kisskiss-bangbang Sweet Things

Hey all! I havn't done this in a long time so I thought I should do anouther one. But I have some very good reasons for making a fan word challenge. I swear.

I think that some times people don't really know how much they're loved, or thought of. And sometimes its nice to recieve things that let them know that someone thinks of them highly. And often more times than not we never think to do that.

The point of this challenge is to find someone one TheOtaku who means alot to you, and write about how much they mean to you. Its to say thank you for all the things that they've done for you, how much they have encourged you, or just for being a friend. Its like a thank you letter.


MUST be about someone on Theotaku

MUST provide a link to their portfolio (who you've written about)either at the end or start of the letter- or in a PM to me. DO NOT POST WHO YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT IN A COMMENT HERE

MUST sign at end letter and start with something along the lines of "Dear [name]" or something like that.

After you finish the letter you MUST provide the person you write about a link to what you wrote.

You MUST NOT tell the person you wrote about this prior to writing it: It has to be surpise.

MUST use Proper puncuation. None of this 'uz' or 'iz luvz u'.

This isn't ment to be a feature. You MUST adress the person like you are really writing a letter twords them. Do not promote them in any way or I will not count this.

You are allowed only ONE entery. You may fix up an entry as much as you like(I think you can do that) but you can't change who the person your writing to is.

Please keep it clean. Swearing is not allowed.

Please keep any religous writings or views out of the letter. (I mean no disrespect)

How I will decide the winner is by how well its written, how long it is, how much emotion is convayed through out the letter, and how much thought has been put into the letter. Your skill of writing, or writing level will not be counted. If anyone would like to help me decide who should win I will be happy to accept their help.

First place:: one wallpaper and a fanart of chooise
Second place:: one fanart or wallpaper of chooice
Third place:: one wallpaper or fanart of chooice

I'm flexable with the prizes so PM me if you want to change something. Please comment or PM if you have and concerns or Questions. I'm more than happy to help if your confused. I think I covered everything- but I'm never sure.

You have three months.
Good luck.
And have fun!

9 members Favoritefavorite
kafeole11 ShingetsuHime KitKatKitty CriesOfChimera Okitaru SandLover13 FMA fanatic xD kiksama
10 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Sweet Things ~GaarasEmoX3
Dear Squishy ~Hulaberry32
Sweet Things Entry FTW!! ~BanisherOfSouls
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