:well... here's my FanManga for sasuhina...i'll update later...i have to go off now..
Story and Art © AnimeLuvsFreaks (DeviantArt)
Anime.Luvs.Freaks (TheOtaku)
Hinata, Sasuke and all of the other Naruto ACTUAL characters © Masashi Kishimoto
Xume © ME
these are copyrights, this is a FANmanga, i don't own any of the naruto characters, i am just a FAN! i'm not making any profits frm this, kapeesh?? but steal this art and steal this story or MY character Xume, then u WILL DIE!! i will hunt you down and tear ur head off ur shoulder then i'll barberque you and feed you to my pet turtle!!! kapeesh?
hey, if ur reading this and you think i'm making sasuke too soft..plz tell me,
^^ enjoy...
wen it's updated that it...