Sage of Magic (Fan Comic Portfolio) Lolicon

Basically, as stated before Ferret loves to call me a moe loli and in turn I jokingly make fun of it through Asuka. Well, sometimes the topic of Lorcan would crop up and the joke slowly formed that he was a lolicon for liking Asuka who's...well, flat and looks WAY younger than her age (I know, I display that poorly). Plus it's funny to poke fun of the fact that he's around 600 while Asuka is just entering early 20s.

Artemis is considered a perv. So jumping on this I assumed his preference would be bustier women. And since he's friends with Lorcan that made him perfect to use to poke fun of this lil idea.

The original comic of this was HUGE. As in, a good many panels with loads of dialogue. I didn't wanna work on it cuz it was so long.

But then my friend from tech writing made a comment on 'You Made Asuka Cry' about how he didn't get it so he just imagined pedobear behind her.

Then I realized...I kinda ignore the stereotypical link with foxes. Foxes are normally seen as either sneaky or, in the case of females, seductive vixens. Asuka is neither. She's cute, polite, and a clumsy doof. So then it hit me that Artemis could misinterpret 'fox girl' as the more common stereotype. Probably didn't help with Asuka being a blonde too >3>;

And thus this much shorter comic was born. Personally I like it better this way without dialogue. It's easier to follow and...pedobear is in it. Poor Lorcy.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Comics
artemis, asuka, lorcan, pedobear
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