Page two (have you read the first one?). This project was called "For the Love of Cosplay" and was more of a "real-life" sort of manga.
For the Love of Cosplay Synopsis:
Amelia is your average dedicated anime/manga/videogame fan. She knows the random facts, who voiced which character, and even has a particular character whom she refers to as her "darling." So when she finds a cosplayer who looks exactly like him, she is awed and excited beyond measure...and she tells him so, only to find out shortly after that--he's a girl. After suffering minor trauma, Amelia gets back on her feet with the help of her friend Orude. Then by a cruel twist of fate, Amelia and the cosplayer meet and are bonded by fandom and the love of cosplay.
These past two pages were when Amelia realizes her mistake. Looking over this again, I probably would have broken up the panels a little differently. But all in all, I think it's good.