Seriously, I don't understand why a person would bring a baby, or a young child to a library. That's basically the same as bringing them to the movie theaters.
People are busy, and nobody wants to hear your baby screaming loudly.
Either you learn to control your child, or just leave them with someone.
Just saying.
If I was a parent (which I never will be) I wouldn't bring my child to the library or any other public place until they were like, mature enough to not be a bother. See? I don't really sound like I would make a great mom, do I?
Also, there was this guy at the library, he was young, maybe like 18-20,
and for some reason, I kept like running into him, and he like kept looking at me. That kinda made me uncomfortable so I hid in the non-fiction section.
Another strange thing happened. Besides the book about John Gacy,
I also got a book that was called Cats Don't Hike, or something like that,
and apparently, my mom knows who wrote the book, and he lives in our city!
That's the closest that I've ever got to knowing a famous person.