyoko moments! I find them extremely cute~ :3 Between little ones too~
Awws~!! x3
I LOVE how you drew Riku all Emo/Possessed! It looks awesome! =] And totally life threatening lol. His eyes and expressions made him look completely out of it *puts two thumbs up* Awesome job, Sayo-chan~!^3^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/11/08 | Reply
Lolz, yeah i love the gangstas XD
and yup that's faith-chan~ X3
I'll try updating more as soon as i can X3 Plus I wanna get rid of the old pages as soon as possible XDDD
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/11/08 | Reply
OMG, Riku doesn't now it, but he's HUGGING Sayoko-chan!
(I'm talking about after he's just punched the lights out of the freakizoid dude w/the gun) And LOL, he said 2 bad words! XD P.S. GO GANGSTAS'!!!
"My gum lost flavor from the shock! 0_0" lol. XD (p.s.s. After Riku says "Don't u lay 1 little finger on her, u ........!!!" The next pannel shows 1 of the girls giggling. Was it Faith-chan or some1 else???
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/04/08 | Reply
OMG, Riku was taken over by a Heartless! *can't wait to see what happens next* And yay~! A tiny bit of Kaito and Miku~! (yes, I love that pairing :D)
Can't wait for more updates~!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/04/08 | Reply
I just went over every page that you updated and I love how you added some things!! I see all the improvement! It's amazing! I seriously love it :3 Hahaha, news reporter lady x3 And the gangstas...OMG the gangstas XDD "Yo! Wazzup fellow gangsta?" "He is one bad dude" I was LOL-ing like crazy XD Ah~ for the nature of gangsters x3 Funny funny^ ^
And Rika is so awesome in this x3 She knows how to make plans lol. Kinda reminds me of me x3
Oh, and the updated chapter pages are gorgeous! =] Done in watercolor and all. Annnd *talks to much. Gomen^ ^;* I like the idea that you put in here about spiral fruit. That was a good idea. Star fruit, spiral fruit, heart fruit. Lalalalala~ Keep up the awesome work Sayoko-chan^ ^
Aye! I almost forgot! Is it ok if Kiyoko is added into this manga somewhere? I know you have a lot of Oc's that you've added in here so I'm taking a chance at asking ya^o^ It must be hard drawing so many Oc's^ ^; PM me your answer please and thank you^0^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/28/08 | Reply
Lolz, ish oki, I don't expect ppl to notice any updates anyway, since I'm editing the pages instead of uploading, it takes too much time to delete each and every single one of the pages and I don't want to confuse new readers. XD thankies for reading~ X3
ur icon still captivates me, it's so cute~ :3 heehee *hugs*
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/27/08 | Reply
Whoa, I missed a few updates! O.o Hope I can catch up with some things! Okay, I’m going to try going page by page as I read.
Ah! I just noticed the two at the bottom of the 1st page of chap. 6 must be Miku and Kaito from Vocaloid, right?! XD Very nice touch!
Whoo! Riku gets Sayoko a little dolphin! How cute! ^^
LOL, oh noes! It’s those two dumb couples again. Poor Faith and Sora. >>
Lol, Roxas and Rika are surely having a fun time. They’re getting some free stuff! ^^
Wah! Kitty interrupting by eating trash. Elena’s a little frantic there! XD
LOL, Rika calls up Sakurie and Riiya about the fortune-telling business! xD …And Roxas is left completely clueless. XD
Aww…poor Riku. Can’t believe his parents died when he was only 7. GASP! A Heartless was taking over him that time?! OMG! O_O Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Whoo, I think that just about covers up most of the updates I’ve missed so far. XD
Anyway, the new updates are coming along great, Sayoko-chan! Keep it up! ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/04/08 | Reply
Aaaw, thank you! TwT it makes me really happy that my manga makes you happy! I'll do my best to update as much as possible! :D *hugglezz*
Yep, yep, I'm trying to think of a good way to introduce Akari-chan! X3 I'll let you know when I do. :D And sure! Go ahead and use the uniforms! ^^ (I made that in L&D each grade has a different uniform, incase u wanted to know. XD) I'm designing alot of different ones by doodling on my school planner. XD lolz.
Waah, you seriously want to add Sayoko in there? ;A; that would be really great! Only if it's not too much trouble! ^^ Good luck on ur manga, I know it's gonna be full of awesomeness like you! X3 *hugs* X3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/04/08 | Reply
Sure, I'll add Summer when I can! ^w^ I'm really glad u like my manga! :3 And yay, I'm improving! XD That makes me really happy. ^^ *hugs* X3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/04/08 | Reply
Close! It's Kamichama Karin! :D Yeah, that's where Kazune's from. XD Great anime. :3 *hugs* X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/03/08 | Reply
Ah, all these new pages make my life happy.
