Thanks for posting this, I did a lot of these kind of events & your post would really make things a lot easy for everyone involved if they even try to follow it - esp. for the organizers. Thanks
For the poll, I'll go for how to handle commission work would be really great since it will make money w/c is kinda the most basic need of any artist out there.
Mmm, another article I completely agree with, I love your writing style it's pretty funny but serious you know you're funny but you say your message clearly as well. I've dealt with crap myslef, well I'm not the greatest but yeah all that stuff they do doesn't help. I vote for C because as someone who had to work hard just to get to the level I'm at now I can always use some help and instruction. I still can't color, I'm not great at shading and learning how to use the pencils and paint that do this will be a huge help.
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
oh my gosh, thank you. i've been waiting for an article like this. :)
i personally haven't sold any of my art at a convention (to be honest, i haven't been to one yet); i'm still pretty young. but i've gotten comments from school quite a bit like the ones you explained about, such as "you didn't draw this; you're a fake", "you got this off the internet", and "you copied this". it makes me so angry, but all i can do is smile and say, "i didn't, and i can prove it". another thing that irritates me is when my classmates think that i'm some kind of art vending machine with the power to magically create a picture to every random person who walks up to me. now, it's a different story if it's a close friend or if it's a teacher asking for me to illustrate something for the school, but for one thing, i don't do people's art assignments for them. >>;
anyways, that's enough of my ranting. i'm going to an anime convention in the next couple of months, and i'm very excited to see all of the art that's being displayed. i sure hope that i'll learn something from that and your article. :)
well, great job on the article, and definitely a great topic! and for the poll, i think i'd like to know about option b; that sounds like a good read.
keep up the great writing (and art!)
I'm not an artist per se but I do enjoy to draw on my free time. I have never been to a con before either but I understand how hard it must be to be there so many hours and still hear people saying that.
So yes, I couldn't agree more with you on this, really. Great article!
Yeah, I think common sense and politeness is best for every part of a con; complainers should try volunteering and see how hard it is before they shoot off their mouths. For the next one, please do an article on where to find good references; I've tried working with poses from film screenshots and manga, but it's still hard. I have a hard time drawing characters (in motion or not) not looking kinda stiff as a board.
wow, this was a very enlightening article. ^^ i have to say that common sense isn't so common anymore is it? but i agree with u on all points. i think i've bought three things from artist alley (i've' only been to one con ) but i liked all three pieces. i don't think people should get bitchy at someone's work if they don't
"approve" or don't like it, cause they're not the ones busting their butts to make a living with it. (i'd like to see them try!)
i vote b, cause i think u've touched on "a" a little bit, and "c" is all in art books, and it would be great to hear about sources and stuff. ^^
I'd like to see C (ha!). It's nice to be able to draw completely with CG, but there are so many other mediums to try: acrylic, watercolor, and tempura paints; pen and ink (Deleter's Saji-Pen Tips and Maru-Pen Tips are love!); pastels. There are so many tools of the trade to choose from, even if you work mainly in paints (my No.2 White Sable brush is my weapon of choice. I use so many liners and spotters). Heck, blending mediums when making an artwork can lead to interesting effects.
I vote for B, Great sources of artistic reference material. =)
I can surely relate to everything you mentioned in the essay, whether personally or observing while this happened to a table-mate or neighbour. Last Youmacon, I agreed to share my table with someone who has a very unique style - basically a love it or hate it type thing. And on several occasions, while he was sitting right there, someone would come up and comment on how ugly or freakish his style is, as if he wasn't sitting right there. I think that something con-goers need to remember if they're going to make comments out loud like that, that the artist is sitting right there, and yes, we can hear what you're saying. It is so frustrating when people come by to look at at your work and act as if you aren't even there.
Also when someone has fanart and someone seriously bitches that they do not have a certain character from a series they have other artwork from. For instance I made a set of key chains and because of time restraints I could only do so many of the characters from that series. I had several people very rudely complain to me that I should have done the other characters. This I think falls under the 'be polite' rule.
Anyway, another great essay Rokuchan. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next one! =)
Yeah you meet all sorts at cons. Last year when we were guests at a specific midwest convention, some kid did that to not only me, but to a very well known con personality artist who had a table next to ours. I think we both wanted to pummel the brat, but we smiled, ignored it, and went on with our day.
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
These things are all totally true and I commend you for bringing these to light. Your advice is always appreciated!
As for what to post next, C. Tools of the Trade. I could use that knowledge!
~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)
And, then... I met you.
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
Thanks for posting this, I did a lot of these kind of events & your post would really make things a lot easy for everyone involved if they even try to follow it - esp. for the organizers. Thanks
For the poll, I'll go for how to handle commission work would be really great since it will make money w/c is kinda the most basic need of any artist out there.
