*GASP* OMG, AN UPDATE? YES! FINALLY! XD I'm so sorry for the delay, there were a lot of things I had to do. @w@ I know some of you were dying to read more, so I appologize. ;^; I know it's not much, but I tried my best to squeeze in some time to do them this week. ^^;
PLZ READ: I changed Hikaru's age to 15, but she'll be 16 within a week from the story's current setting. (go back to page 1 to see the change XD)
Also, I changed the chapter 1 page, so please feel free to check it out. ^^ I'm aslso planing on redoing the front cover. Don't worry it will be the exact same, except the new one will look much better and done in paint and photostudio instead. ^^
Enjoy the next few updates~! :P
(I shall also work on more L&D as soon as I can! Thank you for your patience!!!)