You were going to add Akari right?
I was also wondering if I could use your school uniforms in my KH manga?
And I was wondering if I could put Sayoko in there too.
[ T e a ]
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/02/08 | Reply
OMG there are alot of comments to scroll through to get here :P
Ok Sayoko thank you for updating!!! It like seriously made my day! :D:D:D:D:D
I was looking at your pages from before and then at the ones you redid, and I can tell you have improved.... like aaaaalot! It’s so amazing like before and after, so coooool^^ (lol ok I have no idea why I just obsessed about that, but really you did improve!)
Hey maybe you can add Summer in there too. But only if you want to, I don't want to invade on what you are doing here.
(lol I just sat here for like 5 mins watching Kazusa-chan's avatar!)
Last edited by khismylife at 7:14:54 PM EDT on September 4, 2008.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/02/08 | Reply
wait i remeber those people , Too bad i forgot thier names , BUT THERE FROM KAMICHU KARIN ( did i spell it right )
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/02/08 | Reply
ayeeeeee I loved that shooowwwww~~~~
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
Sure, no prob! I'll add chou-chan in there! X3
I'll try adding her after Sayoko and the rest go to Kaleido stage and have a slumber party at rika's mansion or something. XD I'll think about it ^^ I'll let u know when i feature her. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
ehehe... you should *addchoucoughcough*
no, you can do whatever you want xD ♥ I really like the re-done pages!!
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
OH MY GOOODDDD. Your new Omatsuri pages are AMAZING.
I absolutely LOVE IT ♥ Buckets of love for adding RikaRoku ♥♥
Keep It up1 You're getting so much better at drawing Riku! keep it up!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
xDD *eats cookie* :D YAY!!!
it looks awesome so far! :DDD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
Yeps, it's Miku and Kaito!! :D ding ding ding!! XD lolz *hands cookie* :3
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/01/08 | Reply
heyyyyy isn't that Miku Miku and Kaito Volcaloid thingy ppl?!?! :OOO
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/24/08 | Reply
Rei is in it ( is guessing its fun-chan ) XD
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/23/08 | Reply
XD Yes Roxas and Riku r Stronger XD , *stays calm* i'm not afraid of punk-sama
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/22/08 | Reply
I don't blame you about not liking yaoi/yuri, RSR-chan! I haven't been bugged by a yaoi/yuri fan yet(though I did kinda get a rude coment from a fangirl on Da but who cares!?) -_-
Don't get me wrong....I don't mind the people who like yaoi! I only hate the mean yaoi fans who are flaming the people who don't just because of what they think.... ^_^
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/08 | Reply
I agree with you, yaoi and yuri is kinda annoying to see. Yaoi is getting seriously out of hand. I'm no fan of it at all. I get rather disappointed when I see any yaoi/yuri pairs. >>
But then again, that's me. If my friends like it, I wouldn't exactly care. It's not like I'm the one that pulls the strings of their lives. O_<
Okay, about the series, I keep rereading it now and then and I can't get over Faith going, "HAY GAIS, LOOK AT DA FWOOT I GOT!! XD" I just loved her expression! Can't wait to see more of your updates. ^^
Last edited by smartanimegirl at 5:47:53 PM EDT on August 22, 2008.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
lol it's ok, don't worry.
i see.
i get like that too when im upset.
i just sorta let it all out lmfao xD;;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
A, that's okay, alot of my friends do..
That doesn't mean I hate u though!^^ That's a silly reason to break a friendship XP anyway, I'm kinda trying to just let it go and relax.. *stays calm*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
Okies, sorry^^; I just didn't know how to respond to that comment about Riku, n I was like real depressed so I wasn't really thinking right I guess. D: and about the discouraging comment thing, I've had sadening soul eating comments all day that made me feel upset/angry/hurt (not only on theO) So I was like, going bonkers and just had to let it all out.XP That's what I meant. (I can't type right when I'm upset XD) It's not ur fault. I'm just not a yaoi fan so I kinda get all insecure/weird when I hear about it n stuff >_> gomen
I'm sorry if I was being annoying/irritating. D:
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
it was a joke. im sorry! xD;;;
and what, like gay people can't be in love now? /:
and really
you arent the only one with problems.
dont use that as an excuse,
and it wasn't a discouraging statement...?
i said nothing bad about you manga
riku isn't you character, i can say whatever i want about him.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
-sigh- When will people stop saying Riku is gay? I think hes super cute but Roxas is my guy!!!!!!!
