10 things I hate about Hiwatari CipherPol

Dear Sekima Hiwatari,

As much as I love you, there are some things you really need to know. Actually, it's ten things. I'll be frank with you, because, well, you would be with me too. You know...if you were real and stuff. So here goes nothing:

1. I hate your eyebrows. Shave them, pluck them, wax them, i don't even care if you go to the mall and have them threaded by those nice Indian ladies, JUST FIX THOSE MONSTROSITIES!

2. Your voice actor....is ugly. I want you to call funimation and have him replaced. After all, it is your voice, don't you want to be represented by someone just a little cooler?

3. You smoke. Smoking is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, bad for you. So stop, okay?

4. Your team-mates are freaks. Get rid of them and come join the party in Rave, my upcoming comic.

5. Your Buso Renkin name, Blaze of Glory, not cool. Just no, okay, no.

6. Aiming to kill hot guys *cough cough Kazuki* is not nice. You really should rethink your path in life. How about a chef? Or maybe a priest. No wait, I got it, darling you should be a school teacher!

7. Hairspray, yes I KNOW you use it, is not good for the environment. Please switch to gel.

8. There's a thing called anger management, say it with me, ANNNNGERRRRRR MAAAAAANAAAAAAGEMEEEEENNNT, take some classes.

9. Honey, mascara is for women. I'll buy you a bottle of make-up remover and we'll pretend this never happened.

10. I know it hurts to loose an entire school of pretty girls honey, but you can't take a cry brake every time something tragic happens. It's okay, I forgive you for that one.

Now that you now the 10 things I hate about you, I'd thought I'd tell you the ten I love:

1. Your pants

2. Your courage (metaphoric and otherwise)

3. Your hidden sensitivity (don't worry, I'll convince my friends it exists somehow!)

4. Your red hair

5. Your tummy and all its exposedness

6. Your strength

7. Your face

8. Your general persona

9. Your PANTS (did I say that already << >> :'3)

and finally

10. Your mine

With love,

Date Published
11/30/-1 (Originally Created: 09/04/10)
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10 things I hate about you
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