And they sang, "Lucy in the sky with diamonds..."
Okay, LAST update for today. I SWEAR! My eyes feel like they're about to explode from staring at the screen for too long 5 hours.
Just a random pose I put Hilda in... with her hair down. In a dress. Look familiar? (Hint: portfolio... Secret Santa...) Naw, just kidding. It really was a random pose. At least, that's what my subconscious is trying to convince me.
The starry background is made possible courtesy of Adobe Photoshop CS4, my little partner-in-crime for this whole adventure. I used the little diamond-shaped gradient tool to create stars. Like a bawsh!
The upcoming pages will have more background variety (as I gain confidence, which means I'll ease up on using just gradients), and will have more atmosphere too. Oh, and look! I remembered I'm s'posed to shade my drawings! Yaay! *shot*