Black Magic #13 Michiyo Shimizu

Curse of the Black Cat

Everyone has bad luck at least once in a day. Whether it's small bad luck like having gum stuck on your shoe or something big like getting caught while stealing an item from a store, everyone has bad luck. Now, if you were like me, you'd be trying to commit suicide right now, ... well if you were a person who couldn't handle such complicated problems.

Beep, beep, beep! Beep, beep, beep! Turning over in my bed, I tried to turn off my alarm clock. I got annoyed and smacked it down to the floor. The crash of the alarm clock made me get up and I lazily scratched my hair. I was on my bed looking around and then I saw my alarm clock broken. "Well, that's the third one this month.. I'll get another one later...." I said, looking at it.

I carelessly didn't try to pick it up and put it in the trash. I just went straight to go eat breakfast as I smelled rice and bacon in the air. I could smell some leftover teriyaki from last night too. Going downstairs for the teriyaki, I grabbed a chair and waited for breakfast. My mother, who was the one cooking, gave a glance at me and smiled. "Well look who it is, oh honey, before you go, fix your hair too."

I nodded and said irritated, "Yeah yeah, I will. I have to look good for the ladies. Now, for some breakfast, woman!"

My mother chuckled and said, "Ha, I'd ought to spank you for that boy, right now. Apparently, I'm too tired and lazy to do it." She passed me a bowl of rice and plate of teriyaki with sauce on it to me. After that, a small plate with bacon and some vegetables next to the bacon. With pleasure, I quickly gulped down my breakfast and then I grabbed my backpack after I finished.

Without brushing my teeth or picking up my room, I left for school. My mother blinked at me and sighed while she was at the sink, "That boy better watch out today... It's friday the 13th.." she looked at the calendar and giggled. "Haha, how I love myths."

On my way to school, I had a toothpick in my mouth and stuck between my teeth. This was "brushing" my teeth, well the middle of my teeth and it was also like flossing too. I looked at the scum on the tip of the little stick and flicked it. Without noticing anyone in front of me, my teeth scum landed on someone.

It was the geek, Sayaka Satori.

Sayaka pierced her eyes at me and came over to me and slapped me on the cheek. I didn't even turn my head or say an 'ow' loudly at her. I just looked at her with annoyed eyes. "Hello Geek," I told her. Sayaka turned her hand into a fist and punched me in the stomach. "Hello Jerk," she told me back angrily. I held my stomach and looked up at her. "What's your problem?!"

"LOOK WHO'S TALKING! You insolent brat, you don't even notice who's in front of you and you flick your filthy, disgusting, wet mouth dirt at people! No wonder girls don't get with you anymore!" I took that a little personally. "HEY! Just because I broke up with Kokotari doesn't mean I won't ever get another girl unlike her, and it's only been 2 months."

"It should've been the other way around. She should've dumped you, even a slut should have the brains to dump someone like you! Akida Tomomiya!" she shouted.

I had no time to listen to this stupid piece of annoyance. I quickly walked away from her and she just stared back. She gave me a glaring look and crossed her arms. After I was far away from her, she gave a sigh and took another path to go to school.

On my way to school, someone came from behind and tugged on my collar. "What the--?!"

It was Kokotari's face in front of mine. "Hello Akida!!!" she said with a kind of American accent.

"What? You're turning American now? Go to America, maybe the Americans will like a slut like you there." I asked her. She frowned at me and said, "Oh you're being harsh, Akida!" She pushed me against the wall and leaned in towards my face. I got out of her grip and slid down going to school.

"Akida!!! Come back!" Kokotari shouted at me. I ran out to school, not turning back to her. Kokotari put her hands on her hips and scoffed. "What a jerk."

The bell rang and I was in class, fiddling with a pencil on my desk.

I wasn't late to school this time as I watched the clock's little hand directly land on the 9. 9 AM, and it was another day for crappy learning which didn't even make one hell of a sense to me from my teachers. Suddenly, Mr. Takanuchi looked at me and then some students noticed. They turned to me and I was not paying attention. I kept fiddling with my pencil and then I turned up, having the feeling people were watching me.

"What?" I gave some people a grimace.

