YuYu Hakusho Beyond! Saga I : Impending Elements tiggerola

Last time, Yusuke and his friends met in the park for a picnic and to catch up with each others lives. However their peaceful afternoon was cut short due to a disturbance in the nearby forest. Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama raced to the source. And what should they find but a young lady, who actually was a hideous monster in disguise! Yusuke has accepted the challenge to take the monster down, but does this muddy creature have something up its sleeve? Can Yusuke succeed?

Episode 2 : Mystery Monster Unmasked

[The sky is clear, pan through the trees, a slight breeze picks up and dies as a clearing appears with Yusuke and a Mud Monster ready to do battle. Kurama and Kuwabara stand in the background with Hiei apart from them.]

Yusuke: Are you ready for this? [powers up]

Monster: [yawns then assumes fighting stance] If I must, I suppose it doesn’t really matter. You’re friend [indicating Hiei] there got lucky by catching me off guard; but rest assured I could take a cocky kid like you out in less then a minute.

Yusuke: Are you sure? [slight smile] You seem pretty confident seeing you don’t know anything about me!

Monster: You’re right, I don’t. [stands straight] Perhaps you can come over and introduce yourself, [points to cheek] and do let your fist do the talking.

Yusuke: Ha! Just my style… [runs to the Monster and jumps then throws out his arm coming down on her, hitting her square in the jaw then looks surprised at her lack of response] What the?

Monster: [crosses muddy arms] Oh come now, is that all you got?

Yusuke: So you’re a little hard headed, we can fix that… [Yusuke starts punching the Monster rapidly in the gut] Hard heads usually mean soft underbellies!

[Yusuke continues throwing rapid punches while the monster stands unshaken.]

Kuwabara: Incredible, she’s not even flinching!

Hiei: How boring, they are both just toying with each other.

Kuwabara: Well if you ask my opinion, they shouldn’t even be fighting.

Hiei: No one asked your opinion, now did they? That thing came here looking for a fight and that is what it is getting.

Kuwabara: [yelling at Hiei] What do you know shorty? Hmph [turns back to the fight and mumbles] She still is a girl and its not right to hit girls.

Hiei: Maybe your eyes are closed, but “she” is no longer a she, but a shapeless it.

Kuwabara: [yelling again] What does that matter? There still is a girl underneath!

Hiei: Fool, that female form you saw before was only a disguise to play on your weakness.

Kurama: Kuwabara is right. [pause for Hiei and Kuwabara to listen] What we see now is only a cover for her. Not only was it a means for her earlier escape which now serves to protect her from attacks, but it shields her real power. Like this, we have no way to decipher her true capabilities.

[Yusuke takes a break from punching and realizes how beat up his hands are and not even a dent in the Monster.]

Monster: Are we through with introductions yet?

Yusuke: Heh, not quite, there’s one more move I’d like you to meet.

Monster: Well, don’t hold back on my part.

[Yusuke points right finger at the Monster while supporting the wrist with his left hand.]

* * *

[A car is driving and then parks at the side of the road. Shizuru steps out and starts walking but is shortly stoped by Kayko, Yukina, and Botan.]

Botan: Well! Look who showed up!

Shizuru: [waves] Long time no see Botan!

Kayko: Shizuru? Hi! I didn’t expect to see you here!

Shizuru: Well of course I came; didn’t baby bro say that I’d be here as soon as I was done with my job interview? And what are you guys doing over here? Don’t tell me the party is already over.

Yukina: Sadly it was cut short due to a sudden burst of energy.

Shizuru: Energy? Then I haven’t been losing my mind.

Kayko: The guys went off to see what was going on, but they should have been back by now…

Botan: Perhaps I should go check on them? [makes oar appear and mounts]

Yukina: Is that okay?

Botan: Oh don’t worry, I’ve survived the rest of the trouble those boys have been in up until now!

[Kayko watches Botan fly towards the forest with a worried look on her face.]

Shizuru: [thinks] “Whatever is delaying them, Kayko will be in danger if she goes, I must distract her…” [sees Kazuki in Kayko’s arms] Hey! Who’s this little guy? [picks him up and holds him above her head] I didn’t know you two had a baby…

* * *

Yusuke: SPIRIT GUN!!!