Yes I love all the names you have gavin them and Riyoko moments are so cute!!!!!!
And last the filler with the cats is cute to!
Last edited by khismylife at 2:37:44 PM EDT on August 13, 2008.
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
B-but I like yaoi ; A;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
*sigh* This is a such a terrible week for me D: I don't know what the hell's goin' on lately... F**k yaoi and lies and all other upsetting things in this world that make people feel awful D:

one more discouraging statement, and I swear, my soul will gush out of my heart and I'll go nuts. D: I've had enough of madness already yesterday at home.
But thank u for nicely complimenting my manga.^^
Don't worry 'bout what i just said, I'm like in a freakin' shity mood right now. I rarely even curse. D:
*sigh* I have like a bad omen around me right now.
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply

you know riku's gay, right?
i'm pretty sure everyone on the whole planet knows that 8D
you're manga is super cute thoouugghh
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/09/08 | Reply
The Riyoko moments in here are really cute! ^^ And Kazena seems like a nice mix for KazunexElena. And Faira sounds fun to say for FaithxSora. ^^
This is coming great so far. Keep it up! Can't wait for more of your updates! ^^
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
i just noticed clouds in school O_O, and he made a teach mad XD ( so like him XD)
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
More Updates yays XD ,poor sayoko ( did i spell that right) *beat the crap out of the pervy dude person guy* NO GUNS IN MALLS
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/05/08 | Reply
I just wanted to say that I love Sayoko's hair in a ponytail!!!!!
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
XD nice updates XD and sora can be childish sometimes...., Roxas Is Soooooo Cute in this XD XD *hugs every pg and favs the book*
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
ok and im not a new reader and its a good book XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
Thank u! X3
btw, if ur a new reader, I hope u read the part where I said that I'm redoing pages, so if it gets confusing, that is the reason why XD
So far I redid chapters 1-2, I'm currently working on the rest of the old chapters^^
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/19/08 | Reply
Page 159 is so cute , and poor frogs DX
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/15/08 | Reply
Ahahaha, I like April, Punk, and his Fan Girls.
They amuse me.
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
Oooh, I never knew you had this in here. I'm already interested in reading this. O.O
Ah...looks like I was a bit late on this. I wish I could have asked to add my character Roxine in this, but I posted her up like a few weeks ago even when I designed about a year ago. ^^"
Oh well.
The manga looks amazing. Can't wait to read more. ^^
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
AHH! Spiral of death! *runs and hides* ...XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
You're getting really good at drawing Roxas!^ ^ I is proud!! :D Cant wait for more pages^.^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
Hooray for new pages!! X33 And you're going to upload the redone pages, right? 8D Can't wait to read them!! X3 lol. Everyone's so cute and huggable looking!! I wanna hug every single one!! *A*
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
Kazune XD
and i love this
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
I loved it!!! ur soooooo awsome RSRkigdomstars I love ur handwriting too itz so neat and pretty love ur chartaterz too my fav iz sayoko and of course Riku!! love-ya

Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/26/08 | Reply
Oh, ok! cuz i was afraid that there was something wrong, and i didn't want to make readers upset XD thank u for the encouragement cherri!^^ *hugs*
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
What the heck? My comment didn't show up. ;_;
I said
'Keep up the great work!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/25/08 | Reply
errr... did I do something wrong??? XD I'll fix anything that bothers u, whatever it may be.. ^^;;
Sold my soul (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/24/08 | Reply
yay more new pages!!!
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
Oh yeah, and Takara also loves music as well as basketball... she loves singing and playing the flute and piano.
Just letting you know.
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
Sayoko-chan you've got her down perfect don't worry about a thing! =P If something goes wrong I'll let you know but so far you've done PERFECT! ^^ That's EXACTLY the class she would have chosen anyway =P *huggles* Wonderful work so far~ ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
Those fangirls are scary!!!
*hides* Even though I'd probably be just as crazy... XD XD *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
Yeah, Riku belongs to Sayoko and the other female OCs who are not insane for Riku and will try to win his heart even if he says no... :D
and yeah,Sakurie hasn't been on for like, months...
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
OMG! i gave u the second hug!!!! x3 im going to read this!!!!! ^______^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
Haha lol
Those girls better get away from him!
He belongs to Sayoko!
I'll kick their butts!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
This manga is so awesome. I really enjoyed it. All the artwork is so pretty. I can't wait to read your next one. Wow that manga was so amazing
Great job on it and the covers are pretty. So is the artwork for the chapter pages. All and all great manga. You did a nice job with it.Great job and keep up the good work.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
i love your manga!
your artwork is just the best
i can't wait until you update it again!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
yeah :D lol..
