Halloween Night animelover7310

This is my entry for the Halloween Writer's Jam.

Ah.... Halloween night. A favorite part of the year for me and my friends. We hunt flesh, being bloodthirsty vampires and ravenous werewolves. We are the Under-dwellers. We are the only group of unnatural creatures.

I am the leader of this group. My name is Ren; I am a vampire/werewolf. My mother is a vampire and my father is a werewolf. They can not hunt anymore, so we hunt for them. We always bring home animal meat, and the furs of the animals that we killed.

To continue, my group and I always go crazy on Halloween night. The demons and animal flesh come out. The only night we go hysterical.

On this night, we always meet at the edge of the forests, behind all the houses, so no one can see us. All of us are here, so it was time to start the meeting. I began, "Hey, guys! What's up?" "Nothing much. What about you? Anything change?" I heard the question. It was from my friend, Takari. I looked at her through my cloak. She had golden, red eyes, with long, brown hair. This vampire was my best friend. "Same here. Parents just told me to tell to you guys to 'be careful'," I replied. "Ha! Like that will ever happen. Tonight's Halloween. What else are we supposed to do?" That was Itachi, the werewolf. His voice was deep. I looked at him. His long, black hair was blowing in the wind and his red/black eyes were looking at me. He too was a good friend of mine. "Yeah! We love to go wild! It has always been the tradition in all of our family's! Ha!" Sakura. One of the funniest and craziest vampires. I turned to here, and nodded. She had blond hair with pure, red eyes. She was extremely hungry.

"We are all hungry tonight. This is our night. Don't you agree, Ren?" Now this was Ichigo speaking, the werewolf. He had long, black hair with golden, blue eyes. He was even more beautiful tonight. "Definitely," I replied, blushing. "Since we are all here tonight, do you guys want to hunt or go crazy?" "BOTH!" everyone screamed! "TRANSFORM!" We threw off our cloaks and threw off our shoes. We wore black clothing. Some had spike collars, as I did. Out ears were pierced all the up our ears. We lifted ourselves into the air, and transformed.

On Halloween night, it always felt different. The moon shined at us for this moment. For the werewolves, they brought their long tails, ears, nails, and fur around on their arms and legs. They howled to the moon. For the vampires, they grew out their fangs, their clothes got covered by a different type of cloak and their eyes turned blood red in their pupils.

I, for one, am completely different at transforming. I don't acquire the cloak that the vampires have. The parts I get in my transformation are the tail, ears, nails, and the fur from the werewolves. From the vampires, I get the eye color and the fangs. I enjoy the powers I got from my parents.

THUD! We fell to the ground, head first. We started to rise. The wind was howling, the rustling in the trees, and the children down below near the houses, having fun. They had no idea what was Halloween, actually. Growls rose in our chests, a great rumble it was. The ground shook beneath us, making the Earth tremble. Only we felt it. The growls we let out of our chests resulted into a loud roar. "So... are you guys ready to hunt?" I asked in a low growl. "Completely," they said in unison. "Good." We got in a triangle formation. We sprinted into the forest, smelling delicious animal flesh. "SEPARATE!"I screamed. We went our separate ways. Everybody went into the bushes, except for me. I was already following a scent. It was a bear. That fur... That blood... That delicious flesh... I sprang. KILL!

The bear roared in pain. I ripped apart its skin, blood pouring out. I sucked that blood because of my vampire instincts. I bit the skin of the neck, blood squirting out. My clothes were already soaked in blood. I put my teeth more into the neck, making sure I was killing it. The bear fell to the ground, dead. I ripped apart the flesh. I kept on eating the meat off the bear. Delicious... I ripped out the heart. I ate it whole. I sensed someone behind me. I turned around, my brown hair flying everywhere. It was Ichigo.

I cleaned the blood of my chin. I stood up, wondering what was wrong. The last time this happened was 100 years ago. Everybody else in the group was starting to come to me. They were soaked in blood too. They already made their kill. They all had fear in their eyes. "Ren..." whispered Ichigo. He held out his hand, and I put my hand in his.

Wait, I thought. One hundred years. One hundred years ago, one of the demons from hell came to us and told us that a demon of great power would come in the next hundred years. To fight out group. We all freaked out one hundred years ago. We still do. "Oh, God," I whispered. "I wasn't expecting this. I completely forgot." "We all did, Ren," Ichigo replied. "What we need to do is... um... get ready. Get your weapons, or something. Finish up eating and come back in fifteen minutes. Okay?" I told them. They all nodded. They all went away. Except for Ichigo. He stayed with me. "Let's get the cloaks that we left behind, okay?" "Okay," he replied. He kissed me on the forehead. I blushed. We got the cloaks, and the we both went to my house. He stored his weapons at my house. I told my parents about what was about to happen. They asked if they could help, but I said no. It was our problem, not theirs. We got out swords, we sharpened out nails, and I sharpened my teeth. When we got back, I cleaned up the bear remains and waited for everyone to come back.

I looked at my demon watch. Ten more minutes till the demon arrived. On midnight. Once everybody arrived, we got prepared. I gave them their cloaks and everybody put them back on. The vampires took off their transformation cloaks and put their regular cloaks back on.

I checked my watch. There wasn't any time left. Thunder started rumbling and lightning flashed. A door appeared in front of us. It was the portal from the underworld. "Demon of the underworld, come to us! We declare a fight, by which you will be destroyed!" we all bellowed!

Date Published
10/22/08 (Originally Created: 10/19/08)
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