A poor girl that came from a big city is designated to be the leader of an Elite Security Team known as Aluchietta. This group protects one of the most prestigious schools in the world, the Lenueve Special High School, from revolted students and even terrorists from underground contries.
All the talented members are also from the Lenueve High, specially gathered by a rigorous process to keep the quality of the service.
She started doing a fine job, but suddenly a teacher forces her to secretly fight against unknown forces inside a virtual world.
~Genres: Action, science fiction, fantasy, romance, drama, comedy~
Ops, big summary. D:
Well, I hope you enjoy this amateur comic, made with love and pieces of me. [?] (*´▽`*)~~
Unfortunately the updates are going to be irregular (well, at least for now).
Oh, and just a warning... english is not my first lenguage, so there might be some grammar mistakes. ;-;
(you can also read the comic here: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=103836 )