Mr. Takanuchi then suddenly said, "Tomomiya, office right now."

My door screeched as I slid it when I tried to get up. The guy in the back must have covered his ears as he was annoyed when I turned to him and smiled mischievously. Mr. Takanuchi watched me as well as the class when I walked out the door. Mr. Takanuchi then out of the blue declared, "You might want to hurry. Our lesson today includes a talk about geisha and famous entertainers." Some of the people in the class giggled.

I immediately left and began walking to the office. Most people would think I was a party lover and out goer. People regularly knew me as Kokotari's man and Kokotari got a reputation as a slut/prostitute. I never did do her, like some of the rumors went around. We just normally made out on a random wall and one time, she tried to seduce me into wanting to do me. That's what normally broke our relationship between us.

Around the school, other rumors spread that I was a drug dealer or a drug doer. I quit smoking and drugs when I got sick of it and didn't have anymore money of my own to buy any. I wasn't a drug dealer but I went to drug dealers to get some cheap cigarettes, not the hard stuff unlike that imported stuff. Some other rumors included me of raiding a store once with a gang called Akabudoshu.

They were known around the streets of Tokyo and especially to people who did business in the night. I wasn't afflilated with them as they just passed me and knew me as I was friends with Hiroyuki. Hiroyuki was one of my best friends even though he was crazy and a party lover, he was sly and mischievious. As around the school, other rumors spread that Hiroyuki and I were thief buddies and we stole imported goods from the U.S.A., Korea, China, and India.

Ok, now those rumors were getting out of hand. Though I wasn't going to stop anyone from making fake rumors. But whoever it was who did start the fake rumors, they had to stop at least sooner or later. Once, a teacher asked me while I was getting into her class if I had returned a stolen diamond to the owner. I haven't stolen anything in a long time, less cheap candy bars from the store and that was all.

I pushed the door open of the office and looked at the secretary at her desk. Her name was Mayako Gyuutawa. Seeing her every time I get called to the office, I recognize and know her by now. I recognized her since the first time I came into this office, she was young and single, I did have a look at that chest sometimes or that rump of hers when she bent over to get a pen and I was sitting in the chair behind me. Today, there was no one to be called in but me. Looking around, I whistled and Gyuutawa-san glanced up.

"Mr. Tomomiya, please be silent in here. I'm doing my work and Mrs. Takane wants to see you immediately so you don't waste class time." I rolled my eyes and started walking up to the principal's door. "Looking good today, Gyuutawa-san," I gave her a wink and tried to get a touch of her rump but instead, she got me back.

She grabbed my wrist and stopped my hand from doing any harrassment. She squeezed with such force, she was stronger than Sakari! "I took tae-kwon-do lessons at the beginning of winter. I'm still taking lessons, as you can see, I've given you a preview of what I can do to protect myself now. Want another preview? My sensei is teaching me how to handle my opponents down to the ground and breaking their bac--"

I cut her off with a timid sense of fear inside of me all of a sudden. "No... that's okay, Miss Gyuutawa." I gave her a weak smile and she smiled at me back. "I'm happy that I got to teach you something today and I got to show off my progression in tae-kwon-do." She grinned at me such an evil smile. But soon, I was out of talk with her and I had closed the door just on the minute she said 'tae-kwon-do'.

Mrs. Takane was a woman who was average size of your average woman. She was already married and she was in her early thirties but she was still good looking. Most of the times, here around Tokyo, I thought most women started aging like real adults when they reached their thirties. Apparently, I've been wrong a couple of times before and Mrs. Takane here, is an example of my false stereotypicalness.

Mrs. Takane was facing around in her sturdy computer chair and she expected me. "Sit down, Mr. Tomomiya. We have a matter to discuss." I grunted and muttered a few things under my breath. I slouched in the chair and grabbed a few candies out of her candy holder. I unwrapped the candies and plopped them into my mouth. While I was chewing, I said to her, "What is it now...?"

She turned around slightly and her brunette hair covered some of her eye. She began to speak as followed. "Is it.. true, that you had sex the other night with Kokotari?"

