Sakura Con Videos Japan

I'm sorry. I managed to delete the TheOtaku meet-up pictures off my thumb drive while trying to make the Sakura Con youtube slide show. However, my friend still has it on his laptop. I will post them up here possibly tomorrow.

The Sakura Convention was the first anime convention that I ever went to. From what I saw, I'm very impressed. I just wish that Saturday's events were more spread out. I went to all of the dances except for the masquerade ball. It's funny how the dances shook the entire convention building. The wall dividers were literally squeaking with all the moshing going on. Other than that, I am so upset that I missed the concerts, shonen-ai panel and the Ikki Tousen panel. Oh well, better luck next year.

I think that I spent too much in the dealers room. I bought a reversed blade katana, Gundam Wing Zero model (Master Grade), Urahara t-shirt, two random anime surprise bags, some FF7 and Bleach art work from the artist gallery, and a bleach folder and pencil board.

I had a fun time at the TheOtaku meet-up and I encourage everyone who can to attend. Miss A really outdid herself with the snacks. Any food from Uwajimaya = YUM. Gail really is a sweet lady and Someguy looks really spiffy in his Shinsengumi get-up. (yes he is in my Sakura video)

The podcast was a lot of fun too however I am really nervous about actually being 'in' it. Funny how Batou just disappeared like that.

I am definitely going to attend next year and I already decided on what I am going to cosplay as. Bankai Ichigo and Rikku from FFX-2. This will be interesting.

Without further ado, here are the videos, enjoy! (I had to split it into three parts because it was so long.

The other videos may be found here.

Date Published
04/09/08 (Originally Created: 04/01/08)
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