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/12/08 | Reply
Lolz. The bottom of page 147 is funny x3 When Riku sits next to Sayoko he's just like "^o^Nyah!" Lol. I lubs it
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
Ahh, I love her automatic response despite the fact that she was daydreaming. My mom does that, so we ask her dumb questions and she'll say, "Yeah.. Yeah... Sure..."
Just like Sayoko! XD
Aww, they're so cute together~.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
Fitness... Fitness testing... NOOOOOOOOOOO! DX *dies at the thought*
I saw some comments mentioning the dissection part. Ooh, that'll be fun. *eagerly awaits the hilariousness to come*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
That science teacher is craaaazzyyyyy....
You always crack me up, Rachel-chan!!!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
XDD what a nice escape! lol
:D y'know me, I can't wait for updates!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
lolz, a crush on who? XD Punk?
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
OMG he's hott xD Please tell you don't have someone who has a crush on him in the story.. D: lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
Oooh! Nice new cover thingy for your manga! It's really cute looking. The story I totally love it so far. Eh...you people confuse me with your knowledge and all that other stuff about computer software programs and all that other stuff. lmao You make me look like a total noob the way you can use paint. I can barely manage a stick figure.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
I never actually disected a frog before, but, if one day I finally do, I would definately act like Sayoko did....
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
Gwah! Frog disections! @.@
We had to disect frogs this year, and the guys in my group kept stabbing it with the disecting pins... and i was like "YOU'RE GONNA KILL IT!!!" ... And then i remembered it was already dead.... >_>
Poor poor froggies...
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
oh that new cover looks GREAT!
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
OMG!! :D it's that disecting part that I suggested!! :D
*is very hyper*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
I love the new cover! It looks really awesome! *sighs in amazement* I could never do anything as good as you, RSR, but who cares about envying other peoples' art?
I love it!

Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
LOOOOOOOOVE the new cover!!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
*Squees!* More pages!^w^ I'm so hooked onto your manga, it's almost scary >> > But at least that means I care!^ ^ I promise, once I get my friggin scanner working again[or once I get a new scanner >>] I'm gonna do fan art for your manga! :O[It wont be my first fan art b/c I already have something for my first fan art >> But it will be somewhere near there!] Anywhos, onward with ze reading of ze manga!
Sayoko is so adorable when she blushes around Riku! x3 Elena too! Faith is just like me^o^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/06/08 | Reply
ya, I'm not sure if the laptop i am using now has WMM, it's windows 2000 (and has alot of stuff), so even if it did have it, it would freeze and die... :P so i better wait till i get windows xp lolz XD
comment to all: thank u for the nice comments about the cover ^^
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
Sweet new cover and name, Sayoko-channn! =D
I thought all Windows things had WMM on them...Yay animations~ =D
The shine looks purdy~ :3
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
:D oh wow! The new cover looks cool! ^-^
Animations?!?! :D Tha'd be so cool!! If I ever get to be a better artist i'm gonna try to make myself an anime over Request of the Heart. XD tha'd be so cool!
Sensei Ryuu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
Yah....even though I draw all the time the only manga I own are Kingdom Hearts (the first four volumes) and Negima! (whihch I deeply regret buying b/c its basicially soft porn!)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
Your welcome!
omfg I didnt know about that part with editing! I can be such an oblivious nincompoop sometimes...*smack self in the face*
Oh well, we all are at least once... ^_^ can't wait for more updates!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
Yay, a new page!!!
I shall await the next ones!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
yeah, im aware of that, thanks for making sure^^ thats why i have to submit it and delete the old one XD it really is annoying XP oh wellz. its fixed now, so yay~ XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
Can't wait to see the pages after they're fixed! But, becareful with the editing...
*sighs* just when you want to edit one page of a manga, that page ends up on the first page and you have to fix that...trust me, that happened to me.... -_-
And I'm not joking/lying/whatever you call it, really!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
@Sensei Ryuu:
yeah, i agree XP i drew that when i was 12, so don't expect any fancy high school words XD it gets better as time goes by though, i promise :P the first couple of pages are just messy and screwed up, especially since i don't really own any manga at all, and i didn't read much manga back then, so i knew nothing bout the panel effects, speech bubble order, special effects, etc., so i basically started from scratch XD
Sensei Ryuu
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
Most of it is really good, Specially the cover, it looks great! Some of the scenes and lines are kinda lame though...like, "Yah Bro, just chill and smile!" Thast has to be the most lame line in a manga!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/19/08 | Reply
Yay!!! RikuXSayoko and ElenaXKazune!!!! SO cute!! =D Love it!!
