A Thousand Teeth SandLover13

A long time ago, in the Hidden Leaf village, the most horrible monster roamed the streets. It was ten feet tall with yellow eyes and a thousand teeth. In the morning he would gobble up the ninjas who had missions to go to. In the afternoon, the beast ate up the women and children who were taking naps. But by night fall, he would roam into the streets looking for his dinner.

In the center of the Leaf village, there lived Jess, a purple-haired girl working in a restaurant/bakery. One morning, as Jess was baking cupcakes, the hokage had offered a reward of a hundred bags of gold to anyone who can capture the beast.

"Oh," Jess sighed. "wouldn't I just like to win those hundred bags of gold!"

"Nonsense! You're too small," the owner of the restaurant sneered, "Now run along and take these pizzas to the Hokage's office before it gets dark."

So Jess set off on a journey. Eventually, she got lost on the crowded streets.

"Where am I?" Jess asked to herself. Before she could ask anyone, the people ran away to their warm homes. Jess was alone, the full moon rising in the star-lit sky. Jess felt someone hit her, and she collapsed.

When Jess woke up, she was in jail where the jailer with the key slept. She looked around to see who else was here. That's when she saw it. The beast with a thousand teeth! The beast's stomach growled. He grabbed the boxes of pizza that Jess had and he gobbled it up, and then turned to Jess.

"Please don't eat me! Wouldn't you rather have more food?" Jess cried. The beast stopped and looked at Jess. Then he looked back at the empty pizza boxes.

"Well," the beast thought about it, "...they were very yummy pizzas.....I liked the pepperoni ones particularly. But there are no more left, so I'll just have to eat you!" The beast picked up poor Jess and pulled her into his claws.

"If you don't eat me, I'll make you more food. I'll make you lots of it, for I'm the best chef in the village." Jess pleaded.

"Will you make more pepperoni ones?"

"Oh yes! I'll make you as many pepperoni ones as you can eat!!!" Jess said. The beast smiled, showing off his white, sharp teeth.

"Very well. My name is Shukaku." Shukaku said proudly. Jess shook hands with him.

The following days in jail, Jess sneaked into the kitchen to make pizzas of all varieties. Before she could put them in the oven, Shukaku looked at them disappointed.

"You haven't made any pepperoni ones!" Shukaku complained. Jess put pepperoni on all the pizzas and cooked them in the oven.

"There are you," Jess said, "They're all pepperoni!"

"Great!" Shukaku cheered and ate the lot. Well, Shukaku grew so fond of Jess and her cooking that he decided to only eat people he didn't like. For a month, he stayed in his cage eating and eating, and growing bigger and bigger.

But one night, Shukaku winced. He was too big for the cage and he was suffocating in the tight cage. Jess felt sorry for Shukaku, so she baked a big chocolate cake for him. She put the cake in Shukaku's mouth. As soon as Shukaku swallowed, the cage broke into metal pieces.

"I'm free, free at last!" Shukaku roared happily. He put Jess in his pocket and ran out of the cell.

"What the heck's going on?" A police officer grumbled.

"So long, Suckers!" Shukaku smirked, spitting out his tongue. To make a long story short, Jess went to the Hokage to claim the hundred bag of gold. Shukaku still rampaged, but he didn't eat people....mostly. Legend has it that if anyone who hated Jess or had a bad soul was Shukaku's prey.

Date Published
01/17/09 (Originally Created: 01/07/09)
Untold Naruto FairyTales
Naruto Fan Words
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