lol yes story boards are weired and I didn't like them either, but they are very helpful. It also gives you an idea on how to create your story or at least what you're going to draw.
I might also post some drafts on that doujinshi I'm planning. But I'm still working on the scripts. XD
XD well it is your turn to be nervous! you've been commenting on all my stuff, so it'll be my turn soon!!! XD I like looking at drafts and sketches, so if you post some, I'll see if I can drop by and comment too!
it'll still be a while before I continue though since I'm working on other stuff.
Awww now you're making me nervous >3< I'm blushing! Thankyou for the compliments! I'm happy you liked my manga so much, but I think yours is more awesome because you wrote the story as well!! you didn't cheat like me and copy a story xP Lol I'm very happy to hear that you're continuing it! I'm gonna be one of your biggest fans! :D
Oh you sound just like me! I'm still learning the concept of 'taking my time when writing comics'. I really didn't like doing storyboards and I still find them awkward. Maybe I'll post a couple storyboards on my world so you can see what mine look like, just for curiousity sake. Oh I'll check out pink-pineapple's portfolio. Thanks! :)
I'm glad to hear that you've got lots of ideas for it! I'm looking forward to your next pages, whenever you are able to do them! :)
the drafting I just started doing because I got the idea from another artist here on theotaku. I asked her for some tips on writing a story mainly because I had this habbit of just jumping into the drawing without planning anything, and then it doesn't make sense. Her user is pink-pineapple You might of seen her stuff around.
She was the one that gave me some tips and her art is also really good too!
Thank You for the feed back! Yes some pages I had to redo several times because I didn't like them. I still plan on continuing this, but it'll be a little more organized. I have many ideas, but I'm still working on this! the main reason why I didn't continue this was mainly because I had creative block. But hopfully I will be able to pick this up agin.
I liked your comic more, I feel like it was more detailed and more organized then mine. It also made more sense and I really liked it!
This is AMAZING!!! I read it last night I remember last time I looked at it, I just read the prologue. But I'm super happy I've read the whole thing now. When it ended, I was like "I want MORE!"
Okay, here's some feedback... You're drawings are super! You've got that shojo style (perfect for the story) and you're so consistent in everything from characters to dialogue.
Next, I absolutely LOVE how you set up each page! Those panels... they're almost like abstract, and so eye-popping! That's what I need to learn, to be more creative with my fan comic and not so boxed in Dx You're story flows really freely, and it always keeps me going forward. I've seen some of your draft ideas in your worlds and I love how you plan everything out... I usually just pencil some lines and scribbles on a piece of paper, so my stuff is so loose. Fortune's Fool is so full of detail, which is awesome since you do it by hand as well! And your story ideas and characters are really nice! I also read that once you had to do the page over like 6 times?! Thats real dedication! Even if the manga isn't coming together for you, you still work on it until it does! I hope you're still posting on it x3 I can't wait to read more!
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/10 | Reply
i'm glad that i was able to help! i'm looking forward to reading your team's next series! i loved the one with the siblings so i can't wait for the next one! ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/10/12 | Reply
I hope there's more CLIFF HANGER
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/13/11 | Reply
lol yes story boards are weired and I didn't like them either, but they are very helpful. It also gives you an idea on how to create your story or at least what you're going to draw.
I might also post some drafts on that doujinshi I'm planning. But I'm still working on the scripts. XD
XD well it is your turn to be nervous! you've been commenting on all my stuff, so it'll be my turn soon!!! XD I like looking at drafts and sketches, so if you post some, I'll see if I can drop by and comment too!
it'll still be a while before I continue though since I'm working on other stuff.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/13/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Awww now you're making me nervous >3< I'm blushing! Thankyou for the compliments!
I'm happy you liked my manga so much, but I think yours is more awesome because you wrote the story as well!! you didn't cheat like me and copy a story xP Lol I'm very happy to hear that you're continuing it! I'm gonna be one of your biggest fans! :D
Oh you sound just like me! I'm still learning the concept of 'taking my time when writing comics'. I really didn't like doing storyboards and I still find them awkward. Maybe I'll post a couple storyboards on my world so you can see what mine look like, just for curiousity sake. Oh I'll check out pink-pineapple's portfolio. Thanks! :)
I'm glad to hear that you've got lots of ideas for it! I'm looking forward to your next pages, whenever you are able to do them! :)
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/13/11 | Reply
the drafting I just started doing because I got the idea from another artist here on theotaku. I asked her for some tips on writing a story mainly because I had this habbit of just jumping into the drawing without planning anything, and then it doesn't make sense. Her user is pink-pineapple You might of seen her stuff around.