Have a Wonderful Day
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/18/08 | Reply
Kyaa, lotsa new pages!!! X3 I can't waaaiittt for the next ones!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
lol Faith joined the club...poor Sora! XD And...OMFG! Tidus and Yuna together!*falls off computer chair* (I love them being together, even though this isn't about them...) Once again... YOU ROCK SAYOKO-SAMA! *hugs and faves*
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
very nice page :]
can haruka be in your manga?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
ROFL!! X'DD The two Hikaris meet!! X'DD lol. All of the new pages are so good!! Great jobies!! *ish excited* I'm glad you make new pages!! ^^
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
Takari's look on her face when she's talking to Riku is so priceless... She's like "^w^"
Rika freaked out when Rei talked to Roxas! XD
Wow that was a lot of people to draw at the lunch scene... o_o
Your manga makes my day happier! ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
Hehehe, Uwahh! This keeps getting better and better! =D When's Riku gunna kiss Sayoko-Chu?? I keep waiting! X3 Hey! When I get Akari up, can she be in your manga? Sorry, you don't have too, you'd have SO many in your manga. But if you want to, PM and I'll tell you about her. ^^
I wish I could fav it more than once! ;O;
Have a Wonderful Day
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
You rock Sayoko-sama!!!!!! ( I understand if you're starting to get annoyed with my constant commenting...) but seriously, you are good! Especially with the cover and back...I could NEVER do something as good as the light effect you did on paint without using photoshop...
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
*has spaz attack*
:3 I couldn't stop smiling. LOL
XD and I like Rika's reaction to the hi. XD
^^ so very creative! can't wait until next update!! X3
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
OMG KIARI CANT STEAL SORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
X3 OMG! I really love this manga!!! and the drawings are awesome!!! I always look forward to your manga Sayoko-channn! >3
Ah! My name in the copywrite!:O and is that Rei in the corner of the last panel?! >D COMPLETE AWESOMENESS! XDD
sorry me hyper today. :3
can't wait for updates!
Otakuite | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
the suspence... is killing me....
Taiyou's first apperance!! 
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
Yay! Another page... you're really good! honest! And way better than my comics! Seriously! *faves*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
Hooray for more pages!! X33 I loved the new pages! And I wish I had teachers like that!! X'DD lol. Oooh!! And my Hikari's finally here!! She looks so cute!! *A* Thank you~~~!! I can't wait to read more!! XP
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
YAY!!! TAKARI'S FINALLY THERE!!!!! *glomps* Thank you so much for being able to include her!!!! ^-^
XD ... I never realized her hairbands were so bulky until you drew them... X____X
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
Wow. Teachers are very sensitive in this school o-o And the new French girl is adorable^ ^ Lol
Otakuite | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/07/08 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/05/08 | Reply
Kyaaaa!!! It's Takara!!!! X3 Thank you so much for putting her in here!!!
*hugs* Looove this manga. 
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/02/08 | Reply
Riku to the rescue!!!
I'm still waiting for Riku to kiss Sayoko-Chan.
Queen of sharks (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/02/08 | Reply
SHSL Lamebutt (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/01/08 | Reply
Okay. One thing:
Page 114!: I've done that before.... To my crush.. D: .. super embarassing... XD
I love this manga!!!! *huggles* ^__^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/31/08 | Reply
OMG! This is so cute!! X'DD lol. ADORABLE!! (As always) ^o~ You should TOTALLY update more!! ^o^
Sheep Eternal (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/30/08 | Reply
This is such a cute manga. And i love your style of art. Its so cute!
Fire Fox Sakurie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Awww, I missed so many updates. TT.TT So sorry Sayoko-chan! *hugs*
Your drawings are definately improving. ^^ Ganbatte kudasai ne! :D
Can't wait to see what happens next, poor Sayoko and Sakurie... *pat pat* ^.^;;
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/22/08 | Reply
omg i know what you mean for the picktures i had to re wright what it said on my manga ond wrote it down on the discription
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/22/08 | Reply
awww all the uniforms are so cute ^^
hey i finaly submited my manga plz cheack it out when you have the time ^^
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/22/08 | Reply
Uhhhhhhhhhh... can't read this...
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/11/08 | Reply
LOL wow the teacher knows everything!!!*w*;
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
i like elena's uniform bestest
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/17/07 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/12/07 | Reply
Punzianna (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/10/07 | Reply