sanrin (Fan Comic Portfolio) Mikazuki No Akiryu

Mikazuki No Akiryu
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Taken through SONY PMP-5 camera

Mikazuki no Akiryu X-Over Fan Manga Cover
Naruto characters © Masashi Kishimoto
Original Characters © Rio C. A. (SanrinNaika/skyeveningwind)

Actually this was created last year but late in upload since I have no scanner at all. Thanks to my brother for his MP5 so at very least I could upload some of my old stuffs one by one. Sorry for the very late update and for the POOR QUALITY Just few days to come and I'll have my scanner soon

Story Summary:

The whole world had gone to a sudden change and only the selected individuals felt the alteration of sekai no shinobi. The whole scenes suddenly came back/return to past incidents.

Pain, the leader of Akatsuki, had a great role to play. If Akatsuki goaled for world domination, will the organization could be turn out as HERO for all mankind? The answer will be reveal as he finally met and saved Akarui, the one who continuously called pain through telepathy (an astral projection). Pain didn't really understand everything as the time came where all his dead comrades returned to life.

Those who resurrected became "HEISHI" and revealed all secret pasts. As long as Akarui haven't completed his transformation, Pain needed to protect him from the incomplete tsubasa (Insipid)- Heigai Akuma.

I made every Akatsuki members alive again and since this story had a connection to my other fan manga "Babysitter", you will understand why there's a baby naruto. Plus, I made every Akatsuki members revealed their past lives but of course in my own idea only and not based on the series, manga or databook... I really wanted them to act together with my OC so please bear with it as soon as I uploaded the rest chapter one pages. ^^

Chapter One was about the meeting between pain and Akarui with a short glimpse of moment between Sasori and Deidara hehe...

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Comics
akatsuki, mikazuki, oc
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