She was the one that gave me some tips and her art is also really good too!
Thank You for the feed back! Yes some pages I had to redo several times because I didn't like them. I still plan on continuing this, but it'll be a little more organized. I have many ideas, but I'm still working on this! the main reason why I didn't continue this was mainly because I had creative block. But hopfully I will be able to pick this up agin.
I liked your comic more, I feel like it was more detailed and more organized then mine. It also made more sense and I really liked it!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/13/11 | Reply
This is AMAZING!!!
I read it last night
I remember last time I looked at it, I just read the prologue. But I'm super happy I've read the whole thing now. When it ended, I was like "I want MORE!"
Thats real dedication! Even if the manga isn't coming together for you, you still work on it until it does! I hope you're still posting on it x3 I can't wait to read more!
Okay, here's some feedback... You're drawings are super! You've got that shojo style (perfect for the story) and you're so consistent in everything from characters to dialogue.
Next, I absolutely LOVE how you set up each page! Those panels... they're almost like abstract, and so eye-popping! That's what I need to learn, to be more creative with my fan comic and not so boxed in Dx You're story flows really freely, and it always keeps me going forward. I've seen some of your draft ideas in your worlds and I love how you plan everything out... I usually just pencil some lines and scribbles on a piece of paper, so my stuff is so loose. Fortune's Fool is so full of detail, which is awesome since you do it by hand as well! And your story ideas and characters are really nice! I also read that once you had to do the page over like 6 times?!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/19/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
your welcomes
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
thank you very much!!!
i enjoy drawing this story but i always end up struggleing with their design, thank you very much for taking some to read it 
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/14/11 | Reply
nice manga and i like the way you draw your characters exspecially their eyes and hair.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/10 | Reply
thanks, right now i'm still working on it, i'll upload more when the pages are inked ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/02/10 | Reply
I whhaatttt?!
Otakuite | Posted 07/01/10 | Reply
its very cool when its inked i would love to see more!!!!!!! i wont to see more
very addicting
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/10 | Reply
i'm glad that i was able to help! i'm looking forward to reading your team's next series! i loved the one with the siblings so i can't wait for the next one! ^_^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/10 | Reply
This story is drawn all by hand so i use:
Faber Castell: 4 Pitt Artist Pen- Big Brush >> Warm Grey.
they are really good to use and after i scan them i turn the pages into Grey scale.
I hope this helps. >_<
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/10 | Reply
thank you for taking time to read my story, it will be continued i'm just still inking the pages. ^_^
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/15/10 | Reply
Gah. I really wanna see what happens next!!!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
lol thank you very much, i'll go check out your work ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/25/10 | Reply
very nice i love ur idea! i am also an amerature manga artist working on ESSENCE OF EcnamoR maybe it willbe published one day and u can check it out!

toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/10 | Reply
thank you very much for reading it. ^_^ i'll post more up next week. ^_^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/16/10 | Reply
@27 Jade 27:
lol thank you. ^_^ i'll post more next week. thank you for taking your time to read it. ^_^
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/10 | Reply
Uwaaah this comic is really sweet so far :DDD
I can't wait to see more pages! <3
*hugs and favs*
27 Jade 27
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/15/10 | Reply
o_o you should of seen my eyes, they were GLUED to this, i cant WAIITTTT for more!!! >__<!!!!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/10 | Reply
@yullan leibelly:
thank you. ^_^
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/10 | Reply
thank you. ^_^
yullan leibelly
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/04/10 | Reply
Nice, great job! Keep up the good work! i wish i can skintone my manga like that.
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/04/10 | Reply
All this by hand!
It looks amazing tami kun! I really like those grey tones. Great job on the speeding car. 
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/03/10 | Reply
Great so far. I wanna read more.