This poem needs some explanation, especially for those who don't know this about me. I have this disease (man I hate to think of it as a disease, but sadly, it is) called Raynaud's disease - in short, my hands and feet overreact to changes in the temperature around me. When they get cold, there's not enough bloodflow through them, and when it's warm, too much. It's pretty painful sometimes but what hurts even more is not being able to do even normal stuff at times. Most of the things described in this poem, I'd actually love to do (well, duh.) Enjoy reading! (PS this is a challenge entry for shannenking's Emotional Writing challenge)
I wish it’d let me...
Running around
On an athletic track
Dancing with Irish
Tunes in the back
Skating the ice
For hours on end
Walking and shopping
With a bunch of my friends...
How cool would that be
My feet won’t let me
Drinking hot chocolate
Without the burns
Eating some ice-cream
Without the hurts
Writing a poem
Or writing a test
Playing music
Which is what I like best...
How grand would that be
My hands won’t let me
Seizing the day
Working out at the gym
Living my life
With no bounds, to the brim
How great would that be
But they won’t let me
Waving goodbye
To the cries that it brings
Without complaining
Just doing those things
How awesome would that be
If only it’d let me