I snorted and snickered, then my snickering turned into laughing. I bursted out so loud that maybe a few classes heard me. "What the hell?! Who the hell told you something like that?!" I tried to control myself. I could hear a thump on the other side of the door of the principal's office. I bet it was Miss Gyuutawa listening in on the conversation. Mrs. Takane cleared her throat loudly and I surely knew now that it was the secretary listening in. I heard a bit of office items crashing to the ground.

"That woman needs to be organized a little more often.... I'll have her fired one day.." I could hear Mrs. Takane mutter.

I frowned, Gyuutawa-san was going to spread out another rumor, being the secretary and all, she didn't like me very much. I turned back to the principal and then stood up. "Listen... just because I act like a punk doesn't mean I'm going to turn into a player. As well as... like I'd ever have sex with a slut like that woman!"

I actually made the principal laugh a little. "She's not a woman, she's a seventeen year old girl who has dropped out of high school. To be a woman, she would have to be a little more dignified then what she is now. She might have to dress a little more appropriate and talk a little more appropriate too. She would also have to cut out on the drinks and sex." I chuckled a bit and then I laid back in the chair.

Mrs. Takane looked at me as she slouched too. She had a pencil in between the grip of her fingers. "Don't fall back, Akida." Her voice seemed to mystify her some way. I stopped tipping my chair back and then I got up. "Bah, I never had sex with her. So case closed."

Mrs. Takane put her pencil down on the desk and then she sighed, "Whatever." She turned back and got up. She saw me go out the door and then she smiled. She suddenly took out a folder out of her desk cabinet drawers and looked at my school permanent file. She looked at some of the progress I made.

"HA! He might just pass high school after all! Or maybe even school at least!" she closed my file and carelessly dropped my file onto her desk. The papers spread out showing good grades.

School was out now. I was walking along the streets of the familiar neighbrohood when someone suddenly pushed me and I hit my head on the wall. "What the he--" Then out of the blue, someone kissed me. I felt dazed at first and then I noticed the person was drunk. I coughed as I tried to get out of the achoholic's grip. "Hey!" I coughed and was feeling a bit dizzy.

I took a chance to look at my mysterious kisser's face. It was the stupid prostitute, Kokotari.

I gasped and then she gave me such a lusty look. She was wearing a black spagetti shirt, with a purple lace shawl over her shoulders, she had green contacts on as I stared into her eyes. She giggled like a drunkard, which she clearly was right now, and she started snorting. I was disgusted at her, seeing her like this, no wonder I dumped her.

"Oh.... Akida!" she groaned like she was having sex or something. I stumbled back and then she toppled on top of me, she had a beer bottle in her hand. I looked a bit surprise. "Where the heck did you get the alchohol?!" Kokotari stifled her laughs and then she looked up at me, "I drank with some gang... Haha, they were so nice! Ooohhhhh, they made me look so naughty...!!! And oh, was I ever!"

I shuddered at the thoughts. "Don't tell me you went strolling along with the Aka--"

"Oh yes...! It was that one gang... Akabodi or Akaboshidi!" she laughed at herself stupidly. "Oh but they were so mean....! They dumped me in a nearby park and left lipstick over my neck! I feel so dirty.." she giggled menacingly.

I got up and then she grabbed my pant leg. "Oh no you don't... You're mine, Akida... Oh you're mine..." she hissed with fury. I shook her off and then she got up. She broke the bottle and looked a little more serious. "Damn you, jerk! If I see you with any other girl, she's going to be more than troubled by me! No one will ever grab you again from me! NO ONE!"

She was more than a drunk, she turned insane! I jumped up and then she jumped back onto me. She giggled a little lustily again and started dragging her hand down to my pants. I got angry, I grabbed her hand and then I pushed her off. "No one is going to touch me, especially like a slut like you!"

I left her on the side of the sidewalk and ran. Kokotari turned her hand into a fist and then she got up running up with a little bit of conscience left in herself. "Akida.. you bastard, get back here you dumbass! You won't get away from me,... NEVER!!!!" she shouted maniacally. It was starting to get dark as I ran through alleys and passage ways.

