Pretty◊Guard! My first ever comic series! I don't know how fall it'll last, but it's something to do. Most of the comic will be done in ink/pen by me.
I also don't know how good the layout will be, as I'be never really have been too good with the whole comic structure thing... ^^
Never the less, I'll give you a quick synopsis:
Carmine, a Carbink, is the new year of students in high school. Entering the same school as her older sister Dia, a Diancie, however, means that she'll be under tight watch, but Carmine is used to it, as Dia's life has recently been devoted to protecting her sister! This tells the tale of Dia trying to keep her danger-loving sister out of trouble while trying to find out all the flood of new feelings she is dealing with!
If you want to tell me your thoughts, go ahead, and I hope you enjoy!