Death By Husband Momiji san

I woke up on morning to horrible, terrible screaming coming from the streets. I lived in New York, New York before my death it was usually loud but not this bad. I got out of bed and went to the window. It was already opened so I just had to poke my head out to see the streets. I looked down and saw some people stumbling through the streets, "Hey you," I said to a lady with a gun but for some reason this didn't frighten me, "Yes honey?" The lady said cocking her pistol. "What the hell's going on?" I asked and reached for my glasses that sat at the table by my bed. She looked around like something was after her before answering me, "Why Honey you haven't heard? Zombies their everywhere you better cock you pistol Missy 'cause their comin' and their hungry," She stopped and looked around her, "Oh no. Missy if I where you I would find my loved ones and try to get out of here." She shot her gun and ran in the opposite direction.

I tried to take this seriously but a zombie invasion? Really? But who knows could zombies possibly exist? I had no choice but to believe the lady. I went down the hall yo my closet right in front of the door. "Mama did always tell me to keep a loaded gun just in case." I reached in and grabbed a pistol and two shot gun's. I took my belt and used it to carry my pistol on my back and but my shot gun's in my pocket's. I went for the door but stopped before opening it. On the other side I heard loud foot steep's am groaning. "Zombies? In the apartment?" I opened the door with caution and peered down the hall. I heard the foot steeps coming my way. There had to be more then two or three so I closed the door again and rushed to grab more supplies. Three small boxes of bullets and the picture of my husband. "I'm coming for you Mark." I said with determination.

I opened the door and silently slipped out and walked against the white wall. They had to have killed someone by the sound's they were making. I looked around the corner and found then eating the man from 4B or also known as Chett. I bowed me head for a quick second but then aimed my gun at the first zombies head. "One zombie down two more to go." I said to myself. I peered back down the hall and now both zombies where standing. I cocked my shot gun's and jumped out from behind the wall. Both of the zombies charged at me but on didn't have a leg, and the other couldn't see me to well cause of his missing eye, so it was more like them stumbling down the hall. I laughed and shot them both in the head.

"Like taking candy from a baby." I chuckled and stepped over the bodies. I looked down a Chett, "Sorry I couldn't help you dude." I said as I stepped over is inhumane body. The streets of New York were deserted and kind of creepy. Buildings were on fire and bodies were all over. "I see, only the dead from before come back these guy's are dead dead." I said out loud. "Well your smart." I jumped and turned around. A tall man with a black baseball cap was standing behind me with gun pointed to my head. "Your name tell me now." The man demanded gun still pointed at me. I glared at him, "It's Juli. Now put the gun down." He grunted and lowered the gun. "What are you doing out here?" He asked getting closer. "I'm looking for my husband. His names Mark." The man turned his head, "Your telling me this why?"
"Well I thought... that, well, maybe you've seen him. I have a picture if you want to see."

The man laughed, "you think your gonna find him Juli? Well good luck with that." He said and turned to leave. "Are you saying my husbands dead or are you being an ass?" He looked at me, "you got on cocky mouth Juli. I'd watch it if I was you." I laughed, "Go to hell." And walked down the long and dead infested street.

One hundred and three zombies later

I shot a zombie in the head right outside of a Walmart, "One hundred and three. Stupid creatures can't tell their left from their right." I chuckled. My clothing were splattered in blood and I smelled of death it's self. Constantly I would yell out, "MARK! Mark! Mark are you here?" But usually there was no answer.

One hundred and fifty two zombies later

"MARK! FOR DEAR GOD ANSWER ME!" I was in an out doors mall when I yelled this and it quickly caused more zombies to notice me. "ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THREE! ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FOUR! ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE!" I screamed one after another. I stopped and saw a zombie down all the way at the other end of the mall. I cocked my pistol and walked toward it. A few feet away I stopped and got a good look at it. The zombie looked strangely similar to Mark. "Mark? Mark is that you?" The zombie stared at me and started to walk closer to me. "Mark oh God what have they done." I raised my gun to shoot him but my arms wouldn't leave my sides. Mark drew closer and closer with his teeth baring. He leaped on me and tried to bite my face. I tried to fight but dame zombies are strong and soon all that I was was a lump of blood and gut's.

Momiji san
Date Published
11/30/-1 (Originally Created: 12/23/10)
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The Zombie Apocalypse is Nigh!
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