Light The Night RabiXExorcist

The wind had his red hair flowing into his line of sight, threatening to become a ratty mess. Despite the streaks of crimson that kept invading his vision, the mountains were still breath-taking. The last of the warm colors still falling from their trees, leaving their limbs near naked. The bark being the last of the protection those trees would have come the end of the month. Autumn came late in this part of the continent, leaving even later, causing winter to come and go off balance with spring and summer. Christmas being no more than hours away, and yet this world was untouched by the chilling snow and sorrowful ice.

“It… It’s gorgeous.”

He felt the hand more than saw it as it scooped the bit of mane back away from his eyes. His gaze drifted from the pure white clouds to the little wooden shack on the other end of the pond. The small waters were sparkling from the sun’s rays and little splashes could be heard as the fish took their last swims of the year. A tight yank on his hair drew him away from the beautiful mixtures of warm and cool shades at his feet. He turned to slap away the hands that had pulled his locks into their low pony-tail, but when he saw the girl’s smile, every bit of anger drained from his face.

“I’ve been so fortunate to see this every year, but sometimes, I think I forget the beauty of it all… Sometimes, it doesn’t dawn on me the wonderful things I’m surrounded with until I see the looks on other people’s faces when they witness it for the first time.”

This water is the only thing that separates her from her parents. That pond keeps them safe from one side and the forest from the other, making it too treacherous for the officials to surround. There aren’t any windows, so if we started from at the liquid’s edge…

“How would you feel to see it all go up in flames?”

Studying the look of contemplation on her face, he had to wonder just how he’d get his plan past her. She seemed to care too much for the land around her, and a fire would possibly damage the only home she’d known if it weren’t contained properly. After a moment, she put her hands behind her back and smiled a knowing grin at him.

“You know, I think it would be good. This land hasn’t had a chance to be reborn since before I was put on this planet. As long as it wouldn’t harm the ancients, I don’t have a problem with it.”

Patting the girl on the head, he moved past her and headed into her cabin to get the few things he needed. Putting his hand on the knob, he stopped, hearing her voice as she called from behind him.

“You can call me Cat!”

Leering to himself, he shook his head as he walked into the unlocked building. Images of annoying little fuzzy kittens popped into his head, a wretched mewling echoed at his memory. Cat… what a stupid name.


He lit his cigarette, mentally apologizing for the smoky smell that would forever be stuck in the borrowed sweater. It disgusted him at how much of a vagabond he looked in the pale yellow sweater, bandages, fingerless gloves, and ripped denim pants. They couldn’t expect him to ruin his own flawless clothing in saving their asses, now could they?

Lifting his finger up, he drew a pentagram in the center of circle he’d made with the symbols he had drawn in salt on the ground. Grabbing his shovel, he jumped out of the sphere, making motions in the air. The ground crumbled as a trench dug itself around the small shack. It filled with water from pond, forming a small mote that would control the flames of later.

Three people came running out of the building as the ground shook with the after shocks of his magic. Laughing, he slung the spade over his shoulder, only pretending to hear what they yelled at him. He carefully scanned the area behind them, making sure that Cat could get past the liquid without too much trouble.

“Who pissed in your wheaties? I’ve been ordered to get rid of that shack and expand the pond.”

He held out a forged document that he and the midget had taken all afternoon to perfect. The scowls that appeared on their faces just proved that the little man knew a thing or two about making things look official. Seeing Cat and two people leave into the woods, he heaved a large sigh past his cigarette at the men.

“Look, if you can get the owner of the property to sign off on not wanting this finished, then I’ll stop.”

“Good, we’ll be right back with his signature.”

Hearing the shouts that came from the shack at the missing hostages, he smirked. Sprinkling a bit of gun powder from the pouch he carried, he waited a moment before tossing his light on it. Smoke arose as the flames began to sprout, spreading over the grass and towards the building, being stopped only by the trench. The heat spread over his body as he stayed to watch the flames dip and rise, dancing in the sky as they consumed the wooden planks of the far wall. The dark sky grew lighter as the stars seemed to echo the calls of the fire, brightening in approval of what had conspired.

He turned away from the brilliance and warmth, letting the cool air calm him as he headed back towards the cabin. Calling the hearth deity’s servant to him, he picked up his clothing. Not waiting to see the outcome, he motioned for the man to take him back to his place in Europe.

“It will burn itself out… I don’t need to wait and see how everyone is, nor hear their pathetic squabbling as they decide on what to offer as thanks.”


Mister McGealach,

Thank you for helping them, we would have gone ourselves if the girl had not asked specifically for you. We do hope your package will find you well, and we have sent the girl her gift from you.

Forever will we remain in your debt.
-Kringle Deity of the Hearth

(P.S.: I really appreciated your offering last night, the Conti made for an excellent stress reliever.)

Crinkling up the note in his hand, he opened the box that had been rocking back and forth on the ground. Closing his eye, he smacked a palm to his forehead, growling in discomfort. You can take your royal “we” and shove it up your ass. A small white kitten with a red star above its left eye stared up at him with pleading dark eyes. Sighing, he pulled it out of the box, holding it gently against him. It was a pathetic little runt and reminded him far too much of the boy who had been forced to try and take his life. Placing a kiss to the purring creature’s forehead, smiling into it’s fur.

“I’ll give you two guesses as to what I’m going to name it.”

He smirked over at the girl and her family who stood in his door way. She grinned back as he motioned for them to come in. Her father had made a motion to whisper his guess in his daughter’s ear, waiting to hear her approval.

“No, he wouldn’t name it after me… It’s going to be Allen.”

Shocked, he stared at the girl, wondering just how she seemed to know so much about him. She’s probably just some rabid fan girl… I’ve got nothing to worry about, even if she is stalking me. Nodding his head, he glanced between her and the kitten.

“Where’s the midget? I’ve got something to say to him.”

“Right here, though you needn‘t say a word. The moon will always be famous no matter what it owes the pleasure of being able to thank for its position.”

A grinning short man, dressed in a dark green and brown leafy patterned uniform saluted him.


A/N: Alright, Lazy's most epic Christmas present is finished and posted ON CHRISTMAS! What's wrong with this? I've managed to get most of my stuff done on time this year! Anyways, yesh I did base the original character off of Lazy, as she has been my inspiration for the entire thing. I don't think I got her personality right (she didn't faint, swoon, nosebleed, or any thing like that even once in the story). Oh well, as long as you'll enjoy it, I don't have any problems.

Date Published
12/25/08 (Originally Created: 12/25/08)
Kuroi: Finished FanFiction
D.Gray-man Fan Words
4 hugs hug
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