My Date With A Tribal Gildas Magnus

So, there I was, the most gorgeous guy in the universe gazing at me with a hungry look in his eyes. This was NOT an ordinary day for me. I think I should probably go back a bit. Hang on…
Ahh! Here we go. This morning.

So I woke up at around 9 am. After getting up, I picked out my best outfit (a black shirt and trousers, you can never have too much Smart Black) and threw it on. I stretched, yawned, and dragged myself downstairs. I was the only one awake, so I made my own rushed breakfast, chucked it down my throat and ran back upstairs. Making sure I had my wallet, and enough money, my phone and my keys, I grabbed my comb, streaked my hair in front of my eyes and slipped on my shoes. I walked out the front door, locked it behind me, and headed for the train station. The walk was short and uneventful, and I arrived with a few minutes to spare. I jumped on the train bought a ticket and sat myself down, plugging in my headphones and blasting some Nightmare into my ears.

About fifteen minutes later, I arrived. I should probably explain this a little better; it was Saturday, and my friend (who lives in the town I’d just arrived in) and I were going shopping and guy-hunting. This was the first time she’d been hunting with another guy, but seeing as we were both single and needed that changing, she was more than happy to go with me. We’d meet at Ben&Jerry’s, and work our way through the town. So anyway, I walked out of the station and headed down the steps, the large shopping centre looming overhead. I walked in, noticing the lack of crowd, and headed towards Ben&Jerry’s. As I turned the corner, I saw her standing in the doorway and waved. She waved back, her glasses glinting in the light, and ran over.

“Oh, hey! It’s great to see you again!” She began, and stood up to hug me. I leant down a little and hugged her back (me being tall and everything). “So, where first?” I asked, and she shrugged. Without a definite destination, we began to meander, stopping off occasionally at a shop we wanted to visit. After a while, we’d hit Thornton’s Chocolatier, GAME, H&M, Waterstone’s Bookstore and a couple more, and we sat down on a bench to rest. I opened the box of fudge I’d bought, and offered a piece to my friend, slipping one into my own mouth. Crossing my legs (a habit of mine), I grabbed my new Death Note manga (Number 4) and opened it to the first page, nibbling on the nail of my thumb. I noticed a lot of people’s feet pass by, and after a few minutes, my friend poked me, and I looked over to her, seeing her look suggestively to a space in front of me. I heard a coughing sound, and followed her eyes to see the most gorgeous guy in the universe gazing at me, a hungry look in his eyes.

“I… uhh… I hate to sound forward, but are you… gay?” My mouth had run dry, but somehow I managed to both talk AND keep a steady, calm voice. Miracle. “Yes, I am. Any reason you wanted to know?” The guy (who looked about 17, silvery hair, electric eyes) blushed ever so slightly. “Well, I was kind of wondering if you had a boyfriend or not. And if you don’t, then I’d like to know if you’re free next Saturday.”

My heart skipped a beat. No, really, it literally did. My mouth opened silently and my friend smiled widely, and for a second I couldn’t talk. “Uhh… No, I’m single…” was all I could stutter out, and the boy held out his hand. “Me too, but I was hoping you’d change that. The name’s Jaster. Jaster Tribal.” I slowly held my hand forward, and he took it gently. His hands were so soft… “I… I’m Stevie…” Jaster smiled. “Nice to make your acquaintance, Stevie.” He turned to my friend. “I’m sorry, I’m being so rude. Jaster Tribal.” My friend nodded back at him, smiling. “Helen. Nice to meet you.” Jaster turned back to me, his hand still wrapped in mine. “I hate to sound mean,” he said to Helen, “But do you mind if me and Stevie here go our own way?” I looked at her nervously, and she laughed, smiling. “Of course not! We were just finishing off, anyways. I’ll GH on my own, kay? Text me later, Stevie!” She waved and walked off, a slight spring in her step.

I turned back to Jaster. “I… uhhh…” He laughed, gently. Perfectly. “Don’t be so nervous. I’m sure a good-looking, well-read guy such as yourself gets this all the time.” I giggled slightly. “No I… I really don’t…” He looked shocked. “Modest, too! My, I think I’ve found perfection!” I blushed slightly, and he laughed, intertwining his fingers in my own. “Wanna catch a movie?”

He took me to the movie theatre and we watched “Twilight”, a movie about vampires. At one point, Jaster poked me lightly, and I turned to face him. He wiggled his finger at me in a suggestive, come-hither way, and I leaned closer, expecting a kiss. Instead, he turned his head slightly and began nibbling at my neck in a vampiric way. If it wasn’t for the many, many people in the room, I’d have moaned pretty loudly, but thankfully I was able to contain myself, partly through sheer will but partly through biting down hard. As soon as the movie was over, I slapped the back of his hand gently and he gave me a sheepish grin. “Sorry. Movie gave me ideas. I… I was thinking dinner?”

I gasped. He’d already paid for the movie. “I… you sure? I… I mean, I must be costing you a lot and we… hardly know each other!” He shrugged slightly, and gave me a cheeky grin. “That’s why I want to get to know you better. And how better to do that than over dinner?” I frowned slightly, thinking things through, and nodded. It was one dinner. What could it hurt? “Okay. One dinner. You have one chance to get to know me.” He smiled broadly, and took my hand again. “Where to?” I smiled. “I don’t mind, as long as it’s not something totally cheap.” He looked around. “How about Pizza Hut?” I nodded, and he lead me by the hand to the restaurant, smiling all the way.

We talked a lot over dinner, and whilst waiting for the food. After, he smiled at me, and I looked back at him oddly. “What?” He simply smiled that perfect smile of his. “You eat cute.” I blushed slightly as he took my hand beneath the table. He looked into my eyes, his own electric blue eyes shining brightly as he smiled. “I’m really glad I met you, you know…” I blushed more and looked away. “I… I’m glad I… wasn’t so much a coward that I let you slip by. I… this is the first date I’ve been on, and I’m… pretty new to all this.” He smiled broadly. “Well, let’s hope that I’m more than just a good night, hmm?” I blushed wildly and tried to hide it, my hand flying up to my face. “A Good Night? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Jaster smiled and leaned in, across the table, and I leaned in too. When he got close enough, he began whispering into my ear and playing with my hair. “I meant that tonight’s been fun… but if you thought I meant more…” I blushed and whispered back. “I… uhh… I thought you were thinking about…” He laughed slightly. “And would you like that? I… have a place we can go to…” I blushed deeper than ever before, and pulled back, startling him slightly. “I… I mean, I…” He laughed slightly, and started drinking his soda. “It’s fine. We’ll go to my house, and… see what happens. You can call home to say you’re staying round Helen’s, they’ll be fine about it.” He remembered her name. Interesting. He was remembering everything he could about me… And now, as we caught the train, my hand in his, I couldn’t help but feel… almost irresistibly attracted to him.

Gildas Magnus
Date Published
11/26/08 (Originally Created: 11/24/08)
Gildas' Fics
Final Fantasy IX Fan Words
2 hugs hug
1 member Favoritefavorite
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