[The energy blast escapes Yusuke’s finger and heads straight towards the Monster. She looks bemused and holds her right hand in front of her. The shot hits her and the clearing lights up. Smoke swirls around where the Monster stood.]

Yusuke: Ha! Right on! Who’s cocky now?

Monster: [through the smoke] I would say you are.

Yusuke: What? Give me a break! Don’t tell me that didn’t even scratch you!

Monster: Fine, I won’t…but I’ll give you credit for singeing my suit.

[Smoke clears and the Monster is in the same position, but instead of a muddy right hand, a pale one with skinny fingers and sharp nails sticks out.]

Kuwabara: See! I told you there was a girl underneath!

Hiei: [glares at Kuwabara] Shut up moron!

Monster: I’m tired of playing these games with you boy!

[The Monster steps over to Yusuke. Botan sees the scene from above and flies in. The Monster then targets its hand in front of Yusuke’s face then flexes its hand, emitting tremendous energy that knocks him back into a tree.]

Kuwabara: Urameshi!

Botan: Yusuke!

[Botan lands in the clearing and runs over to Yusuke as he falls to the ground, unconscious. She kneels beside him and pulls out a fan and starts waving it in front of his face.]

Hiei: Impressive, [throws off cloak] but it’s my turn now.

Monster: I thought the deal was I chose who was next.

Hiei: Then excuse me for taking the liberty of making that decision for you.

Monster: No need to waste your time, I can take you all out at once if needed. There isn’t one among you strong enough to defeat me.

Hiei: Underestimating me will be your downfall. You just seem scared to face me because you know you’ll lose. [pulls out katana]

Monster: Let me propose a deal. I’ll choose my next opponent and you can be after him.

Hiei: And why should I follow your stupid request?

Monster: If anything I’ll be more worn out and you might have a chance.

Hiei: That would be a dirty trick on my part.

Yusuke: [starts to come too] Hey cool it! I’m not done yet!

Hiei: Yes you are! You are in no condition to fight anymore.

Yusuke: Sure I am!

[Yusuke attempts to get up but holds side in pain and falls over, Kuwabara and Kurama go to him and hold him up.]

Kurama: Right now you need to regain your strength; we can take it from here.

Monster: [scoffs] Try that, or I can return to Demon World on my own, promising to make no more disturbances in the human world, if I get what I want in my next fight.

Botan: Get what you want? What’s that supposed to mean?

Kuwabara: Yeah! You won’t tell us who you are, why you’re here, what y…

Hiei: Stay out of this you fool!

Monster: Oh, But he has a point. I haven’t yet a chance to explain myself.

Kurama: Perhaps it would be wiser to hear her out.

Hiei: [pauses then sheaths katana] Fine. Do it her way.

Monster: [smiles] hmmm[pats Hiei’s head] There’s a good boy.

[Hiei glares at her.]

Kuwabara: Okay, you have the chance now so tell us everything you know!

Monster: Know? I don’t know. That’s what I’m here for, to investigate.

Yusuke: [dryly] Wow, that really explains a lot.

Kurama: Clarify.

Monster: There’s no need to if I found what I was looking for, [strides towards them and lifts Kurama’s chin with pale hand and nostrils flare] which I’m sure I have…


[Kurama and Kuwabara are still holding up the wounded Yusuke. The Monster holds Kurama’s face and smirks. He pushes her arm away with his free hand.]

Monster: Shall we have at it then?

Kurama: [as he and Kuwabara set Yusuke into a sitting position] You promise to stop bothering humans after we are done?

Monster: I’ll take that as a yes…

Kuwabara: Kurama! You’re not really going to fight her are you?

Kurama: I’ll do what I must.

[Kurama faces the Monster and the two stare at each other. Few forest noises are heard as their eyes are locked. Finally, the Monster gestures.]

Monster: By all means, make the first move.

Kurama: I do believe it is your turn to start.

Monster: Didn’t really get to see me in action with the amateur [moves head towards Yusuke] there did you? Won’t fight back till you have analyzed how to effectively counter attack? Very well…[swings left muddy arm around and calls out] MUD SLIDE! [mud squirts out from arm in a stream towards Kurama]

Kurama: [dodges then pulls rose out of hair] ROSE WHIP!

