It's My Road Roller xlolfishx

Song title: It's My Road Roller

Artist: Rin and Len (Vocaloids)

English lyrics:

Yellow FAT road roller!
Yellow FAT road roller!
Yellow FAT road roller!
Yellow FAT road roller!
Yellow FAT road roller!
Yellow FAT road roller!

To darling you who bought us from Crypton corp-house
I'm going with our proud, beloved car so won't you get your acceptance mechanism in order for us.
Everything that's a bother, We'll out-break them with this (boy)
Move it, Hey yo, We're going to plunge in?
Dose that house got a garauge right?
Everybody in Crypton, Thank you for raising us up til now
Now the time has come for us to leave out of the nest and we're on to our journey
With (our) ROAD ROLLER!
Feeling of being oppressed Inside dark package's hard breathing
Hurry and get us out of here, We'll help you sing good song for sure
Raised in Hokkaido, Now bought by you and been Inst(alled)
It's the touching moment, and you even got out snack for us, thanks
Bit by bit way you treat us is getting bad... You don't got snack again today, hey!?
Man, gimme reward won't you! We've helped you sing good song right!?
If you aren't gonna give us snack, we'll get ya on DataBase
How about that? Scared? Listen to us and get us snack properly!!
Make us sing gently and neatly or else we might get angry(with ya)?
We're not some kind of DQN(LOL) If you say such thing we might run over you!?
With (our) ROAD ROLLER!
Everybody in Crypton, Thank you for raising us up till now
Now the time has come for us to leave out of the nest and we're on to our journey
With (our) ROAD ROLLER!
Make us sing gently and neatly or else we might get angry (with ya)?
We're not some kind of DQN(LOL) If you say such thing we might run over you!?
With (our) ROAD ROLLER!


Date Published
11/30/-1 (Originally Created: 01/23/10)
ramen island
Miku Hatsune Fan Words
1 hug hug
1 member Favoritefavorite
1 comment
story in the song
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