Hello, this is a yonkoma of mine entitled spilled milk. It is read from top left to bottom right. I'm not entirely happy with how it turned out but it's not too bad. The characters are Chatte (chatty) Kittan and Shiro Shokku. Chatte is a cat-girl and shiro, well he's a ram. I gave him the giant sword as a joke, a pun on all the characters in anime, manga and video games with huge swords. I know that the joke is way over-played, but still... by the way, sorry for the unprofessional quality of the art.
Anyways, I would like to dedicate this to Sage of Magic for giving me the idea of using animal people as characters and WickedNeko for giving me the idea to do a cat-girl. Thanks a bunch
If anyone is interested, This comic was drawn with general's kimberly graphite pencil #2H, inked with a sharpie pen, Shaded with #2B and the panel borders were done with a sharpie permanent marker.(shrugs)
I'm thinking of doing more with these characters, as I revamp Happii-Go, so please feel free(feel encouraged) to tell me what you think of this. Would you want to see more? Thank you.