FFIV: Edge's Proposition Gildas Magnus

I saw that there weren't many Words for Final Fantasies 1-6, so I decided to write one of IV. This is all from Edge's point of view. Enjoy!

Edge's Proposition

Just look at her. Isn’t she amazing? Her green hair flowing in the wind… I can’t help but look. It really doesn’t help that she’s wearing the most scanty outfit going. Have you seen how much skin she’s showing? It’s insane! Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Last time I saw her was at Cecil and Rosa’s coronation… I miss her so much, how can Grandfather expect me to run Eblan with her on my mind? I’ve decided. Eblan can run itself, we don’t have any enemies anymore. Granfather can sort everything out. I’ve got to go to the Underworld, to Feymarch… To Rydia.

Every time I think of her my heart skips a beat, it’s a wonder I’m still alive. She’s always on my mind, her beautiful eyes… I can’t stop thinking of her. I’ve got to go, now. Let me check my bag… Okay, I’ve got enough rations for a week; it should only take me a few days to get there. Hi-Potions, check. After defeating Zeromus though, I doubt I’ll have any trouble. I could’ve taken that overgrown rat down by myself. A few Gremlins and a Sorceress or two won’t cause me any pain. Ermm… oh yeah! I’ll need Masamune and Murasame, that’ll make things a lot easier. Is that it? I think so. Let’s head off!

Okay, I’ve just reached the Tower of Babil. The monsters here are meant to be difficult, this was Golbez’ personal Crystal Cache, wasn’t it? They’re a breeze, though, apart from the Yellow Dragons, they’re a nightmare. Only a few more floors to go. I could’ve jumped, but without my trusty Falcon I’d surely fall to my doom. Or would I? Nah, not worth the risk. I’ve waited months to see my darling Rydia, another few minutes on my journey won’t hurt. Is that the entrance? I think it is… Oh god. I forgot that Golbez broke the bridge… how am I going to get out now? Is there any Ninjutsu I could use? Let’s see… Flame? No. Flood might do the trick… Let’s try that. “FLOOD!” Well, there’s now a small amount of cool-ish looking rock, better bridge than lava I guess.

Okay, I’m back. The Dwarven Kingdom. It’s as good as new, though the tanks are gone. I hope good old King Giott has enough scrap metal left over… Or… hang on, is that an Airship over there? Maybe Cid let them borrow a little Overworld Technology, hmm… There’s nothing for it! I need to see Rydia now! Wait, it isn’t even locked in position? The controls are the same as the Falcon, I can control this easy. This button here starts the engine, this brings out the wings… I’m on my way, my sweet Rydia!

The Passage to the Feymarch hasn’t changed one bit. I knew I should’ve asked Rosa the secret of Float spells, but there’s nothing for it now. Good thing I brought those Hi-Potions along, isn’t it? Ouch, why does there have to be Lava in a Cave like this? It’s really hurting! And if I use Flood, I’ll flood the entire cave and I’ll get washed out. That won’t help. Nothing for it… Ow… Gah, this stings! Hi-Potion please!

That’s it! The portal to the Feymarch! I’m not far away now, my darling! Woah… I never did get over the whole “Teleportation” sensation. Ha! That rhymes! Anyway, where was I? Here, apparently. Excuse me, do you…? Oh, thanks for listening. Hey, you over there! Do you know a… Hello? Is nobody going to pay attention to me? Fine then. I’ll make my own way. The red portal takes me further in, and from… here, I need to find the Library again. Okay, that’s the Weapons Shop, it’s not my fault I can’t read Feyenese! Ermmm… A book sign? That might be the Library… Yes, apparently it is. It was the third floor down I think… Here we are, the Throne Room. Excuse me your Majesty, I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Edge of Eblan? Yes, the loud one. Yes okay, I get it. I was wondering if you’d seen Rydia around? I need to ask her something… She left? Okay. She’ll be back in half an hour? I can wait.

Oh, Rydia my sweet! How I’ve missed you! The clouds of the Overworld sky rain heavy tears upon my soul when I… what? Sorry, I’ll get to the point. I’ve got a proposition for you, my dear. I know you’re next in line for the succession of the Feymarch throne, but please, hear me out. I have a kingdom of my own… Okay, maybe I don’t rule it so well, which is why I need you! Rydia, love of my life, will you marry me?

Ouch. Well, I’m back in Eblan, short three Hi-Potions, an Elixir and One Rydia. Didn’t think she’d slap me that hard, though. Did I really deserve that? Me, Edge, Prince of Eblan, deserve that hard a slap? Maybe. Oh well. She said no, that’s the thing. Maybe I’ll ask her again tomorrow.

Gildas Magnus
Date Published
10/29/08 (Originally Created: 10/28/08)
Gildas' Fics
Final Fantasy (General) Fan Words
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