[Monster holds up arm. Whip wraps around her arm but does not penetrate it. Monster pulls arm back, pulling Kurama overhead with it. Kurama pulls the rose back in and brakes his fall by gymnastically outstretching his arm to flip on. He lands unharmed and turns for a counterattack]


[Rose petals clash against the Monster, but do little damage]

Monster: Well that’s a pretty plant you found.

[Sticks right arm in ground and pillars of dirt pop out of the ground around Kurama and close in on him.]

Monster: Almost as pretty as you…

[Kurama powers up, breaking out of mud. He brings the whip out again sweeping in low this time.]

Yusuke: You know, I don’t think Kurama is doing any better. He better think of something quick or instead of pulling out pansies, he’ll be pushing up daisies!

Botan: [smacks Yusuke upside the head] You shouldn’t talk like that!

Yusuke: Ow! And you shouldn’t hit an injured man like that!

Hiei: Give Kurama some credit. The armor seems impenetrable but if he can manage to crack it he can work in to break it from the inside out.

Kuwabara: He should plant seeds in the ground that she’s using for a weapon and use it against her.

Hiei: I thought you were against us fighting the monster.

Kuwabara: I am, but that doesn’t mean we can’t hold her still long enough to get some answers out of her, like how she was holding Kurama there.

Hiei: Fool. You already tried talking to her and this is what resulted.

Yusuke: Kuwabara, I think you’re using your brain to much. We should just watch.

[The Rose Whip breaks all the chunks of mud that the Monster is hurling at him.]

Monster: I must say your reflexes are up to par.

[The Monster stops throwing mud chunks and runs straight at Kurama. Kurama jumps up and grabs a branch. He swings one way switches his hands so he faces the other direction then comes down, kicking the Monster. The Monster falls on her stomach and rolls over. By this time, Kurama has resumed his attack with the Rose Whip. She gets up on a knee and holds up her arm to block the attacks. Then she moves her arm so that the whip gets wound up around her arm again. She draws Kurama in close to her as she stands.]

Monster: I see you are the strong silent type [kicks him away] METEOR SHOWER!

[More chunks of mud shoot out at Kurama. Kurama dodges and uses his whip to break the chunks like before, but a few slip by and scratch him.]

Monster: [stops Meteor Shower] I can tell there is a demon hiding behind that human form, why don’t you let it out? [performs Mud Slide]

Kurama: [Flips over attack and while landing, inconspicuously picks a few blades of grass] There is no need to.

[Kurama lunges at the Monster with the grass turning into a blade. A clang rings as the grass sword hits the Monster’s armored arm.]

Monster: You go by Kurama, is that correct?

Kurama: More or less.

[Both Kurama and the Monster exert tremendous spirit energy that throws both of them back. Both fighters are on their hands and knees.]

Monster: [pushes self up] There wouldn’t be a ‘Yoko’ with that, would there?

Kurama: [stands up and brushes an arm off] I see my reputation precedes me.

Monster: Oh you should know me too.

Kurama: I have a vague idea…

[The Monster stands straight. She crosses her arms in front of her face and her armor of mud starts to crack.]


[The monster throws her arms out, causing bits of dried up mud to shoot off in all directions. Kuwabara and Yusuke cover their faces. Hiei squints. Kurama shields his eyes w/ one hand but still looks out from under it. When all the pieces have shot off, a slender fox-demon that is about an inch taller than Yoko Kurama stands where the mud monster was.]

Kurama: [glares at her] Yokira.

Yokira: [smiling through half-closed eyes] So glad you remember.

“Hey! Yusuke here to tell you that we finally get to find out who this Yokira person really is. After everything he has been through, Kurama’s past still comes back to haunt him. What’s worse, he’s got to explain this to his wife. And considering she’s related to Genkai…I’m just glad that I’m not the one to do it. We’re hoping all this mess comes clear so you better not miss it, Next time on YuYuHakusho Beyond!"

Date Published
09/13/08 (Originally Created: 09/11/08)
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