NinjaGirlSango Drabble Dabble

Update July 18th: Sorry for the wait on the judging. I'll be re-reading all of the entries and deciding on winners as soon as the madness that is Otakon is over and I have some free time on my hands.

---------------------The Challenge---------------------

This is a challenge to write a bit o' drabble.

Drabble: when a story is referred to as a drabble, it often is a short scene or idea that does not tell an entire story, or a story at all. It is simply a reflections of a moment in time, somewhat similar to a character sketch.

In other words, a sort of short (short) story. No need to go deep into describing the character's appearance if you don't want to, and if the setting isn't vitally important, don't spend an entire paragraph trying to set it up.
Because you are limited to only 200 words.
We want to see how precise and how creative you can be with your idea as well as wording and style. Make it a dramatic moment between lovers, a slice of comedy, it's entirely in your hands to do with what you like.

Because of the brief nature of these drabbles, the deadline will be one month.
Even if it only takes a few minutes to write, please use the time to your advantage. Re-read it over and over. You may find things you want to change to improve it further.


-Any anime/manga/movie/etc is acceptable

-Can include characters and/or OCs

-A title is not required

-One entry per person, so hopefully you'll put your best effort into it~

-MUST be 200 words or less. Even 1 word over (201) will not be accepted.
[ online word count ]

-For the sake of the reader, please also include this completed form at the beginning of your story:
Title: (story title. May be left untitled)
Series: (what series is it from? Or is it original?)
Characters: (what characters will you be using? Are they OC?)
This is not to be included in the word count.

-ALL rules must be followed or will result in one warning followed by disqualification if left unfixed. I cannot stress this enough. You are responsible for your own entries.

---------------------Grading guidelines---------------------

The following will be things I am looking for:


Don't spend 200 words just describing how the character looks. Do something more. Get into their head. Give them a problem.

-Grammar and spelling
Self-explanatory. The better the spelling and grammar, the easier and more enjoyable it is to read. This will be a big part of it since spell check is available through several different programs.

Try something new. Go out on a limb. Never tried a certain style? Go for it!


All winners will receive a wallpaper or ecard request, their choice.
When I announce the winners, I will PM these people for their request.

0 members Favoritefavorite
Other Anime and Manga
11 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Speared ~Flint
So-called Useless Things ~tsubasachro
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