You Can Love Me or Hate Me DeidaraNarutoClan

That's my motto. I'll have to say that because I really have nothing to live for mainly. I should start from where it began though. It started all with that place...

Mainly, Tai and Sora would run into each other now and again, but I wasn't conscious of all their events, especially since I wasn't born. Tai'd get annoyed at Sora now and again for being like Goofy during fights, but Sora's big-toothed grin would always convince Tai otherwise and to start laughing.

Other than that, Tai never stayed around Sora for very long and would mainly stay within the town he woke up in. I believe it was called... Twilight Town. It's been a long time since I've been there though needless to say, I'm probably better off.

Tai was the type not to make friends too well because he never really smiled and appeared pretty cold to others. He carried around an odd keyblade. It didn't look anything like Sora's nor should I say it looked anything like Roxas'. It was pure black but it had a chain with a pink heart attached. He wasn't cold though. He didn't hate anyone. He didn't even like eliminating heartless. He was just himself... a somebody...

Could I say he was weak? Yeah, I could. He was weak of heart, but I'd have to say he was noble... He was too noble. He's a lot different from me, but... we are the same...

Tai was within Twilight Town, mostly checking out different things. He didn't have a job within this town he was just found in one day, but he made it by. One day was unusual though, I'd have to say it was the the exact same day Roxas disappeared completely from here and Sora was whole... while Tai disappeared... and I was born.

All over, there were odd-looking heartless. they had a different symbol on them and they were also fully white. But there were also regular heartless appearing in the dozens. Tai fought them with ease and was able to take most of them down, but he couldn't destroy one.

One quivered in the corner, it hadn't even tried to fight Tai or approach like the others. Tai approached the little heartless with his usual frown and held his keyblade to the heartless. It looked up at Tai but didn't attack and just closed it's beady little yellow eyes, waiting for Tai's finishing blow.

Tai couldn't deliver it and looked at the heartless with curiosity. "What's wrong? Why aren't you attacking?" Tai asked.

"Maleficent... She's so strict and cruel of everyone else that I don't want to listen..." the heartless told him, "I'd rather die..."

Tai looked stunned that a heartless was even doing this. Was it a trick? I thought it was, but I had no say in the matter. Tai picked the heartless up. "You don't deserve to die, no one does, except for the cruel," Tai said to the heartless.

It looked at the ground. "Then you should kill me... I was turned into a heartless because of my own actions. My destiny was already fated this way because of what I chose and yours is to kill me."

The heartless jumped out of Tai's arms and looked up. Tai put his keyblade up. "Not if I choose."

He picked the heartless up again. "It'd be nice to know your name," the heartless said.

"I'm Tai, what about you?"

The heartless looked down. "I don't have a name anymore."

"That's not right," Tai said, "... I'll call you Ai."

And with that, I'd have to say Ai became Tai's heartless. Ai didn't want to leave the other heartless with Maleficent, especially since she did make friends among the heartless. And others, like one heartless, Vivi, disappeared. I thought that Ai should've gone back to the heartless or Tai should've just gotten rid of that girl/it heartless. I wasn't in control though, nor was I born as I said. I was though... the next day.

Tai stayed within Twilight Town, but ran into a lot of heartless and the white heartless (lesser nobodies). Due to that, it was bound to happen, but Tai was ambushed by a lesser nobody. Ai was out of energy and would die if Tai didn't do anything. "I'm sorry Tai... I'm not really any help..."

Tai looked at Ai. "It's not your fault... If I'm going to die, you are going to live."

Tai pulled Ai in. "Take my heart, you'll have enough energy to escape."

Ai was shocked at what he just said and shook her head. "I couldn't..."

"Just take my heart. I'm going to die anyway, you at least deserve to escape."

Ai looked at Tai again and then reluctantly took Tai's heart and absorbed it. Thank you... and Ai disappeared.

She didn't see what happened next, but I admit, I have to thank the little blob. Tai gave his heart willingly and I appeared right there, but had no memory of that former life. The lesser nobodies crowded around me and I gave them a could glare. "What do you want?" I asked in a cold voice.

"Do you know why you are here?" one asked.


"Do you have a purpose?"

"No, I have none, I'm just here," I replied.

"Do you want one?"

I looked up. "No, I don't need one. There's no point. Everyone will live and die, but that's it. Nothing else comes of it. We on the other hand don't die until we are eliminated."

"Do you really think that?"

I didn't answer. "Do you want a purpose?" they asked again.

I was reluctant but shrugged and left with them. You can say a lot of things. I'm the opposite of Tai. I'm a part of him. He's a somebody while I'm a nobody. He died for a heartless to live and I was born because of that black blob. But... I have to say "You can either love me or hate me, but you can't choose both." if you think I'm just a cold-hearted bastard. It's your opinion, but I wish you don't think of me that way.

Xait (a Nobody)

Date Published
01/10/09 (Originally Created: 01/03/09)
Kingdom Hearts Fan Words
12 hugs hug
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