Naruto, Inuyasha, Death Note Crossover! kyouyarenge

Feudal Japan:

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE WELL IS BROKEN?!" screamed Kagome. Miroku looked at it closely, muttering. Inuyasha was sitting impatiently.

"Yep, definately cursed," he said. "I'm glad I sensed it before you jumped in. Who knows where you could have ended up?" She sighed.

"You mean we're stuck with her for even longer?" he asked. Kagome gave him an evil glare. Shippo and Sango just sat back watching the fight. Finally, Kagome shut her eyes, stuck up her nose, and marched off...

Right into the well. She fell head over heals down into it's cursed depth.

"Kagome!" called Inuyasha as he leaped in after her.

"So typical," sighed Sango. Shippo looked down worridly, hoping they would reappear safely.


Shinigami Realm: Present

"What are you doing, Ryuk?" asked Siddo. "Why do you always steal MY Death Note?" He asked. Ryuk laughed.

"I'm bored, since I killed that kid, Light, nothing's been the same. I think it's time to mix things up a bit." Sid followed him as he flew to a swirling portal.

"Wait! Ryuk..." started Sid. Ryuk dropped the book into the portal.

"Now to see where it land." he said.

"Ryuk!" insisted Sido. Ryuk sighed.

"What is it, Siddo?"

"That was the wrong world."


"It's that other world, you know, the past-present mix thing?"

"The one with the weird Ninjas?"

"That one!"



"I guess it's time to go get it back." Ryuk once again spread his wings and flew into the world.

"You meanie..." whined Sido as he watched him go.


Somewhere between Dimensions: Time unknown

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura were training by an old well outside the leaf village. Kakashi was attempting to read a book, but they were making it hard. Suddenly, a brown notebook fell from the sky and hit Naruto on the head. Sasuke and Sakura stood staring and surprised.

"Kakashi! What was that for? Did you really have to throw your book..." he trailed of as he saw Kakashi still holding his book and a small notebook laying on the ground. "What's this?" he picked it up. "Death Note? Is this some kind of really good prank?" he opened the front cover, reading the instructions. "Anybody who's name is written in here... Dies?!" Sasuke's eyes lit up.

"Lemme see! Lemme see!" Sakura's eye twitched.

"It's mine!" claimed Naruto. They started chasing each other around.

"STOP!" she yelled. "You two are acting like kids on Christmas!" They stopped. Kakashi plucked the book from Naruto's hand.

"Pretty elaborate prank," he muttered. Suddenly, there was a scruffling from the well. A girl with black hair and some guy with a red outfit, white hair, and dog ears/ tail. Everybody sweat dropped.

"Oh my," said Sasuke.

"It's like Kiba mixed with Oruchimaru..." muttered Naruto. Sakura held her ears.

"GAH! Crack couple! CRACK COUPLE!" It was the new people who sweat dropped this time.

"Uh, I'm Kagome, and this is annoy-... I mean, Inuyasha." said the girl. Inuyasha looked thoroughly annoyed.

"What's with the weird clothes? I mean, I thought Kagome's were bad, but you guys..." He was shut up with a blow to the head from both Sakura and Kagome.

"Sooo... What are we gonna do with them?" asked Sasuke, still eyeing the book.

"Probably take them back to the vill... OH MY GOSH!" he screemed, pointing at something behind them. Everyone turned, and Naruto screamed.

"Uh... There's nothing there..." muttered Sasuke. He got hit in the back of the head with the book.

"HA!" he said triumphantly, picking it up. Then he saw what Naruto amd Kakashi did.

"Oh my ******* god!" he said. Sakura, Kagome, and Inuyasha, still seeing nothing, all sweatdropped. What the three who could see it saw, was some flying monster with wierd hair that looked like a zombie clown.

"If you haven't figuered it out, you have to touch the notebook to see me." said the thing.

"Oh..." said Sasuke, "That makes sence..." Naruto did a face palm.

