a short summary of where we are and what a vampire is in this world.
the U.H.K. is a rebel group who overthrew the u.s.a. ,with a rapidly advance in mechanics and science.they created mechs and a generator able to break atoms and use them as electric signals to power things{the wuvou generator} in turn it also creates the atom it destroys .
that uprising was a success because the UHK were literally underground.there science was powered by kidnapped scientists from American and Chinese science organizations.when they won over the u.s. the chinese attacked the south shore of Florida .by now the UHK were harder then ever cause their suits were resistant to armor piercing bullets .so the chinese came up with several nero toxins.the uhk adapted of course ,but it did effect some.the nerotoxin didnt seem to have any effect untill the infected decided to bare children.
these children were basically mute darker skined with red eyes and sharper k nines.
most,out of fear,were abandoned along the disheveled cities they helped tear down.the uhk was outraged by these actions and began to pickup these children and train them in secret as special forces they would work along with humans ,but wouldnt be shown in public,{the uhk thought it was best that no one new of this}.
and thats how we start this story