incase you cant read the text[or if you are confused]:ps talking is alighned to the right and thots in the middel]
bubel 1:tsuke: what did i upset you?
buble 2: tsuke:theirs a story about a kingdome named healios
buble 3; stan:
buble 4: TSUKE:healios was a beautifull kingdom where every one was happy
buble 5 tsueke:AWWW come on stan all im asking is for you to finish the story ...
buble 6and 7: tsueke: but something alwasys stops you form finishing it
buble 8:stan: sory i new you would be disappointed if i told you "i fergot the end"
BUBLE 9 :STAN: ANYWAY i would had thot that you'd grown out of it bye now
buble 10: tsuke:...i just thot it would be nice to make it a tradishan to tell me it on my birthday
it was special to me ...but...
RIGHT]buble 11: tsuke:if you wana stop all that just because im geting a LITTLE older then its purfectly understand ableunderstandable but at the most bit disapointing
[told her last year ->]
buble12: stan: the way you say that makes me sound like the bad guy!
buble 13 :tsuke: ackkk# wait are you trying to say this is my folt ...?!
end of first page