"I am Ryuk, the Shinigami, or death god, or what ever you people here would call me."

"Uh, let's pass around the book, please!" said Kakashi. Sasuke looked reluctant, but made Sakura touch it.

"I don't see how touching that stupid notebook is gonna... HOLY ****!"

"Exactly," said Kakashi.

"Uh, if you don't mind, we'll be going now..." said Kagome. "C'mon, dog breath." She grabbed Inuyasha's ear and dragged him to the well.

"OW, OW! Let go!" he complained. She pushed him into the, and there was a small "oof!" from the bottom. "It didn't work!" He whined.

"I'm glad you went first, then."

"Only because you pushed me!" Everyone, including Ryuk, sweat dropped.

"Well, since they're stuck here, might as well have them see the thing too," said Naruto.

"I'm not a thing," said Ryuk. "Be glad that you currently own my death note, cuz otherwise, you'd be dead by now." Naruto shivered and backed away slowly. Ryuk laughed. "I forgot how interesting humans can be."

"Who you calling human?" said Inuyasha, who had, by now, jumped out of the well and touched the Death Note. Sasuke was looking for something to write with.

"I warn you, boy, if you write in that notebook, you can go to neither heaven nor hell for eternity."

"So?" came Sasuke's reply.

"There's a kid who really hates his brother," muttered Naruto. Sasuke broke out into the whole "he killed my family" routine. The girls were almost in tears.

"Would you stop telling that same old story!" said Naruto. "It gets annoying after the hundreth time..." he then recieved a hard hit on the head from the girls.

"How could you be so insensitive!" said Sakura.

"Now you know what I feel like," muttered Inuyasha. Naruto sweat dropped.

"I guess it could be worse," said Inuyasha louder. Kagome looked up at him.

"How so?" she asked

"Sango and Miroku could be here," he said. Kagome punched him square in the jaw.

"You're so rude!" Everyone sweat dropped.

"Can we get back to the village? I'm almost out of sweat." With a grumbling, they all walked back. (Except for Sasuke, who seemed pretty exited.)

On the walk back, Ryuk plucked the note from his hands, and dropped it on Naruto's head. "Until you either die or reliquish ownership, it's yours." Sasuke looked upset.

"I sensed you coming," said an old woman standing in their way. "I will help the strangers return to there own world." Everyone sweat dropped exept Kakashi.

"I told you I'm out of sweat."

"Uh, okay." So they turned around and went back to the well.

Once there, the old woman started muttering some incantation. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi were talking to Ryuk.

"Well, I have no use for this, so I guess I relinquish ownership."

"Okay then." he took the notebook, wiped everyone's memories, and left.

"It is done..." said the old lady.

"Uh, thanks?" said Inuyasha. She hit him on the back of the head.

"Show more respect!"

"I sincerely thank you," said Kagome.

"Like her, boy!"

"What is with every girl I meet hitting me on the head!" complained Inuyasha. Kagome pushed him in the well, and he disappeared.

"Thanks again for everything! Though I'm not exactly sure what 'everything' was..." she called.

"Who are you again?" asked Sasuke.

"Ugh! Never mind!" she said as she returned back to feudal japan.

"Um, how were we training again?" asked Naruto.

"I'm not sure, but let's go home. I feel thirsty." said Kakashi. So they all walked back to the village. The old woman stayed behind, softly laughing.

"Kids these days..."


Shinigami Relm: Present

"Well that was no fun," said Ryuk.

"Can I have my Death Note back now?" whined Sido.

"If I give it to you, will you stop whining?" he asked, annoyed.

"Yes," Siddo replied, and Ryuk tossed him the notebook.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do." Ryuk ambled off, muttering to himself.

"I'll never understand that Shinigami," said Sido, flying off.


Date Published
09/18/09 (Originally Created: 09/13/09)
.:~+~:.Heavens Earth.:~+~:.
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