I'm Glad I Didn't Know supersaiyanjounin

This is an entry for bellpickle's contest, Snapshot. Although bellpickle and I aren't formally familiar, I fell in love with the idea of the contest idea, especially since I love creative writing. I'm not really satisfied with it though, but I hope you like it anyways xP So, hello to you, bellpickle, and I hope you enjoy this :)

"I'm Glad I Didn't Know"

I’m glad I didn’t know. If I had found out before, we would have been ruined. There would be no “us”. I could never forgive you. But now your body, inside its casket, is being placed into the ground for the rest of our days. And even though you were so wrong for what you did, I’m not really angry, because you died, to me, a good person, and my final memories of you were good ones. Even though I hurt because of what I know, I’m glad I learned later. Because I found out after you passed, your last days with me could be happy. I’ll deal - some day I’ll be okay. But for now, all I’m worried about is patting her shoulder while the dirt is shoveled back into the ground, covering your casket. You were flawed - this I have never denied - and my heart could quite easily break over what you did. But you were good to me while you were alive, and I’m glad I knew you. I guess, at the end of the day, I still love you, and I forgive you. So even though it’s good that I know now, it’s even better that I didn’t know then, because you were able to die, still wonderful in my eyes. You know, I think I’m glad I didn’t know.

Date Published
11/30/-1 (Originally Created: 05/25/10)
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2 hugs hug
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