please view high resolution! Well, I finally got to post up the fourth page. I was going to do it yesterday night but my dad told me to go to bed at 9:30 PM. *rolls eyes* But now I was able to upload it after homework! =D I really like how this page came out... it seems a little better than the others xD I think I'm starting to get the hang of toning! But it's still a little hard :3 But I'll get better! x3I hope you guys like this page.. the next page will really get into some "action" and into the storyline... lol thank you to all my readers =^^= Question! How do you insert a watermark? :( I tried on Photoshop.. @_@ but I can't do it correctly for it to come up visible and yet not ruin the manga page. I'm also not subscribed to DA.. so I can't insert automatic watermarks to my manga pages... x3; or artwork either. EDIT: Oh! I'm sorry that I didn't put up the text in the second last panel... *not the last double panel*first text:Mikuni's mom (as a child): What did you do to your hair...Grandma: Don't worry! It'll grow back with mystic water!Mikuni's mom: We don't have that.Second text:Mikuni's mom: MOM!Grandma: I CAN FLY! (9 ft. above on a ledge from the ground)Mikuni's mom: DAD!!!Mikuni's mom: What are you looking for? Grandma: Looking for hachus. *(A hachu is an animal I personally created... I'll make a picture of it later on... :3 It's basically a mouse that can jump very high by using its bouncy tail. (It's very cute! in my POV) It has some uses... I just can't seem to remember what those uses are.. xD Or maybe I haven't even made them of any use yet @_@
Michiyo Shimizu (Fan Comic Portfolio) Destiny In Imaena
- Created
- 10/15/07
- Category
- Original Anime and Manga Fan Comics
- Tags
- dii, michiyo shimizu
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