so when I was like, 10, my older brother (by about 4 years) and I would get into these really violent fights. back then they were really scary, but now i laugh at them. he wasn't abusive or anything like that, we just clashed. one day in particular, we were watching tv and got into a dispute over what to watch. he got really mad because i didn't want to watch history channel, and he took this enormous pillow (it probably weighed about 5-7 pounds. it was like, heavy duty) and SLAMMED it down on my finger which was resting on the wooden arm of our futon. i started screaming really loud. it swelled up like, really big, and i couldn't move it. when my dad got home, he took me to the ER and i got an xray done and everything.....and it wasn't broken. but my brother doesn't know this because we had a cast put on it.
to this day i have a bony lump on the bottom of my 4th finger on my left hand. it makes it really hard to find rings that look good.
how to break your finger with a pillow :3
- Author
- mizukisanofan
- Date Published
- 11/30/-1 (Originally Created: 07/20/10)
- World
- my heart is an empty room
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