Let's continue with the gijinkas! to be completely honest.. from this point on there will be those whom I don't care very much anymore. As I said I wanted this month to be a showcase of all the OCs I created over the years (or at least the major ones, there are so many I left behind), but the truth is as they continue to grow, I can see how many of them really don't interest me so much (some of them I didn't like them so much even at the beginning) So it's just a nice way to draw one last time, because I know it won't happen again.
That being said the first one is Milo. He's a very good boi, maybe that's why I find him a little bit boring? even his design isn't so interesting in the end. It was good to draw him again, as for all the following ones, but I really don't have much to day about him unfortunately.