A Kitsune's Past DeidaraNarutoClan

Once the dreadful night was over, the poor cast-aside kitsune lay on a shallow bank. The waters from last night were less violent and more calming. The water was like that of a mother's warm hug and love for a child. The poor pup, though, struggled within his sleep. His dream was complete darkness... Full of sorrow... and regret...

Soon, a little playmate came and found the little fox on the bank barely alive. The male wolf pup walked up to the abandoned fox on the riverside. The pup's eyes widened at the nearly-drowned fox in the water. He dragged the body of the poor kitsune out of the gentle river and started to nudge the fox.

The fox felt the nudges and started to twitch and shiver from the cold waters and rain from the night before. Suddenly, the poor fox began to cough up water. He was weak from lack of food and that dreadful night. The kitsune laid down on the riverbank and his eyes started to close. So tired... So hungry... Who am I?... What am I?... but he blacked out once more.

When the fox awoke that night, the wolf that had pulled him out of the river sat in front of him. A dead fish lay at the kitsune's feet. The pup's eyes moved from the fish to the wolf. "Ano, sumimasen?" the kitsune asked.

"Yes?" the wolf replied.


"My name's Gray, I'm a wolf. How about you?" the wolf asked.

"Nani?" the fox pup responded, cocking his head.

"What's the name you go by?"

The little fox thought and his mind traveled to last night.

"Good bye Kyuubi, you wretched Yoko."

"Youko no Kyuubi," the fox stated.

"Kyuubi Yoko? Beautiful nine-tailed fox huh, name's unusual, but it's interesting. Nice to meet you."

"Arigatou gozaimazu," Kyuubi said thankfully and started ripping apart the fish.

"You must've been really hungry," the Gray said in amazement as he stared at the bones of the fish.

Kyuubi yawned and curled up in his nine tails. "I'll visit you tomorrow Kyuubi-san. Good night," Gray said, wagging his tail and walking off.

It seemed as if Kyuubi's life was turning around just from the start. His parents may have tried to kill him, but he's in good health and he has a new friend. You'd think that, but unfortunately the sadness doesn't end here...

Date Published
10/17/08 (Originally Created: 10/15/08)
Teh Biju Club
Naruto Fan Words
17 hugs hug
17 members Favoritefavorite
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