Let the Game Begin DarkSong

It's a Halloween themed short story; for the Challenge "Ghost Stories: Think YOU Can Make One?" created by SandLover13. This features the characters of Saw from the first movie, and I'm including my OC Zadaia in this. I don't own the Saw series, but I do own Zadaia. Read this story at night in the dark; if it's daytime, make the room as dark as you can.

*Night - 9:00, The Lair*

The lair was dark, giving off an aura of evil. "Experiments" hung with care lined the slate gray walls, waiting to be used, cleaned, or just lay there; they were symbols of the arts their master performed--grisly jobs that would make Freddy Kruger flinch. If you looked close enough, you could almost in your mind's eye see the ghosts of the victims of those traps, looking at them with a vengeance.

Two figures were surrounding a television screen, the reception good. The spirits of the victims seemed to glare at them through dead eyes that seemed to speak a thousand words.

The first one that was standing next to the other was a ventriloquist's dummy, and had eyes only for the screen on which a figure was portrayed, his black irises boring into the television. Messy black hair gave the impression that he had just rolled out of bed; the tuxedo he wore was spotless, with a crisp red bow tie, red handkerchief in the breast pocket and a milk white undershirt and gloves. Chalk white skin seemed to glow in the light of the screen, the red swirl patterns decorating the cheeks.

The second figure was also staring intently at the screen, dark blue eyes flickering with evil. He had the appearance of a young grandpa, his fair skin creased with lines, some mild wrinkles. His hair was white, but only the little sideburns were viewable; the rest of his hair was obscured by a large hood, part of a theatrical robe made of black velvet with a wine red interior.

The dummy turned his head to look at the cloaked figure, and started speaking on his own. "Who is our next victim?"

"Her name is Amanda Young," the man responded, not looking at the puppet.

"And what is her reason for being the next target?" The black-haired dummy persisted, looking at the screen on which the woman was shown.

"She is a drug addict; unappreciative of the life she has."

The man with the chilling black irises turned back to the screen, red eyes firmly locked. "And what will her test be exactly?"

"I've constructed a special device. I call it the "Reverse Bear Trap"; her jaw will be ripped apart unless she completes the task assigned to her." The mastermind gestured to where a brand-new trap was hung, freshly cleaned and ready for action.

The dummy, who had a permanent grin on his red mouth, glanced appealingly at his creator, "Jigsaw, this is a very good test of survival."

"Thank you Billy," responded Jigsaw, "I hope it'll make her realize how precious life is."

"It will; it will," Billy murmured, assuring the killer who really didn't need any assurance. "Who will capture the lady and bring her?"

"Zadaia will." Jigsaw turned from the screen and deftly snapped his fingers, the sound echoing throughout the lair.

Immediately a slender young woman appeared out of nowhere next behind Jigsaw and Billy, who did a double take when he saw that a person was standing behind him. And in your imagination, when the ghosts saw her, their lifeless eyes lit up with a spark of pure terror.

She was hauntingly beautiful; her milk white skin seemed to glimmer in the dim light, her midnight black hair with striking white streaks fell to the end of her back. Zadaia's eyes were almond-shaped and golden; they seemed to look into the very depths of your soul. She was dressed in a sleeveless dark red dress that came to her knees with black combat boots, a robe like Jigsaw's swirled around her as well.

Searching eyes turned to Jigsaw and appraised him for a moment, before she opened her mouth and spoke in a musical, silky voice. "What is my job for tonight Jigsaw?"

"Your mission is to capture a woman named Amanda Young." He then explained the details to Zadaia, who inclined her head whenever she understood. This was to be a clever trap.

"I shall begin at once." She whirled around, robe swishing in a curve as she spun, and vanished into thin air.

Jigsaw smiled in grim satisfaction; Zadaia would easily complete the task assigned to her, and then the mayhem would commence.

Outside, Zadaia reappeared, observing the night before her. The trees rustled in the breeze, talking in their own language. Gray clouds obscured the full moon, but then the orb broke through the barrier, casting a river of light on Zadaia's skin making it gleam luminously.

She breathed in the chilling night air with anticipation, the curtain of raven black hair blowing smoothly around her face. This was going to be a dynamic capture and test, and she was going to be a part of it.

Zadaia grasped the sides of her unfastened robe and closed her eyes. Slowly, the unearthly female rose into the air, the October leaves blowing in a cyclone around her. The moon was still free from its gray chains, casting its light in a beam onto her. The folds flapped in the wind like wings, giving her the appearance of a creature from another world.

Now airborne, she let go of the robe sides and turned to face the moon, the leaves still flying through the air, robe fluttering behind her.

Zadaia gave an icy smile, one that would freeze you to death. And in that demonic grin, glimmering stark white, fangs gave a terrifying clue to what she was.

The eerily beautiful being flew through the air with the speed of an eagle, a hunter's gleam in her mysterious golden eyes, on the hunt for the newest victim--her prey.

Let the game begin.

Oh yeah, and on this very day, Zadaia got an order from Jigsaw to kidnap another person who will be facing his traps along with his currant victims; this person is considered by Jigsaw unappreciative of their life. And that person...is YOU!

Date Published
11/06/09 (Originally Created: 11/01/09)
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Ghost Stories: Think YOU can make one?
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