I turned to an alleyway and tripped over an empty trashcan. Kokotari still had the beer bottle in her hand. She heard the crash between me and the trashcan and then knew where I was located. She was insane at the point, where she smashed the bottom of the bottle. She gave a devious giggle and striding dizzily, she went looking for me. "Oh Akida..." she called out.

I ran around the corner and heard her nearby. I sat down for a bit and then waited. "OH AKIDAAAA," she still called out into the darkness. I got nervous and promptly sat up ready to burst up and run all the way to my house if I had to. But luckily, Kokotari seemed to be drowned out and she went the other way of the city.

I sighed silently for a bit and then drowzily worn out, stared at a wall in front of me. Even if Kokotari found me and I began to run, I wouldn't know where I would have to locate my house. As of right now, I was lost in some alleyway where there were stores closed and one was even abandoned. I thought and then closed my eyes.

Stupid Kokotari... If she hadn't been drunk and hallucinating.. I wouldn't have ended up lost and so exhausted! I groaned and rested for a bit. Suddenly, I heard another trashcan crash to the ground. I woke up with a fright and my heart raced fast. "Who--?!" I said without thinking.

I looked to my left, no one there. I looked to my right quickly, thinking it was crazy Kokotari there with her weapon. I then saw the object in front of me. A black cat. I grumbled and then I sighed with relief, "Bah, cat, get out of here. You scared half the life out of me. Well thank goodness it wasn't the slut..." I put my head up and then looked at the sky. Half closing my eyes, I stared up into deep space.

It wasn't till I felt a raindrop hit my forehead. I opened my eyes fully again and then sitting on the ground, I stood up. "Eh! The news didn't say no rain was going to come today! Damn weatherman." Looking down for a sudden, I glared right into the eyes of the black cat. It meowed and then I jumped up.

"What the-- You stupid cat! Get out of here, why the hell are you still here!? Shoo! Shoo!" I gulped and then I got an abrupt shiver up my bony spine. I moved a little close to the wall, then I pondered for a bit. What is wrong with that cat? It just keeps staring at me.. like the slut back then...

That cat had me standing on the tips of my toes.

I sat back down and then I looked at the cat. "We're just a bunch of punks running around like crazy.. trying to think what to do for life. Gah.... what am I going to do when I get out of damn school... I don't even have a clue of what profession I should take up. Damn it all.. damn you life!" I hit my fist onto the ground. I was frustrated, it seemed like everyone was ganging up on me as I looked at my life now.

There were no such things as happy times in my life. It was mostly all made up of hardships and trouble... but.. now...

I had an image of a girl I used to like just now. It was faint.. but it made me happier just now.

Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"If you hate life so much, then just kill yourself already."

I blinked and for a second then, I didn't get startled. "What the--?" I looked around, left and right. No one who was human. Just the black cat, me, and this dirty old alley. I looked down at the cat, "What? Do you know who said that, boy? Anyone there?!" I called out, turning away from the cat.

The voice again spoke. "Pay attention boy, you might just get stabbed or hurt if you don't pay heed to your surroundings. Or, you just might end up like me. ... I know, I'll let you suffer like I did... saying such stupid things to life is such a sorrowful thing to say. Suffer my curse, human."

I looked back to where the cat was and then out of the blue, I was attacked by a white haired figure and I was bitten on the left arm. I fell next to my side and then I held my arm. I was aching in pain all over, I groaned a bit and then I really felt the pain hit me just then. "AGHHHHHH!" I screamed, it felt like getting stitches without any anesthesia at first, or it felt like getting hit by 50 baseball bats all over. Whatever you would think the pain would be, it was really painful.

The white figured stood up from me and looked down at me. The wind coldly blew over us both. The figure's golden amber eyes stared at me, who was suffering in agony. "Happy Friday the 13th, punk."

Those were the last words I heard before I passed out under the silent, dark, cold rain.


Ahhhhh *blushing* xD I hope it's not so stupid for an introduction because I need to make a 3rd revision of this story! I still need to continue writing this one and my other ones =) I hope you guys enjoy though >.>

Michiyo Shimizu
Date Published
03/06/08 (Originally Created: 03/05/08)
Future Mangaka in Progress
Original Anime and Manga Fan Words
8 hugs hug
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