An Otaku is Born! TheDarkAngel

Yosei here to tell you about my own personal experiences with anime and manga, if you're willing to listen.

This is the history of an Otaku, just like you. We live in cities, in the countryside, we all go to the same restaurants, schools, malls. We drink and eat the same foods, we listen to the same music, we read the same books, and walk the same streets.

It started in the eighth grade (I'm a senior in High School now) when I realized that my friends were currently getting into things fourteen-year-olds ought not be into. So, I ditched them when a girl came up to me and tried to make friends. At first, I was apprehensive. She was -how one may say- a loser. Not in a moral sense, but in a school-clique sense. Bottom of the ladder, never going to get popular, scorned by all for not having a boyfriend or nice clothes.

Well, this girl approaches me one day in band (we both played the flute and ended sitting next to each other) and says, "Hi, there!" Completely shocked and appalled at why this person, whom I'd never even given a second glance, was talking to me left me taken aback. I stuttered, "Erm- hi."

"I know you like drawing cartoons, yo. Do you know how to draw InuYasha?" she asked. I didn't know what the hell she was on about. I thought that maybe it was some language I'd never heard of (which later turns out is Japanese ^_^).

I replied, "Yes, I like to draw cartoons. What's an ee-new-sasha?"

After that one, and completely mispronounced, question I was suddenly warped into this magical land where girls beat up perverted monks with giant boomerangs and men with dog-ears slice and dice demons, which weren't of the Biblical sense.

I took a chance on this one girl and went over to her house one day after having a spat with some friends. I've never been more proud of a decision I've made. We watched a good solid 5 hours of InuYasha that she'd recorded and I got the hang of the storyline. Heck, I'd figured out that Miroku was my favorite character! Then, being the artist I am, I decided to pick up on this art-form. The big eyes captured and enraptured me first. Then, the sheer choppiness, yet fine-lined and heavily-detailed clothes pulled me in. It was destiny shining through! My heart was glowing and my pencil had never felt so right against that paper. There IS a God!!!

Soon after this incident, I took home the girl's collection of InuYasha manga and became, quite literally, a closet-otaku. No kidding, I actually kept her books hidden in my closet and read them there. My parents completely understood and they were glad I'd found something I could do. So, they backed me up and supported me. However, my group of friends wouldn't understand, I knew, and so I pretended all was fine with them and kept my new-found obsession a secret from them.

Then, something happened that would alter the course of my life forever; FullMetal Alchemist aired in America in October of '04. I'd fallen in love. Edward and Alphonse became my heroes. The flashing lights and automail paired with a blonde boy with a voice too old for him, and a walking suit of armor with a voice too young for him stole my heart and soul. They were my own personality made into a show! Each was an extension of my own being and I thanked God Almighty for making the dear woman who'd dreamt these boys up!

Now, for the moment that has changed me forever...
I was invited to a party by my old friends one Saturday night. By now, I was hooked on anime and I seriously did not want to miss the third episode of FMA which was airing the same night. Being the teenager that I am, I decided I didn't really wanna miss this show. So, I came up with a story that I was supposed to stay home that night because my family had plans. And, so, my friends went to their party and I stayed home and watched the death of Edward and Alphonse's mother.

Monday, I went to school. Here, I learn that I was lucky to avoid the party. As it turns out, there was much under-aged drinking and drugs involved. Luckily, the police had crashed the get-together and everyone had been busted. I thanked my lucky stars and completely cut all ties with these former friends. I was a changed person.

I now hung out with my new friends, including the girl who'd introduced me to anime. Another thing I was able to find out with them was that I could be myself around these people. In my old group, I acted certain ways and did certain things because I'd believed it was what popular was. But, no, I'd learned that being popular at school was NOTHING next to being popular with myself. I actually liked myself now, I was comfortable with who I was.

This is the history of an Otaku, just like you. We live in cities, in the countryside, we all go to the same restaurants, schools, malls. We drink and eat the same foods, we listen to the same music, we read the same books, and walk the same streets. The one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the world is that we love anime and manga. We feel at ease when we're wearing our cosplay outfits in a crowded street and reading manga at our bookstores. We stand out because we want to blend in with our fellow Otaku.

And, because we've all only ever known acceptance, we only show acceptance. We'll never turn someone away when they say, "Hey! You read Yu Yu Hakusho, too? My friends think it's weird..."
We reply, "Well, then your friends don't appreciate foreign works and should really take a second glance at it. Why don't we get together and read YYH this weekend?"

Because, in the great words of Dr. Suess, Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)

Date Published
03/28/08 (Originally Created: 03/26/08)
!~*Yosei's Journal*~!
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