What They Would Say... KoInu kyan

A/N: Well, here's Rishi again! Sorry for the lack of posts...Rishi can't really think of anything right now...but thankfully, the fruits of summer have blossomed for us! And Rishi has some questions to ask Neji Hyuuga, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha! This'll be fun...hehe...

Squee-Neji asks:

Naruto: If you are a ninja, why do you have such an obsession about wearing the colors orange and blue (and in timeskip, orange and black)? I mean, a ninja should wear colors like dark green and black to blend in with the environment.

NARUTO: Well, if I'm going to be the next Hokage, then I've got to be original! I mean, have you seen anyone else that can sport this kind of clothing?! It's just because I'm special, damn it! I'm SO much better then Sasuke! Believe it!

Naruto: What's your favorite kind of ramen?

NARUTO: Oooh! I get another question! I win, Sasuke! Anyway, my favorite flavor of ramen is miso. Believe it. Yup, you can't beat miso ramen...I'm hungry. Hey, Sasuke, treat me to ramen after this!

Sasuke: Do you like wearing those clothes in timeskip?

SASUKE: Does it LOOK like I enjoy wearing this crap?! Of course I don't! Orochimaru forced this crappy outfit on me!

Neji: Are you too sexy for your shirt?

NEJI: Well...fate has decided that my body is to be so beautiful and sexy that it cannot be concealed with an article of clothing. So...yes. I am too sexy for my shirt.

Naruto: You've participated in every filler episode to date. . . .do you actually LIKE these fillers?

NARUTO: It's not like I have a choice...

Naruto: Do you know you're voiced by a woman in the English version of Naruto?

NARUTO: Yeah, I know. I'm voiced by a girl in the Japanese version, too, dattebayo.

Naruto: Do you like being voiced by a woman?

NARUTO: Again, it's not like I have a choice...

Neji: Why do you wear a man-skirt in Shippuden/Timeskip? (we all know what it is Neji. . . .don't try to fool us with the "It's a robe" talk)

NEJI: ...Lee and Gai-sensei forced me into it. Said it was 'youthful' and other crap. Never believed them...

Neji: Oh noes, It's teh CURRY OF LIFE! What are you going to do now, Neji?!?!

NEJI: Run away.

Ino: Who do you hate more: Sakura (for just being Sakura) OR Neji (for telling you to "get lost" and ignore your beauty during the chunnin exams)?

INO: Well, crap, I hate that stupid Hyuuga more then I could hate Billboard-brow!

Everyone: Who would win in this match: Sasuke or Neji?

NARUTO: I think Neji would win. I mean, he nearly had me...

SAKURA: Are you stupid?! Sasuke, of course!

KAKASHI: Tie *too busy reading to answer better*

IRUKA: Sasuke's really strong, but Neji has speed, strength, AND stanima, so I would say Neji...but Sasuke has a lot of willpower...so I'm not really sure...

KIBA: Neji would kick Sasuke's ass, of course!

HINATA: N-n-neji-nii-san...

SHINO: Sasuke would. Hands down.

INO: Are you blind?! Sasuke would SO beat that stupid Hyuuga!

SHIKAMARU: ...can I go home now?

CHOJI: *munch munch* Sasuke. *munch munch* Because Ino would kill me if I said something different...

A/N: That's all she wrote! Write your questions in the comment box and I just might get the others to answer your questions! Ja ne!

KoInu kyan
Date Published
06/18/08 (Originally Created: 06/18/08)
Naruto Fan Words
17 hugs hug
18 members Favoritefavorite
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