Shi Bum Bumm
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
You're awesome ^__* I 100% always agree with your articles.
I say choice B would be c0ol.
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Mmm, another article I completely agree with, I love your writing style it's pretty funny but serious you know you're funny but you say your message clearly as well. I've dealt with crap myslef, well I'm not the greatest but yeah all that stuff they do doesn't help. I vote for C because as someone who had to work hard just to get to the level I'm at now I can always use some help and instruction. I still can't color, I'm not great at shading and learning how to use the pencils and paint that do this will be a huge help.
Secretly a Turnip (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
oh my gosh, thank you. i've been waiting for an article like this. :)
i personally haven't sold any of my art at a convention (to be honest, i haven't been to one yet); i'm still pretty young. but i've gotten comments from school quite a bit like the ones you explained about, such as "you didn't draw this; you're a fake", "you got this off the internet", and "you copied this". it makes me so angry, but all i can do is smile and say, "i didn't, and i can prove it". another thing that irritates me is when my classmates think that i'm some kind of art vending machine with the power to magically create a picture to every random person who walks up to me. now, it's a different story if it's a close friend or if it's a teacher asking for me to illustrate something for the school, but for one thing, i don't do people's art assignments for them. >>;
anyways, that's enough of my ranting. i'm going to an anime convention in the next couple of months, and i'm very excited to see all of the art that's being displayed. i sure hope that i'll learn something from that and your article. :)
well, great job on the article, and definitely a great topic! and for the poll, i think i'd like to know about option b; that sounds like a good read.
keep up the great writing (and art!)
The Shadow Prince
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
for your poll, how bout tools of the trade
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
I'm not an artist per se but I do enjoy to draw on my free time. I have never been to a con before either but I understand how hard it must be to be there so many hours and still hear people saying that.
So yes, I couldn't agree more with you on this, really. Great article!
The crazy bubbly shadow
LDS Fangirl! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
Yeah, I think common sense and politeness is best for every part of a con; complainers should try volunteering and see how hard it is before they shoot off their mouths. For the next one, please do an article on where to find good references; I've tried working with poses from film screenshots and manga, but it's still hard. I have a hard time drawing characters (in motion or not) not looking kinda stiff as a board.
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
wow, this was a very enlightening article. ^^ i have to say that common sense isn't so common anymore is it? but i agree with u on all points. i think i've bought three things from artist alley (i've' only been to one con
) but i liked all three pieces. i don't think people should get bitchy at someone's work if they don't
"approve" or don't like it, cause they're not the ones busting their butts to make a living with it. (i'd like to see them try!)
i vote b, cause i think u've touched on "a" a little bit, and "c" is all in art books, and it would be great to hear about sources and stuff. ^^
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/19/08 | Reply
I'd like to see C (ha!). It's nice to be able to draw completely with CG, but there are so many other mediums to try: acrylic, watercolor, and tempura paints; pen and ink (Deleter's Saji-Pen Tips and Maru-Pen Tips are love!); pastels. There are so many tools of the trade to choose from, even if you work mainly in paints (my No.2 White Sable brush is my weapon of choice. I use so many liners and spotters). Heck, blending mediums when making an artwork can lead to interesting effects.
Baron Von Kumichou (Founder) | Posted 04/18/08 | Reply
I think that B would have broader appear, great article!
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/18/08 | Reply
Wow, I've never seen any of this happen at an artist ally while I was at a con, but wow thats rude that someone would talk trash about your art.
I'm an artist as well and you have a higher tolerance level than me, your great ^ ^
I vote for B.
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/18/08 | Reply
I vote for B, Great sources of artistic reference material. =)
I can surely relate to everything you mentioned in the essay, whether personally or observing while this happened to a table-mate or neighbour. Last Youmacon, I agreed to share my table with someone who has a very unique style - basically a love it or hate it type thing. And on several occasions, while he was sitting right there, someone would come up and comment on how ugly or freakish his style is, as if he wasn't sitting right there. I think that something con-goers need to remember if they're going to make comments out loud like that, that the artist is sitting right there, and yes, we can hear what you're saying. It is so frustrating when people come by to look at at your work and act as if you aren't even there.
Also when someone has fanart and someone seriously bitches that they do not have a certain character from a series they have other artwork from. For instance I made a set of key chains and because of time restraints I could only do so many of the characters from that series. I had several people very rudely complain to me that I should have done the other characters. This I think falls under the 'be polite' rule.
Anyway, another great essay Rokuchan. Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next one! =)
Otakuite | Posted 04/18/08 | Reply
And now, you must die. XD
Yeah you meet all sorts at cons. Last year when we were guests at a specific midwest convention, some kid did that to not only me, but to a very well known con personality artist who had a table next to ours. I think we both wanted to pummel the brat, but we smiled, ignored it, and went on with our day.
Thanks =)